Chapter 119 - Crazy Bunch (1/2)
Brass cart from the boutique in the hotel's lobby rolled into the suite that Olivia booked for their gal pal's slumber parteeeh.
It contained designer clothes, bags, shoes, and accessories that the ladies could change into because earlier, Maxen noticed the ladies didn't bring a luggage or two for their spontaneous staycation, so he told Jack to make the necessary arrangements.
When the boutique staff finished lining up a room full of items, they quietly made an exit.
It didn't take long before another round of staff entered the suite once the boutique staff was out. This time, it was the hotel's kitchen with the Executive Chef and his team.
They made their way to the suite's kitchen and prepped for an a la carte service for their guests.
When everyone's freshly showered and changed, the group made their way to the dining where the kitchen staff started their little show, starting to impress the pickiest guest of them all.
”How would Young Master like his pancake?” a sous chef asked Finn.
”Want a duck… please.”
Raising the pancake batter bottle, Finn's eyes turned as big as a saucer, glistening with amus.e.m.e.nt. He licked his bottom lip when the pancake slowly took its form.
With a flick of his wrist, and a flip of the pan, a pancake art of Donald Duck came into life.
A repressed, smug smile painted the chef's face as he drank in the nods of approval from his guests and the clapping hands of Finn.
Even with their lack of sleep, and the ladies' hangovers, everybody was in good spirits upon seeing the innocence in Finn's smile whom Ollie picked up first thing in the morning just so Ava won't throw a fit on him for leaving their child.
Across the table, Olivia rubbed circles on her temples. ”I can't believe you set me up on a date with Wyatt.” Olivia took a sip of tea, inhaling the aroma to soothe her from the head-splitting pain in her head.
”In my defense, Wyatt's a loyal friend.”
”Hmm. Friend. Not a loyal lover.”
”Livi, stop. Okay? Don't ruin our breakfast. And if you wanted to know why I didn't introduce you to Maxen, my answer is simple: He has a country on his shoulders. If you think playing princess is fun, then go figure it out yourself.”
Identical hazel eyes sent daggers to each other, each pair never backing down until a sweet voice echoed in the room.
”Good morniiing! Who's up for a slice of cake?” Emily tweeted, holding up a cake box in her hand.
Ava and Olivia exchanged knowing glances when they spotted the logo. The sisters-in-law knew where to find that place and it was the last location they thought Emily would be going, but still did.
”I dropped by Wyatt's Villa and had my team pack up my belongings.” Emily raised a brow on her Livi darling as if telling her, 'See. I told you I'm moving on.'
She needed to come clean because earlier she noticed her two gal pals talking with their eyes as if they were on a message telepathy hotline, paying the winner over their bet which she'll come to Wyatt's rescue first thing in the morning, and it won't take rocket science who won the bet when Olivia raised a single brow across the table where Ava was seated.
”Pay up, Ava,” Emily elbowed the woman in question before finding a seat for herself beside Olivia.
”What are you talking about?” Ava innocently asked, taking a sip of her tea while her other hand c.a.r.e.s.sed the shell of Finn's ear who was seated beside her.
Fluffing her napkin, gently laying it on her l.a.p, she tutted, ”I guess Oliver's shamelessness is rubbing off on you. I know you made bets on me last night.”
”We did.”