Chapter 262 - Ascend A Step (1/2)
A few days later, sitting comfortably in his throne on top of the steel and glass was Tristan Yang who busied himself with the erratic zigzag lines of green and red displayed in his monitor.
His eyes squinted. He focused on the lines, studying the market trend rating of a reality show that would soon face its demise, depending on his final say.
It had been slugging in the ratings department ever since the blow-up of social media influencer-type of contents.
As the heir to Yang Corporation, Tristan was used to serving death warrants on shows that didn't fare well with bringing in viewers who would then bring in advertis.e.m.e.nts that would pay for the entirety of its run in television.
He wanted to see more, or maybe, he was hoping to see a possible uptick in the trend of the show in the future. After all, the show looked promising, it just couldn't rouse the interest of the masses during its trial run.
This ratings battle had been an ongoing struggle that Yang Corporation tried to come into terms with.
With the emergence of free contents in the web, why would people pay for cable shows with carefully written shows when they could simply watch dumb yet funny videos for free in an app?
Times have changed, and Yang Corporation, a media conglomerate, was having a hard time adjusting.
It didn't help in their transition that the board of directors of Yang Corporation were balding old geezers who were conservative and so closed-minded into shifting into the new era of media streaming.
Flinging the pen from his hand towards his desk, Tristan pinched the bridge of his nose.
Usually, if he made up his mind, he would sign it right away and pile it into the stack of shows that would be given a cancellation notice, except at that moment, he placed the paper upside down, giving himself more time to think about the show's fate.
A soft knock on the door made him snap his attention from the desk towards the door across the room.
”Mr. Yang,” his secretary named Mimi trailed off with a professional smile on her face upon entering the office. ”I received a ping earlier. You might want to check the article.”
Tristan held out his hand, waiting for Mimi to pass him the tablet she was hugging. He had a stoic look on his face. Normally, articles about his family were the ones that Tristan had to filter before it would be sent to the press.
It had been a long time since he received a ping which was an article of his dad sailing in the Caribbean seas with his mistress, which was why he was itching to find out what news Mimi was bearing with although he had to contain his excitement.
As someone who grew up running along the halls, and combing every nook and cranny of Yang Corporation, Tristan knew how a single article could propel one to the stars or cause eternal damnation.
It was also the reason why Tristan Yang has one rule: If ever an article contains his name or any distant relatives name, it should need his approval first before it gets published.
Owning a media conglomerate sure had its perks, and Tristan Yang used it to his advantage to keep the Yang Family's name as pristine as possible or to expand its networks.
That was why, as soon as he stepped foot inside his office on his first day after graduating in college, he gave Mimi the task of sifting news which had a Yang name written over it.
”Tell me, Mimi, is it good news or bad news?” Tristan chuckled, a corner of his mouth tipped up in a half smirk, half smile kind of way.
”Eeeeh,” Mimi voiced out a vowel, tilting her head to the side. ”To me it is good news, not really sure about your sister.”
”Ms. Olivia, sir.”
Tristan's brows furrowed, but he quickly schooled his features. He quickly accepted the tablet and thanked Mimi who was standing at the other side of his desk.