Chapter 206 - Big News (1/2)

Olivia Sparks filledelisle 23220K 2022-07-19

Relief swirled in the pit of Maxen's stomach. He was thankful that MIB2 didn't divulge that piece of information to the Huks.

By the looks of it, MIB2 withheld the detail of Maxen marrying Olivia, which meant that the militant group would somehow spare his wife from their plans as she was out of their radars.

Maxen sat on the stool as if it was his throne. The muscles of his forearm clenched as his fingers drummed on the table.

Across from him, Lance Go squirmed in his seat, looking around the room and scanning everyone's faces. His eyes then moved back to the table where it stayed glued for a while.

The cufflinks danced on top of the cool steel surface as it vibrated because of Maxen's drumming fingers. His eyes then moved to Maxen's ring finger and saw an odd-looking ring. He thought it must be real then—that Olivia and Maxen got married. He knew Olivia would do something as crazy as that.

Maxen kept drumming on the steel table, and the onyx cufflinks kept on dancing. The ensemble hypnotized Lance Go until a phone ringing echoed in the room disrupted the deafening silence.

Eyebrows arched up in a tent as each person in the room sent an accusing glare to the one standing next to them. But when nobody moved an inch as if chained in their spots, it left most wondering who dared not silent their phone at such a crucial hour.

Clearing his throat, Maxen shifted in his seat. ”Oops. That's the wife calling,” he said, cringing as he fished his phone from his pocket.

A smug smile painted his face upon seeing the photo of Olivia's caller ID.

He then flipped the phone screen towards Lance Go's face to show him a photo of him with his wife planting a sweet kiss on his cheek.

It was a photo taken after their civil wedding in New York and by far his favorite one, along with the rest of the photos in his starred ”favorite photo” album, which were full of cheesy shots of him and Olivia being touchy-feely with each other.

If it was up to Maxen, he would show those photos to the rest of the world, but for now, he's pleased with showing it to at least one person—the very one who broke his wife's heart in the past and was now trying to take her back. The nerve of this guy, really.

Satisfied at the three creases that formed on Lance Go's forehead, he picked up the call, tapping the speaker button.

”Maaaax, is that going to take long? I want to have dinner with you,” Olivia's low and jazzy voice reverberated in the room.

”I reserved a place for us tonight, baby. Give me an hour. Okay?” Maxen scratched the skin above his eyebrows. He knew Olivia and how she had the talent to manipulate everything to bend to her will.

Deep inside, Maxen knew that was about to happen. He would definitely agree to her wishes, what with the thought of Olivia pouting as she spoke on the other end of the line was enough to catapult the three-letter word ”YES” off from his mouth.

”But...It's stuffy in here, Max.”

”No, you can't. Just… wait for me, baby, okay? I'll make this quick.”