Chapter 93 - Eighty-Nine (1/2)

”There it is.” Says Isa, pointing up with his chin and quickly looking away so no one would get suspicious as we keep walking. ”The research center towards that area. Since they, sometimes, deal with rare diseases, and have exclusive VIP areas, their central is separated from the common area, so this is as close as I got to it.”

Still following behind him I ask: ” Who is allowed to enter?”

”The researchers, of course, some healers who assist them, mostly novices that are training; which means, mostly the elite; and the ones who compile the books for them.”

”Uhm…” I answer, slightly narrowing my eyes towards my target, the building hidden behind the trees with only the top visible where they held the cure for Aeglos, hopefully. Now now, how should I do this? Hopefully the place was better organized than my own library, it would really make my life easier than having to search every sector to know where any information regarding Aeglos problem was.

Hell now that I think about it what type should I search for? It would be probably a book, but under what sector? Mental control? Puppet magic? Black goopy disease?

Well, all of that if possible, but I doubt it; so let's stick with Aeglos little mental problem shall we?

The temptation of going there right away and dealing with all of this in one blow was real, but even I knew that it would be a really bad idea, so I look away and follow Isa… for now.

We did not get close enough for me to assert the place up this time, especially because it was still day and out of the path we normally would take, so to avoid suspicious Isa only showed me the building from afar, indicating the direction I should take to get there.

”So what is the plan now?”

”Stay low and play our parts.” Isa says before a young eunuch comes rushing, stopping in front of Isa to catch his breath and say:

”Sister Isa, welcome back, is good to see that you received our request and came back in time.” I can see in the corner of my eye how Isa scowls a little before smiling:

”Letter? I didn't receive any.”

”What? How so?” The little eunuch seems to be taken back a little, but soon realizes it and coughs to hide it. ”I see, then it is even more fortunate that you made in time.” He says, his clean face giving more emphasis to his puffy cheeks as he smiles.

”In time for what?”

”The High Priestess sent a message requesting that all the High Sisters should be present tomorrow night for a reunion at dinner.”

”A dinner? And with all of us? That's unusual, any idea the reason for it?”

”Ah… eh, only that she will announce something important Sister.”

”I see… thank you for letting me know.”  Isa says, and was about to leave, when the eunuch reaches for him.

”Ah, wait! Sorry, but that's not all, we will need you to fill the reports about your adventures as well and…”

He keeps talking about a bunch of things Isa needed to do, mostly bureaucratic, and all probably delayed because Isa never stayed long in here, being outside all the time.

Probably the safest way to keep his identity hidden… and keep himself alive.

I'm brought back from my thoughts to their talk when Isa hands his bag to be, swinging it back and almost hitting me, as he says: ”Seems like I have a lot to do, take our things to our room and prepare the place for me. Little brother, may I ask you to guide her there? Is her first time in this place so I fear she will get lost…”

”Oh, no problem Sister Isa, is my pleasure.”

At that Isa turns around and leaves me with this young eunuch… which oddly enough seems to be the first honest one in here; though I know better than to let my guard down.