Chapter 63 - Shatter His Dream (1/2)
Rockaway Tower
Olivia's stomach boiled in anger and fury as she stood rooted in her place. Maxen just returned his generic phone to Jack and her eyes wandered around the room, looking for the nearest thing to hurl his way.
”If you're thinking of throwing that vase on me, think again. I will dodge that and I will buy you another one until all the stuff in your apartment belongs to me. Including you.” He cracked his neck whilst buttoning his suit jacket.
Maxen's clear blue eyes pierced through Olivia and the coldness in his voice matched the color of his orbs yet she didn't budge nor cower.
Why would she be scared when he was clearly in the wrong for overstepping his boundaries?
Amus.e.m.e.nt flickered in Maxen's eyes as he witnessed Olivia flip her hair over her shoulders and fold her arms across her c.h.e.s.t looking like a lioness holding her ground.
”When are you going to start listening to me, Maxen?” she asked, rolling her shoulders. She looked adorable even when her nose flared and imaginary steam shot out from her ears in anger.
So instead of answering her question, he replied with a question of his own, mirroring her stance, ”What's wrong with going with you to your doctor's appointment?”
”Didn't you hear what I just said? I said…”
”I heard you the first time, okay?” Maxen cut her mid-sentence. ”Why can't you just accept my company? What's so wrong about going out of my way so you can have someone beside you as your doctor does his thing?”
”That's the problem, Maxen. You didn't even ask me first. You can't just do as you please. This is my life and you don't call the shots in it.”
”Okaaaay. I'll ask next time. Jesus! Why do you have to be so worked up on this? Why do we have to fight over a doctor's appointment? Aren't you supposed to be all giddy that I am coming with you?”
”You don't get it, do you? Okay, but just so you know, there won't be a next time.” Olivia's voice cracked, a lump stuck in her throat that she had to force down.
It's not that she didn't want him to tag along, it's because she's not used to having someone beside her during those times. It was uncomfortable for her to say the least. But how could she tell him that without sounding like a damsel in distress? That's the last thing she ever wanted to look like.
She slung the strap of her bag on her shoulders and sauntered out of her apartment. She knew if she stayed another second, things would go flying in her apartment and the last thing she wanted was him carrying out his threat of replacing everything that she would break.
By the time they reached the elevator, their entourage, consisting of MIB2, Shadow, Jack, and Secretary Gail, stood quietly and waited in bated breath, silently praying that the brewing war masked by the white noise silence would soon die down.
Secretary Gail pressed the button and stepped back right away to give more wiggle room for her boss. She glanced at Jack who had his eyes closed whilst blowing small puffs of air.
She shrugged when Jack communicated to her through his eyes as if telling her to talk her boss into raising the white flag and let Maxen come along with Olivia in peace.
But what exactly could she do to help anyway? She's a secretary and her job description was to follow orders from her boss. Besides, it was obvious that Maxen and Olivia were two alphas who would b.u.t.t heads as long as they are together. She'd rather keep mum and let the two figure things out. After all, there could only be one person behind the driver's seat.
The sound of the elevator doors opening broke the white noise silence in the hallway. Maxen and Olivia entered first, shadowed by the rest of their entourage.
With the elevator switch key that Jack got from the building's security office, he manually operated the elevator so that nobody could access it during their descent to the bas.e.m.e.nt parking.
After the incident with Fiona, the last thing that Jack wanted was bumping into one of Maxen's old flames. However, that's at the bottom of his list of concerns.
What bothers him the most was the accounting. He shook his head when the numbers of Maxen's last stunt flashed in his mind. It cost the Sui Family millions to fly him back to the country just so he could appease Olivia.
On top of that, the scandal of the missed engagement that took years of planning would forever haunt Jack's clean record.