Chapter 86 - Eighty-Two (1/2)

When I woke up the next morning I realize that I overslept, but even though I slept like a log I still felt tired somehow, as if in need of a longer rest; or a more calm one at that, worsening from the fact that my back was now sore from sleeping in the corner without moving.

Beyond having my heart and mind heavy I was still supplying my shadows with mana, in a way that I was almost breathing and eating for them, so I can understand why that happened; and why I was so hungry too.

So I stand, stretching my arms, passing the back of my hand over my mouth as I look around me, seeing that the place was mostly empty, only Aeglos and Eyope laying, and for the smell of food I had a good guest where they all went.

I blink the sleep away as I follow the smell of food, finding Leonel and the others on the porch, eating outside while sitting on the edge, looking over the destroyed garden.

Well, I guess that is better than the destroyed living room thanks to Leonel and that knight…

Speaking of the devil he is standing on the side stirring a pot of warm tasty food; and I knew that without even looking nor tasting, which brought my stomach to life.

Hell, I didn't even need to see it, saying that Leonel cooked it was already enough proof of how yummy it would be.

”Want some?”

”Hell yeah, I'm starving. What is it?”

”Chicken soup.”

Wait, I understand if you do that for the sick, but why us as well? Guess I have no place to complain though; so I only say:

”Can I have extra meat?” Or maybe only meat? Not a fan of soups; thought his were as great as soup could ever be.

Leonel raises his eyebrow, as if aware of my line of thought, and smile. ”Sure, if you behave today.” I raise an eyebrow at that, a playful smile on my face.

”What, I always am.” Behaving like I want to that is.

I was already with a bowl in hand when he said that, and even though I played with him I already had a bad feeling that I wasn't going to like what he would say next; but, well, it wasn't as bad as he made it sound.

”I spoke with the others while you were asleep and already planned some things.” I figure he would not be waiting without doing anything, and I bet he had something planned even before today while I rampage through the woods, but I tried to ignore my pride in having to do everything on my own for the sake of knowing he was doing it for mine and my brothers own good. It was good to count on others from time to time; it wasn't on my nature to do so though.

I sigh heavily as he puts a hand on my back and guides me towards the others, sitting down on the edge as well and bringing me with him as I munched a piece of tender extra chicken.

I guess he knew I would listen better with a full belly and something occupying my mouth so I would not complain; though I can say that, right now, I only cared about having some food to replace what those two rascals were sucking out of me.

And something tells me I'll have to use those two shadows a lot more from now on, ugh.

”First things first, one of the few things that are less important is the original plan of making that safe heaven.” Funny how quickly it turned from the main objective to we will do if we have time. ”So I was speaking with Ragnur.” Hearing his name Ragnur shouts from the back, making food fly out his mouth and on his bear as I scowl with the image.

”And he was explaining a few things for me; first that dwarves have three main kingdoms: Ironforge, Firebend and Lockinge. Thankfully he is from the closest to us, Lockinge, and even better is that, as the other two specialize in forging jewelry, weapons, and things with metal and ore from the mountains inside their territory, his place has more merchant view, as they have lagoons and rivers that connect then quickly towards big human cities, plus are located along three humans kingdom.”

”Four!” Ragnur corrects. ”Plus the two dwarves kingdoms.”

”So…” Leonel continues. ”They are specialized in building things to sell, such as wooden furniture, houses, you name it. My idea was that he could go back there ahead of us and have them make some houses, that way you could put them in your space and take them off when we are ready to start and settle in. What do you think?”