Chapter 158 - Playing Tricks (1/2)
The storm soon passed and the sun was finally peeking out of the feathery clouds. It was bright and warm, enough to dry the remnants of the rain on the ground.
On the edge of the horizon, a rainbow splashed against the clear blue sky, sparking hope and positivity to every eye that laid on it.
Finally, the day came for Olivia's minor surgery; a rhinoplasty procedure to fix the dent on her nose that was causing her random episodes of nosebleeding.
Since Maxen didn't like the idea of Olivia traveling after a procedure, he sent his people to Camilla Yu's clinic and mobilized the necessary equipment to Notios Estate where the doctor could perform the surgery on Olivia in private.
Camilla Yu and her team were then escorted to a room on the second floor of the mansion that was magically transformed into a clinic.
Camila Yu thought it was a bit excessive for a friend to go beyond what was necessary, such as the room in front of her. She never expected to witness such a thing to happen in her lifetime but she figured that since Maxen and Oliver were best friends, it was only normal for Maxen to extend a hand to Oliver's sister.
”Good morning,” Maxen greeted, shaking hands with the medical staff who went googly-eyed at his presence.
After exchanging pleasantries with Maxen, Camilla Yu passed him a clipboard with doc.u.ments that needed to be filled out and signed.
Her eyes were trained on the clipboard the entire time as Maxen read the contents, stopping at the guardian's section of the file.
”Here you go,” Maxen said, signing his name and writing his relationship with the patient. He handed it back to Camilla Yu once he was done, dipping his hand inside his pocket. ”She'll be here soon. Just sending some last-minute email to her staff.”
Maxen then gestured towards a cart on the other side of the room that was filled with snacks and refreshments. ”Don't be shy. Help yourselves. And thank you for granting my request on such short notice.”
”Yeah. Sure.” Camilla nodded her head, her eyes followed her staff who had forgone their reservations and gobbled up the pastries in the cart.
After a few minutes, Olivia softly knocked on the door before entering with Maxen trailing behind her. They briefly exchanged hellos, passing the clipboard to Olivia to fill out.
While Olivia was busy signing the papers, Maxen asked Camilla the questions ranging from the anesthesia that she would administer on Olivia up to the duration of the drugs wearing off from her system.
”Done,” Olivia chirped, passing the clipboard to Camilla Yu who read the contents aloud—a standard operating procedure before surgery.
The doctor's eyes scanned the file and read out the important details, pausing when her eyes landed on one trivial detail—Olivia's civil status.
Civil Status: Married
Camilla Yu raised a surprised brow but continued to read the other details aloud. She remembered the news of Olivia's engagement and so she thought that explains the reason why she ticked the Married box.
However, just as Camilla Yu moved on, she flipped the leaf of paper and was surprised at what she read next.
Mocking her was Maxen's name and signature in the guardian's section. Her eyes darted back and forth from the doc.u.ment to Olivia.
Maxen Victor Eton Sui - SPOUSE
Seeing the doctor blink a few times, Olivia guessed that Camilla Yu reached the part where Maxen had a grand time signing his name.
As if his name wasn't long enough to grab people's attention, the little prince made sure to write spouse in all caps and underlined the humongous word SPOUSE twice to make a point.
”Just ignore Max. He could be playful sometimes,” Olivia excused, elbowing the little prince beside her.
Camilla Yu smiled at the two, shifting her gaze back to the clipboard. She didn't want to look unprofessional, especially in the presence of an old crush who happens to be the country's future king.
However, her curiosity won over as she was checking the last page; her eyes flitted to Olivia and Maxen's hand and saw the matching rings that adorned their fingers.
She thought if Olivia signed her name as a Lin, and the status box was checked married, then maybe… Maxen's the one who checked the civil status box just to be consistent with his claim.
Nodding her head, she speculated that maybe the two were dating since the couple wore matching rings.
When Camilla Yu was done going over the doc.u.ments, she explained the procedure one last time to Olivia and gestured to the operation table.
Checking her vitals one last time, Camilla Yu gave a green light for Olivia to be wheeled out of the makeshift clinic so the patient could rest and recuperate.
The medical staff was in the foyer when they were surprised for the second time of the day. Right before their very eyes was the country's queen.