Chapter 6 - Six (1/2)
I woke up with the chirping of the birds and a growl in my belly. The lack of weight on my back brought a quick panic attack as I look beside me to my dumb brother.
The sound of his heartbeat was like music to my ears. My status went back to normal, only with a ”slightly hungry and thirsty”. His status were like this:
HP: 30-70
MP: 300-300
SP: 85-125
Status: Tired, Lack of Blood, slightly hungry and thirsty.
Ok, at least he didn't get anything worst and was recovering. The problem is how am I supposed to hunt alone and bring water to him? Hell, I hadn't left the cave that we were born before without mother, and now I was completely lost, alone, and in a strange place.
No, I should focus on getting food, anxiety wouldn't get me anywhere, and most importantly… I needed to become strong. As cliché as it sounds.
What's cliché?
I stretch my sore limbs, feeling better then yesterday, and give a big yawn. Moving my brother into a crevice, hiding him in the shadows, I made sure that the cave was safe; no bones, no scratch marks, no signal of life or an occupant. Good.
I didn't even have time to grief for my mother.
It may have been only for a month, but for that period she was our world; the food bringer, the shelter, the protector, and I could tell with one look how much she loved us. I'm sorry mother, sorry that we could not even take your body away from those creatures.
Anger wanted to boil inside of me, and I let it. Better been angry then sad and depressed. At least it would help me keep yourselves alive.
I reached the outside of the cave, the blinding light of the sun hitting me square in the face. Ugh. Yesterday we had a feast, but me alone wouldn't be able to take something so big, so better try foxes and rabbits for now.
One good thing at least is that I already know their smell.
Hm…Maybe I could give blood for my brother, for his thirst, but how would I make him drink? I hope he wakes up soon…
A chilling void spiraled in my belly once I start walking away from him, letting him unconscious and defenseless in a strange cave.
Shit, don't start it now, get a hold of yourself. The quicker we are done here, the better.
It took longer that I would like but I found three rabbits. The smell of blood would bring other predators - lesson learned -, but there was nothing I could do about it.
A little voice emerged from the cave as I walk in.
An arrow of happiness pierced my hearth. His first word was brother? Aw
”I'm here little one. Are you hungry?”
I drooped the rabbits in front of him, siting with my back straight and my ears up. I overlook the entryways as he got out of the hole.
”Here, eat it all.”
”But what about you?”
”I ate a few outside, don't worry about me. What you need to do right now is to regain your strength. Now hurry up” I said moving my paw up and down.
He eats, content, and I needed to hold back the rumble growing in my belly. He needed the food more then I, to replace all the blood and energy he lost.
I was lost in though when he finished his meal, a happy light filling his eyes.
”Thank you brother, you are the best”
I snore, looking away.
”Now now, what would mother say about that appearance hã? She taught you better than that. Clean that face up, gosh.”
He smiled, liking off the blood dripping from his snout.
”You are no better yourself brother.”
”Nothing I can do about it now. Now you go back to sleep, I will be gone for a little longer, ok? I will be back by night”
He didn't look happy but agreed, yawning as he disappeared in the hole. God, I needed sleep too so badly, but I haven't eaten anything yet, but even beyond that, I needed to hunt, to become strong, yada yada.
The humans weren't going to wait for it.
I had a fox after a little more than two hours searching and was ready to head back the cave when something caught my attention.
The smell of fire and smoke, coming from the north.
It wasn't possible, but few creatures could make fire… and one of them were the humans. Funny that they couldn't even control the flames but would try noneless.
It wasn't far, so for our safety it was better to check it out; not only because I was curious, of course.
Hiding in the shadows I got another level up in my stealth skills. Following the smell, I ended up with the vision of a circle of fire at the slop of the small hill. Some chant was been sang, something tribal and enchanting, while some creatures danced in circles around the fire, stomping their feet and making the ground shake.