Chapter 89 - Same Bananas (1/2)

Olivia Sparks filledelisle 24840K 2022-07-19

Heavy curtains blocked the setting sun outside. The rich ombre of rosy pink and indigo hues splashed the sky. It was a beautiful canvas of nature and was the selling point of the penthouse yet the two entangled bodies didn't care because they were busy eating each other for dinner and the only light they had inside was the blue light strip on the ceiling.

One. Two. Three. Four punishing thrusts. The bed scr.a.p.ed the wooden floor as Maxen spilled his seed, emptying it inside Olivia.

Dipping his head in the crook of her neck, Maxen and Olivia panted in sync as they came down from their high. This was their third round and Maxen could feel his erection soften from that day's hard work. Pulling his erection, he marveled as his cream seeped out, pushing it back into her core with his two fingers.

”You should stop doing that.” Olivia shook her head, lost for words at Maxen's obsession. But all she got in reply was his boyish grin.

Lying down, beads of sweat scattered their bodies, but it didn't bother them one bit as Olivia leaned her back against Maxen's c.h.e.s.t.

”So you're saying… you stamped the marriage certificate with the nurse's signature who is Henry's daughter from his secretary? Would that hold in court?”

”It wouldn't, but the Yang's aren't stupid. They'll earn more if they keep the sham marriage for a few years than file a lawsuit. And Tristan doesn't like losing money.”

”But, baby. Your photo is all over the country. People will think you got married to Tristan when you should be married to me.” He tightened her hold on her waist, pinning her back to his c.h.e.s.t.

Olivia looked over her shoulder, c.a.r.e.s.sing Maxen's side profile. She was grinning the entire time she listened to him w.h.i.n.e. ”They'll come up with front page news of Tristan and Alexa, clearing the issue, and people will forget it in due time.”

A soft kiss planted on her shoulders made Olivia smile. However, that smile vanished as soon as the little prince pinched her right n.i.p.p.l.e.

”Ouch!” She headbutt Maxen who thankfully dodged the assault because of his quick reflex from years of training in the military.

She knew the reason why he punished her; it was because she dodged his marriage pitch again.

Getting away from her assailant, she pushed his arms away, but he flipped her over, placing her on his broad c.h.e.s.t. Face to face, Olivia couldn't hide the smile on her face. ”That hurts,” she pouted, but Maxen scoffed at her.

”That's your punishment for keeping me under the dark. Aaand, I don't think it hurts because judging the way you're smiling,” he pinched it again. ”You love it when I do that to you.”

Immediately, Olivia took a sharp breath, biting her bottom lip, fighting the smile that threatened to paint her face. ”I'm not sorry that I did what I have to do. And if I go back in time, I'll do the same thing over again.”