Chapter 275 - Your Kind of League (1/2)

Olivia Sparks filledelisle 29760K 2022-07-19

”Not sure what's happening today, but everyone sure is acting freaky.” Oliver shook his head.

Dipping his hand in his pocket, he led the way to his waiting car outside the roundabout in the Lin Headquarters.

Olivia ignored her brother, clutching the bag in her c.h.e.s.t as if her life depended on it.

Earlier, she thought she always brought food and necessities to Amelia on her every visit. So today, Olivia felt like bringing something that would put a smile on her mother's face.

That was why earlier, she had to make a quick trip to the Lin Mall on the ground floor of the Lin Headquarters and bought a special present for Amelia.

Boarding Oliver's car, the siblings rode in silence towards the hospital. Well, not really.

Since it was a random trip, Oliver had to take calls along the way, while Olivia turned her 'work profile' off to calm down and contain her emotions from erupting.

Oftentimes during the ride, she would steal a peek at her brother who was calm and collected the entire time since they got the shock of their lives.

She wanted to see what was going on in Oliver's mind, but she gave up when Oliver never spared her a second, with his eyes looking far outside the window.

Olivia rolled her eyes. It was obvious that Oliver was ignoring her, so he could have a reason not to answer whatever question she would throw his way.

Good for him, Olivia felt like saving what's left of her energy for later, so she just let Oliver isolate himself on his side of the car.

Arriving at the hospital, the siblings found themselves in the psychiatric department. Since they came unannounced, they had to go through the lengthy procedure of regular visitation.

After signing the visitation sheet, the siblings sat in the waiting area in silence to be called upon by a nurse.

Meanwhile, the front desk clerk furrowed her brows. She wasn't sure if she read the name right, so she checked the names in the search engine and saw the photos of the Lin siblings.

Confirming her suspicion, the clerk ejected from her seat and hurried to the Administration's Office to notify her boss.

Soon, a team of doctors rallied outside to welcome the siblings.

After shaking hands with the doctors, Olivia stepped behind Oliver. She didn't want to talk with them, so she let Oliver face the hoard of smiling doctors.

”Mr. Lin, Ms. Lin, such an honor to receive you today,” one doctor mused.

Oliver scratched the back of his head and responded, ”Thank you. Sorry for the surprise visit. Hope we didn't disrupt your work this afternoon.”

”No, no. Not at all. If you can wait for a little while. Mrs. Lin is still on her lunch break, but you can meet them in the garden later.”

”Okay. We can wait. Don't worry about us. I'm sure a nurse will let us know when we can enter.”

Oliver did his best to engage in small talk. No matter how many times he subtly told the doctors to go away, the latter stayed and chatted with him until a nurse stepped out and informed them that they could come in.

Walking towards the garden, a scornful laugh rambled off Oliver's c.h.e.s.t. Sometimes, he didn't know if his name was a gift or a curse. However, deep inside, he knew what the answer to that question was.

They were a few steps away from Amelia when Olivia took out the content of her paper bag, and the item made Oliver's brow raised in confusion.

Before he could ask Olivia what it was for, Amelia was rushing towards them, cutting him off from ever opening his mouth.