Chapter 38 - Thirty-Six (1/2)
We were outside now and, to my surprise, there was a day cycle in this floor; but with no sun, making the whole celling shine, which was very weird and bright.
As I looked outside I was still cracking my head to find a name for the little guy while he played with my fingers on the palm of my hand, as well as keeping an eye out for danger.
The good thing was that, at least, the massive river of energy from this floor lead deeper into the island, not in the middle of the ocean, thank God!
”Ah… I really want to get off this dungeon soon.” I say, sighing.
I was starting to get claustrophobic here, even if the place was big.
And I missed my brother too.
Leonel keeps walking beside me, not talking, as we follow the stone path up the hills inside the tropical forest, so it is a surprise once he starts speaking:
”What are you going to do once we are out of here?”
I look at him and almost trip on an exposed root, making the little one squeak and hop on top of my head, holding my ears for balance. Then I really think about what I was going to do, putting my plans into words:
”Well, I intend to train more, so I'll go to the desert with my brother so we can hunt down some fire creatures and consume their crystals. How about you?”
”Hm…” He seems to be thinking about it for the first time, as he says: ”Probably go back to my castle and make a name for myself.”
”Hm… I see, back to your… castle?!”
”Yes, I'm a prince on my human side, though it is just an empty title for now.”
…And he never thought that that was somehow important to say to me? What the hell! That only proved my line of thinking, that I really didn't know him in the least, and we have been together for days now!
Fuming, I get distracted by some palm trees with coconuts high above them. Sharpening my claws I hug the trunk and push myself upwards until I reach the goodies.
”Leo! Catch!”
I start throwing them at him until he had 5, and while I went down the tree Leo cleaned the outside of the coconuts and made a hole on top for us to drink with a knife.
We started walking again, still going up, once he cracks it open so we can eat the white stuff inside, wummy.
”So… Why did you come here then? I mean, to this dungeon.”
”For the experience.”
…That's it? Still not able to carry on a conversation now, is he? How I'm supposed to have this one sided conversation! Help me out here!
”For the experience? Really? I don't think you are getting that here, not after that display. Or perhaps it what something that happen here that made you… overpowered?”
Leo looks at me then, a calm expression in place as no answer comes from him, pissing me off slightly.
”Come on! There must be something you can tell me! How do you want me to trust you when you clearly keep things from me?!”
That took him off guard for once, and he diverted his eyes from me, thinking. I let it go so I wouldn't get nervous, again, for the same thing since that wouldn't make any difference beyond me getting a headache later after all.
We hiked the rest of the path in silence that day, passing through breathtaking landscapes, been high enough on the track to see the sea and the top of the trees below as well as some little rivers and waterfalls.
The silence was welcomed; at the same time that I wanted to know him better I regretted every futile attempt. But now I had another reason too.
To analyze that dream.
Of course I didn't think it was but a mere dream, it was too real to be, and how could I dream with something so… different from my reality? I haven't smelled those odors before, and yet knew exactly what they were; and worst, I knew who I was speaking to…
There was more to it, I knew it.
The night came abruptly, as if someone had turned off the lights, no orange in the sky nor the dark blue coming slowly, just pitch black and stars, making me think for a second that someone was attacking us and blinding us.
”We should camp.”
Caught by surprise we didn't have time to prepare a camping place, so no cabins or caves for us tonight. Instead, we found a clearing with a beautiful view of the platinum sea, the little guy illuminating the place with his red head like a lamp.
We took some clothes and blankets from my Shadow Pocket, cleaning the floor from leaves and making a semi-circle around the bonfire we lit.
I made my cocoon of blankets/clothes while I waited for Leo to cook something for us, smelling great as always, accompanied by the little guy hugging my chest.
”How about Shrum, Shu for short?”
”I know that is like having a brown dog and naming it Brownie, but I told you I'm terrible with names!”
He shrugged, starting to add the ingredients to yet another of his amazing soup; even if he still complained about the lack of salt, sugar and oil.
I could only fathom the taste his food would have if he had all those ingredients.
He puts sliced coconut, lemon juice, some mushrooms; don't let Shrum see it; slices of carrot, a fish we caught on the river before, and other green plants that I didn't recognize.
All fresh to the oven!
Never thought I would like so many dishes with less or even without meat as much as I did since Leo started cooking for me.
My mouth started to water as I changed back to my hound form, already caring the clothes to the bag, stretching my long legs and feeling like I had put my pajamas on.
Even more, it was safer to stay in my hound form in case we suffer an attack in the middle of the night.
I go back to my nest of blankets, bringing Shrum closer with my paw, and resting my chin on the other. Leo finishes the dish, putting the bowl in front of me, as we ate in silence.
Leo finishes first, straightening his posture, resting his hands on top of his lap. He looks at the fire, making the orange light reflect in his golden eyes, as he starts to talk:
”There are things I can talk about now… and others that I won't. I don't have any intentions of holding information from you, is just that now is not the right time. I can only promise you that one day in the future I'll tell you everything.”
He didn't seem to have finished so I wait patiently, licking the drops of soup from my snout.
”My power from before came from a specific training that not many can or are allowed to learn. Is a type of magic that doesn't need the experience or energy from other creatures to evolve. It absorbs from nature and the natural magic that's around us, but it takes more time to level up.”
”Though his far greater in a long time project, since you do not stop at the level most do, some even reach the path of immortality. Another factor is that those techniques are well hidden in each clan, only taught to those with an affinity and who pass their requirements.”
”My master was the holder of the ancient relics techniques, though I cannot enter in many details, all I can say is that it is the hardest yet one of the strongest type of Qi refining.”
”Qi refining?”