Chapter 286 - Scale of Evil (1/2)

Olivia Sparks filledelisle 38450K 2022-07-19

[Certain scenes are graphic and could be upsetting to some. Proceed with caution. Discretion is advised.]

Maxen and Olivia had the timeline in their minds, so it was easy for them to backtrack and check previous months.

It didn't surprise them when they saw the same ship floating in international waters months prior, but what had them wondering was why it never crossed the line as if the captain was afraid to explain their unofficial presence in the territorial waters of Nisia.

Maxen pinched his thumb and index finger together, and then slowly parted it to zoom the image on the screen.

Second by second, the pixilated image cleared, revealing mirrored eagles—one held a sword while the other held a globe with each of their claws.

”What is Nuovo's royal fleet doing near our waters?” Olivia wondered aloud when the Royal Family of Vuono's coat of arms painted on the vessel's hull flashed on the screen.

At first, she thought it was some random shipping company floating in international waters to avoid legalities by docking in Nisia, but after seeing the coat of arms as clear as day, it didn't bode well with Olivia.

There was a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Why would the official ship of Vuono disembark on a journey thousands of miles away every three months for a mere shipment of minerals?

Something didn't add right.

”There must be more than minerals,” Maxen said exactly what was in Olivia's mind.


”That's a given, baby.”

Olivia exhaled through pursed lips. ”That royal fleet won't sail without a royal in it. That is the protocol. ”

”I'm aware of that.”

”Who do you think was aboard the ship?” She eyed Maxen and shifted a bit to get a look of his face. ”You look furious,” she stated.

”I am. And maybe I will turn full rampage if my guess is right.” He didn't want to say more than what was needed, and Olivia respected his answer by behaving on his l.a.p.

Maxen's hand squeezed Olivia's waist. He knew she was curious to hear what's on his mind, but he would rather discuss the gritty details with his generals than his darling wife, despite her uncanny love for morbid movies.

Suddenly, a thumbnail popped up on the screen when the motion sensors of the cameras in the hallway were activated by the arrival of Wyatt and a group of decorated men and women in uniform.

Hopping off from Maxen, Olivia asked, seductively batting her eyelashes, ”Can I stay a little more?”

”You know you can't, baby.” Maxen wrapped his arms around Olivia's waist, pinning her c.h.e.s.t to his.

He pecked her lips as if it would pacify his wife, but there was no harm in trying his luck.

”Okay. I guess I'll hang around Emily and Ava today then.” Her voice reeked with a threat that he would pick her up again at The Distillery, and to her shock, Maxen retaliated with a smacking swat to her b.u.t.t.

”No, you didn't!” Her mouth formed into an 'O' when the sting of Maxen's spanking bit her skin.

”I just did. And I will do it again if I see you one more time in places where you shouldn't be idling about.”

Jutting her chin up in defiance, Olivia countered, ”Perfect. I happened to be married to one of the owners of the bar. I can get us a discount for a dinner date and a l.a.p dance too.”

To her dismay, instead of witnessing a riled up version of Maxen, bewilderment painted Olivia's face at how amused Maxen seemed to be.

”Just a heads-up, Emily and Ava are waiting for you in Notios,” he informed her, pinching her chin.

She freed herself from his clutch, yanking his arm off her. ”Huh? Why?”

”You'll know once you get home. Now off you go. Your husband has to earn a living.” He peeled himself from their embrace and cupped Olivia's shoulders to turn her about-face.

She begrudgingly shrugged away from his hold, shooting daggers over her shoulders once they reached the door.

”Get your hands off me,” she seethed, but all she received was Maxen grinning like a fool as he gave her b.u.t.t a good squeeze.

A few nights later, Wyatt was napping with his feet propped on the car's dashboard while he was in an undercover operation in the port.

That morning, they received intel that Vuono's royal fleet was ”passing” yet again near Nisia's territorial waters.

Unlike the previous times when they ignored such news, a special task force was formed to investigate the event.