Chapter 291 - Far From Over (1/2)
The following morning, noontime sun filtered through the floor to ceiling windows, illuminating Maxen and Olivia's bedroom. The rays were bright and warm enough to blind Olivia even with her eyes closed.
Pulling the duvet over her face to block the sunlight, Olivia sighed when darkness shrouded her. She had nothing to do today, so she intended on sleeping her hours away.
She let the comfort of darkness under the duvet suck her back into sleep like quicksand in the desert. However, her senses heightened when she heard faint footsteps scuffle on the floor.
She was half awake and half asleep, so the noise confused her. It made her heart thump wildly in her c.h.e.s.t like a galloping horse in the meadow. In her fit of daze, her hand slid under the pillow, reaching out for her knife.
”It's me,” Maxen whispered. He wrapped his hand on Olivia's wrist, calming her down. A smile crossed his face when Olivia pulled the duvet down to reveal her face.
The scene wasn't new to Maxen, and how he wished that he could take her nightmares away. Like always, Maxen tried his best to do what he could to wash Olivia's anxiety away.
Maxen would go to great lengths to help Olivia fight the demons in her head. He even went as far as throwing Imman Han's d.i.c.k into a blender and watched the pervert cry as the blades shredded his balls into a mushy pile of flesh.
Perching his b.u.t.t on the edge of the bed, Maxen tucked Olivia's loose hair behind her ear. ”Nightmares?”
”No. You startled me, that's why.” Olivia caught Maxen's wrist and planted a kiss on the ball of his hand. ”What time is it?”
”One in the afternoon.”
”Are you serious?”
”See it yourself.” Maxen lifted his left hand and let Olivia read the time on his watch.
”Wooow. But I'm still sleepy. Oh, wait. Why are you still home?”
”I'm waiting for you. Thought you might want to watch our operation tonight.”
Stretching her limbs like a cat, Olivia's eyes grew wide when Maxen's words sunk in. Did she hear him correctly? Did Maxen just invite her to spectate a classified operation?
Searching Maxen's gaze to verify that her ears weren't playing tricks with her, Olivia's face broke out into a grin. ”Are you serious?”
”Ask me one more time if I'm serious then I might change my mind.”
”Of course you are serious!” Olivia swatted her hand. She pulled the duvet to her lips and bit down on it to keep herself from squealing like a highschool girl who was asked out as a date for prom.
Springing up to sit on the bed, Olivia tipped her head to the side and asked, ”What operation is this again?”
”The Huks.”
”What about the shipment?”
Maxen took a sharp breath in. His c.h.e.s.t swelled as air filled every stem in his lungs.
”It was Nikolai,” he trailed off, the corner of his eye wrinkled when he forced a small smile.”We rescued girls… young ones, and we can say that it's a successful operation. But everyone knows it was far from over. So yeah...”
He peered at Olivia and saw an understanding swirl in her eyes. It was uncomfortable.
He felt as if he didn't deserve any praise, not when the problem wasn't completely rooted from the source. So he slightly bowed his head and scratched the skin above his eyebrows.
”Don't be too hard on yourself, Max.” Olivia's palm smoothened Maxen's back. ”One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”
Maxen snorted. ”Do you believe Neil Armstrong really went to the moon?”
Olivia shrugged. ”I'm not a fan of space exploration, but his words had a nice ring to it.”
Peeling the duvet off of Olivia, Maxen skimmed his hand on her caramel t.h.i.g.hs, hiking up her satin nightgown.