Chapter 133 - Mind Games (1/2)
The games in Nikolai's penthouse suite went on, and he was back in his throne, enjoying the rest of the night playing mind games with his guests.
It was almost two in the morning, and Ava and Olivia's eyes were heavy with tiredness. They tried their best to stay awake as their men drowned themselves in the game but after a while, succ.u.mbed to their drowsiness, funding their spot on the sofa.
Looking over his shoulder, Maxen saw Olivia sleeping, his tuxedo jacket blanketing her. ”I'll have to cash out after this,” he said to Oliver who also glanced to where the ladies should be sitting.
His brows furrowed upon seeing Ava sleeping in an awkward position. ”Yeah. Me too.” He took another sip of his bourbon, peeking on his pair of cards then on the cards on deck.
If his stars were aligned in the sky, he might go home ten million dollars richer tonight.
Soon, Oliver was all smiles after winning yet again. He frisked his hands together, gathering the ch.i.p.s he acc.u.mulated all night.
Looking beside him, he smirked when his eyes landed on Maxen's pot. ”If you want to win, you have to stop with the righteousness, Brother. See, Olivia won with bluffing. Ay. I'll tell her to teach you some tips.” He patted Maxen's shoulder.
Pursing his lips, Maxen motioned for an assistant to gather his ch.i.p.s. ”As I said, I'm here for the game and me winning is an incentive.”
He excused himself, walking over the sleeping Olivia. He fixed the loose hair on her face, and smiled at how peaceful she looked, especially after winning seven hundred thousand dollars just by playing a single game.
”I'll be back in a jiffy.” He pressed a kiss on her nose and smiled upon seeing her wrinkle after he pulled back.
Her eyes fluttered open but tiredness took over, weighing her eyelids down.
Sighing, he looked around the place and sn.a.k.e.d his way over the master bedroom with MIB1 standing guard outside as he locked the door of the ensuite to use it.
To MIB1's surprise, the master bedroom door closed, followed by a click of the lock disengaging. He glanced to the knob. His gut told him that something sinister was about to happen. ”Your Highness,” he pressed a button in his lapel, checking in on Maxen.
”Hmm?” he heard Maxen reply through his earpiece.
”Everything okay inside? Are you inside the bathroom because the bedroom door just locked behind me.” MIB1's Adam's apple bobbed, swallowing air in his throat.
On the outside, MIB1 looked cool as a cuc.u.mber, but on closer inspection, his hand was dipped in his suit jacket, hovering over the holster of his gun.
”Secure Olivia first.” He heard Maxen zipping up his pants on the other end of the line. ”Did you have that thing I asked you earlier?”
”What?” MIB1 scratched his head, confused at how calm Maxen's voice was even at the face of a threat. ”Yes, it's here in my pocket.”
”Good. If I don't come out in five, kick the door down.”
It didn't take a second for MIB1 to take long strides to the couch where Olivia was napping.
Clearing his throat, he tipped his head to the door to signal Shadow that the location was compromised.
Behind the door was Natalia. She sneered. If they thought she wouldn't use this costume, they were wrong. They say, always dress for success. And tonight, she'd make sure to achieve her goal with flying colors.
Meanwhile, Maxen stalled inside the ensuite, rummaging his brain on how to deal with his captor. He exhaled, loud enough that it echoed inside the bathroom.
If it's up to him, he'd ignore Natalia for as much as he could until she gives up herself. It's not his fault that he's good-looking, and it's certainly not his fault that ladies would fall in love with him.
Rubbing the skin above his eyebrow, he cursed at himself at how he was acting like a wussy.
He had to face her now before she went to extreme lengths such as harming Olivia. The thought alone infuriated him. Of course he knew how Natalia blackmailed most of the girls he hung out with in the past.