Chapter 495 – Near escape! (1/2)
One hour….
Two hours….
Three hours….
Dong Xuebing did not know how much time had passed, but it’s dark when he woke up.
The waves hit Dong Xuebing’s face, and he looks around. He was stunned for a while before he remembered what happened. His plane exploded, and a huge wave swallowed him. Luckily, he is wearing his life jacket, and he is floating in the darkness. He could not see anything other than waves and the sea.
Where am I?
Where is the aircraft debris?
Dong Xuebing looks around with the help of the moonlight. He had lost his directions, and it should be night. His plane crashed in the afternoon, and he does not know his current location after drifting on the sea for hours. He only knows he is very far from the crash site.
This is the worst scenario!
Dong Xuebing is floating in the middle of the sea, helplessly. He sighed in his heart and knows it’s not so easy to escape death. Although he survived the air crash and explosion, he is still not out of danger. He is far from the crash site, and the search party will not find him. The search party might not even find the crash site as the plane had disappeared under the sea. At most, some debris can be found floating near the crash site, and the search plane might not even spot it.
Some things are destined to happen.
Dong Xuebing still cannot escape his fate.
Dong Xuebing cursed loudly, but no one can hear him in the vast sea!
I had barely survived the crash! I must think of a solution!
Dong Xuebing’s only hope is the search party’s plane notices him. But he must find somewhere to rest, as he cannot continue to drift around in the sea. He almost cannot feel his legs because of the cold.
It would be terrific if Dong Xuebing can find an island with trees and drinking water!
Dong Xuebing picks a direction and started swimming to find someplace he can rest. He also needs to move his body before he gets freeze to death.
One hour passed.
Two hours passed.
Dong Xuebing swam and swam. He will stop to rest when he is tired and continue after he regained his energy.
Nothing is around Dong Xuebing other than water. He could not see anything, and he can feel fishes brushing against him in the water. About fifteen minutes ago, he saw a two meters shadow swimming across his path and was shocked. He is afraid he might be eaten by a shark and quickly change direction to avoid that area.
The sea is scarier than the Amazon forest.
No one can survive without food and water. His fate will be freeze to death, starved to death, died of dehydration, drown, eaten by fishes, etc., in the end.
Middle of the night.