Chapter 91 - Abandoned Kitten (1/2)

Olivia Sparks filledelisle 33880K 2022-07-19

Clearing his throat, Maxen glanced at Olivia who was having a hard time looking at her mother. He squeezed her hand as if telling her to stop hiding behind his back, which she did, taking one step to his side.

After taking a deep breath, she rolled her shoulder and tilted her head to the side, revealing her face in full view for the two best friends to see.

”Hi. Olivia Lin. You can call me Olivia,” she introduced herself with a rueful smile. Awkwardly waving her hand all the while, her eyes never left Amelia's. She almost choked when she saw her mother touch her flat belly.

Yes, that's where she came from, or who knows, was forcefully taken by Henry Lin himself.

”May I have a word with Olivia?” Amelia broke the silence in the room. She felt Queen Isla shuffle and get off the bed but she, too, never left her sight at the younger version of herself, who was five steps away from her.

”Sure.” Queen Isla patted Amelia's l.a.p, a soft and sympathetic smile painted her face before stepping out of the room. She felt how confused her beshy was seeing a child she never knew she had.

Passing by Olivia, Queen Isla paused and beamed with too much excitement that she had to tame down herself. ”Nice to meet you, O Sui,” she whispered, winking at the young lady whom her son shamefully claims to be his. After exchanging smiles, Queen Isla went on her merry way.

Across the room, by the hospital bed, Amelia's gaze never left Olivia. She watched as Maxen enveloped the young lady in a hug, kissing her temple, then planting another kiss on her lips.

The two lovers talked with their eyes, finally letting go when Queen Isla cleared her throat to remind her son that it was time to leave the room.

Amelia could feel her blood pressure rise at the thought of Henry Lin. She knew how he hated the Suis and if this child is their child, then that man wouldn't stop at nothing to separate the two.

From her bed, Amelia's hands scrunched the duvet the same way Olivia scrunched the back of Maxen's suit coat earlier as her mind wandered to the years that she thought she lost her child. She's her child. She knew it. And she's not dead like what Henry told her when she woke up years ago.

The sound of the study's security lock snapped Amelia out of what felt like a lucid dream. She always dreamt of her, her Olivia. The little girl who endlessly kicked her belly. And even after years of knowing that her child was lost in the car crash, she could still feel the kicks now and then as if her Olivia was still there, inside her.

Amelia tried to dispel the heavy air in the room. ”Hi,” she started, gesturing towards the seat beside her hospital bed but the stubborn girl stood rooted to her spot.

”Hello. As you can see, I'm your daughter.” Olivia didn't beat around the bush. There's no use in going around in circles because they were breathing on borrowed time.

A little lost, she anticipated what Amelia would do or say next.

”Oh, I can see that,” Amelia chuckled. ”I look exactly like you but you talk exactly like your father. DNA never lies, huh? You look like me but everything about you screams Henry.” A restrained smile crossed Amelia's lips. ”Was he good to you? Did he treat you well?”

”Ha!” Olivia looked up the ceiling to keep herself from getting emotional. ”I'm faring well, that's what matters.” She kept her words short. She didn't want to look like an abandoned kitten.

”Hmm,” Amelia agreed, nodding her head. She could sense the animosity from Olivia after mentioning Henry's name and she could only take a guess that the father and daughter didn't get along well.

Amelia patted the space beside her. ”It's hard for me to speak, come sit here.” Seeing Olivia still standing, she thought, if Olivia refused to sit on the chair, then perhaps her child wanted to sit closer.

Giving in to her mother's request, across the room, slow and careful, heavy steps brushed on the floor. In under a minute, Olivia found herself sitting in proximity to her mother.

”Seeing that you are here, I can safely assume that you're the one who got me out?” Amelia asked, her hand itching to touch the girl beside her, but she restrained herself, afraid to scare Olivia away. It was weird seeing a grown woman who was supposed to be your child.