Chapter 146 - Deadly Combination (1/2)
Since it was a Sunday, and their schedules were free, it was almost sundown when their visitors left Notios Estates.
The sky was painted in light strokes of indigo and burnt orange as the sun got swallowed on the horizon while they stood by the mansion's main entrance, where a line of cars were waiting by the curb.
Queen Isla and Auntie Martha were hugging each other, too long for the king's liking. He wasn't happy about how the queen was akin to a teenager who got a taste of her freedom for the first time after seeing the queen drink wine all day.
His eyes narrowed into a slit on Auntie Martha who huffed at his direction when the ladies pulled away from their hug.
”I'll see you in the club?” Auntie Martha asked, whispering it into Queen Isla's ears as they cheek kissed.
Queen Isla replied with a wink, ”And bring Amelia too. I did send her an invitation.”
Rolling her eyes, Auntie Martha shook her head. ”That girl's a lost cause, but I'll still try.” Her eyes then darted to where Olivia stood, discussing something with Eli. ”Livi darling,” she called forth to which Olivia and Eli bid, walking with linked arms towards Auntie Martha. ”Don't mind what your grandma said. She's old and old-fashioned. That's a deadly combination of someone giving advice or even asking for wishes.”
”I am open for anything, Auntie,” was Olivia's short reply. She didn't want the conversation to stretch and branch into more topics that she's not up for discussing. On top of that, she's tired from all the talking she did that day.
Sensing her impassivity, Auntie Martha did not press on and bid her goodbye, hugging Olivia one last time before getting in the car.
”I'll send the clothes for your trip tomorrow, Livi darling,” Eli said as they hug their goodbyes.
”Oh, just send it to my penthouse. We will be moving back in two days' time.”
”Got it.” Eli was already in the car when the windows rolled down. ”Before I forget, you don't have to worry about that surgeon because she fixed my eyelids.”
Olivia stepped closer to the car, examining Eli's eyelids. Her mouth formed an 'O' as she nodded her head in agreement. True to his testament, the surgeon did a great job on doing a double lid surgery on him.
”Thanks, Eli. You're an angel. I was honestly worried about going under the knife.”
”You'll do just fine… or better. You overachiever. Ta-ta!” He poked her shoulders, shooing her away so the car could leave.
Waving her hand, she watched as her Auntie Martha and Eli's car drove away and down Notios Estate.
”Oh, we have more visitors.” Olivia jolted in her spot, walking over to where the king and the queen was. ”Thank you for spending time with us,” Olivia said, rubbing a hand on Queen Isla's arm, who responded with a smile.
When all their visitors left, Maxen and Olivia parted ways in the mansion with him going in the library while Olivia retreated in their bedroom.
Her lack of sleep from the other night's activities took a toll on her when she plopped down on their bed, the heaviness in her eyes took over, and soon her c.h.e.s.t rose and fell in a shallow rhythmic wave.
Entering their bedroom, a pile of doc.u.ments in hand, Maxen's brows furrowed when he was greeted with Olivia sleeping on the bed with her one leg that he loved to pepper kisses with, hanging out by the edge.
He walked in and out of the walk-in closet in record time, bringing a change of nightgown for her to change in. Placing the doc.u.ments on her bedside table, he then gingerly peeled her clothes away.
All the while, he didn't let his guard down, his eyes occasionally darting to her hands, just in case she rose up from her sleep and might attack him with her knife, although he noticed how Olivia seemed to have a deeper sleep lately compared to their first weeks together.
Changing into his own set of pajamas after he was done changing hers, he laid down on the bed, scooping her in his embrace, burying his head on the back of her head. As if on auto-pilot, Olivia's foot rubbed on his leg. A slight smile that reached his eye painted Maxen's face.
Lulling himself to sleep, he realized what he had at that exact moment would never be replaced all the riches in the world. And if he had to lower his pride to get Henry's blessings just to keep her forever in his arms, he would gladly do so without second thoughts.
Days and nights flew by and it was already mid-week.