Chapter 53 - Lightning-fast Connection (1/2)
Inside the pocket room, secretary Gail massaged her nose's bridge to relieve her eyes from the strain of having to run through Olivia's schedule for the fourth time just to make sure everything was organized to a T before she checked the time on her wristwatch which read that it was fifteen minutes before ten in the evening.
She stood up on her makeshift office; a small desk and a stool in the corner of the pocket room beside the window.
She cautiously tiptoed out of the pocket room and cringed when she saw Maxen splayed on the couch, deep in sleep. She was about to round the corner when she saw the remnants of Olivia's wrath: the flower petals scattered on the floor, so she tiptoed back to the kitchen and grabbed the dustpan and broom to clean it up before Olivia stepped out of her office.
Finally, the clock struck ten in the evening and Olivia's series of meetings culminated. She gingerly opened the door, and instantly, a soft snore serenaded her ears, painting a smile in her lips and a crinkle on the corners of her eyes.
Instead of walking towards the living room, Olivia turned right to the kitchen where Jack and Yana stood in attention.
”You can retreat for the night,” Olivia said to the three assistants who were half sleepy and half alert, ready to serve their masters' dinner. Upon hearing her command, she watched as Jack took hesitant steps out and away after he placed Maxen's change of clothes on the bar stool. One by one, the trio left Olivia's decoy apartment, giving Olivia and Maxen the much-needed privacy for their day.
Subconsciously, Olivia tapped her fingers on the marble kitchen island, seemingly lost in thought as her mind drifted back to her original plan: to be the headmistress of Pyxis which includes getting the last royal family on-board the Pyxis's web; however, now that she met Maxen and their lightning-fast connection was clouding her judgment, she's too confused on what her next step would be.
The soft click of the door closing snapped Olivia out of her trance, making her straighten her back in attention.
She tiptoed to the living room where Maxen's snore concerto was still playing and excitement cursed through her veins as she took out her phone, prepared to take a video of the snoring little prince.
She walked fluidly — silent and steady, towards the living room where Maxen dozed off on the couch. Olivia thought he must be that exhausted because even when the couch dipped as she sat, his light snoring didn't stop.
She traced the angle on his straight-edge nose before moving up to air-brush his thick long eyelashes with her index finger and whispered, ”What am I going to do with you, Max?”
Normally, Olivia would know on the spot what she wanted, but with her 'hormones' messing up with her, she could not rub off her adience towards the annoying and clingy little prince. The invisible magnetic force kept pulling them together. She frowned when a question popped into her mind: How could everything feel so right in the wrong ways?
Irked at her internal turmoil, Olivia gave up and leaned on the couch with her head resting on the top-edge that she was now facing the ceiling just like Maxen, except she's wide awake and Maxen was, well, deep in slumber.