Chapter 59 - Fifty-Seven (1/2)
”W-what? Wait, you knew about those plants? And you didn't tell me?!”
”You didn't look like you wanted any help…”
Before I could get mad at him, his intense gaze so close to my face holds my reaction down as he continues: ”Plus they weren't very dangerous, I knew you could take care of them, but you can image my surprise when I hear you call my name there…”
I start to panic a little, fl.u.s.tered; don't know if because of the memory, of his proximity, of the prospect of him knowing, or all at the same time; my ears go down, then up, then sideways, unable to stay still as I look sideways, avoiding his gaze.
”Tha-that's all you heard?”
”Why, should I have heard more than that?”
”N-no! Of course not! Ha, haha.” I nervously laugh, looking down as his lips again.
Goddamnit Thilgon control yourself!
As I was panicking, however, Leo strokes my cheek smoothly with the back of his fingers, bringing my attention back to him as a small warm smile curves his lips up, his hand still over my face as he says:
”Little hound… If you just let me show you how much I love you…” His raspy deep voice sends shivers down my spine as he slowly made his way with the words. ”But I want you to trust that I will go on your pace, just give me a chance, uhm…?”
He closes the distance between us, making me close my eyes and stiffen, only for him to put his forehead on mine.
”Do you trust me…?” He said, so close, so warm, I could feel his breath on my skin.
”I-I don't know…”
”Can you trust that I won't hurt you at least?”
I swallow dry; I don't know! He sighs.
”For what?”
”For not… corresponding the way you wished me too…”
”Is ok, I didn't think you would, but I know you tend to do everything on your own, so at least talk to me, ok?”
”Well, I think I can do that…” I can tell he smiles even with my eyes closed, my heartbeat steadying as I calmed down with his smooth voice and slow caress of my cheek.
Until he asks:
”Can I kiss you?”
Aaaand my heartbeat speeds up again. I bit my lower lip, quickly thinking; well, I know that I don't love Leo, but I don't dislike him, I mean, he is pretty attractive and all, there a few flaws, and I believe that he truly loves me as deep as he makes it sound.
Which only made things scarier.
Everything was full of meanings, and even a simple kiss would weight a lot for him.
And the perspective of loving him… was the scariest of all.
Yet… what type of coward would I be to give up before even trying it? Did I want to give up? I had many chances to simply walk away, or even a simple no would do.
And yet again I keep giving him hope, I keep giving him space in my life… as pity? No… It was… because I did not want to?
Did I… in the end, wanted to give this a chance? Us a chance?
”… You saw it didn't you?”
”Uhm?” He says, acting clueless.
”What happened in the illusion… because you are making it happen all over again.” He chuckles, the prick.
”I may have, I may not…”
I snort at that, making him chuckle again as I wet my lips, and he asks:
”I was just curious why this appeared as one of your fears… And wanted to change that.”
I sigh. ”I… well…” I look away as he steps back and stares at me, patient and eager. ”I don't love you… but I don't dislike you either… But I'm scared of this.”
”Scared? Why? Of what?”
”Scared of… loving you back.”
He looks at me puzzled as I explain:
”Love can be a good feeling… but is a scary one too. Is like giving a piece of yourself to the other, as if your pain is my pain, I- how can I explain this…I don't live with shallow feelings, I go head deep in all, that's why I need to choose wisely who I trust, I- God, I-uhm… For example, I love my brother so much that I would die for him, so much that if one day something bad happens to him, I don't know if I would be able to keep going, it would be a stab in the heart, I-, damn, I'm just making it worse aren't' I?” He nods a no, suddenly very happy, which makes me look, my time to be puzzled.
”I'm happy that you shared it with me. Is not easy to admit that you are scared. You were very brave, so thank you.”
He smiles again, curving his cheeks up and showing his teeth, such an uncommon bright smile coming from him that stuns me for a few seconds.
I don't react until he falls back, giving a step back, as I quickly add, looking away and lowering my ears:
”And I might not mind a kiss…”
Plus to all I said maybe, just maybe, I was a little curious and I simply wanted to know if his lips really tasted the way they did in the illusion…