Chapter 293 - All You Can Find (1/2)
After tucking the drunk version of Auntie Martha in her bed, Olivia stayed for a few minutes to watch her aunt sleep.
It was the first time she saw her aunt in a hysterical and shaken state. Locking Auntie Martha's hair behind her ears, Olivia wished that her aunt's hangover won't hurt tomorrow.
”Poor auntie must have had the shock of her life,” Olivia uttered, cupping Auntie Martha's hand with hers.
She understood why her aunt was rattled after what happened. Who wouldn't be when the person who put their lives in misery claimed to be legally married to Henry?
And not only was Rona married to him, but her stupid brother went as far as assigning his fortune to the wretched woman?
Letting out a sigh, Olivia then closed her eyes and released the tension in her neck by stretching it left and right. She thought, had she not given Oliver a call, she would be coming in blind in the lion's den.
Earlier, after Auntie Martha ended their call, Olivia dialed Oliver's number. It took her twice to reach him, and it was apparent how exhausted he was from the tone of his voice.
According to Oliver, their father suffered a health scare, which was a downplayed term he coined for a massive coronary heart attack—it rendered Henry Lin to be placed in a medically induced coma.
Oliver narrated to Olivia the series of events which led to their father's hospitalization.
He stated that he and Henry were doing their morning routine, doing a run-through of Lin Prime Holding's 2021 goals, which they would present at the year-end board member's meeting.
However, Rona Co flung the door open and welcomed herself inside Henry's study.
”She just stood there with her arms folded on her c.h.e.s.t like a psycho,” Oliver described how Rona Co's attitude disgusted him. ”She was insisting for Dad to see their son and bury the baby, but we both know there wasn't any.”
Oliver went on and detailed how their father went ballistic, throwing anything his hand could grab towards Rona's direction before dropping dead like a rag doll on the floor.
Hearing Oliver's story, Olivia realized that maybe, their father had been under pressure after finding out that Rona Co wasn't pregnant.
Who were they kidding? If Henry really wanted to marry Rona, he would have done that years ago but he didn't.
Perhaps, Henry thought that since Rona claimed she was with his child, then maybe Henry could get the Pyxis as a packaged deal with his union to her.
Also, he could keep Rona on a leash, using their child to blackmail her in the future. However, after finding out that Rona was not pregnant at all, it looked as if he just offered his empire to Rona on a silver platter.
Snapping her out of her trance was a hand cupping Olivia's shoulders. She peered up and saw Oliver with a wry smile on his face.
Shifting on her seat, her eyes darted to her brother's pristine white dress shirt.
”Take a bath before you go home. Ava might sense that.” Olivia's hands lifted, her fingers traced the crimson dots splattered on Oliver's shirt. ”You know you didn't have to watch it, right?”
He absently nodded, but his gaze was far out through the window. Suddenly, a lone tear dropped from the corner of Oliver's eye.
Without looking at Olivia he spoke, ”She deserved worse. If I could go back in time and give her another life, I would pick a harsher punishment for her.”
”Like what Dad did to me.”
Olivia squeezed her brother's hand. She heard from Ava an abridged story of Oliver's younger days, and she was thankful how he pulled himself up from utter ruin. She squeezed his hand one more time, tethering Oliver back to reality.
Olive broke away from his stupor. He peered down at Olivia and a rueful smile painted his lips. ”I'm fine. I actually felt free now more than ever.”
Pulling Olivia up, Oliver slung his arm over her in a side hug. ”Let's go,” he whispered. ”Auntie is a meanie when she's nursing a hangover.” The siblings snickered. They stepped outside of their aunt's room and made their way to the foyer.
They were about to reach the threshold when Olivia halted her step. ”What are we going to do with the body?” she asked.
”There's no body.”
”What? Are you serious?”
”Babur mauled her… and dismembered her a bit.”
”Ollie! I thought we would just send her to a coma the same way as mum and father!” Olivia stomped her foot, but soon her c.h.e.s.t rose and fell. Eventually, she had to cover her mouth from roaring a laughter.