Chapter 49 - Depth in Subtleties (1/2)

Olivia Sparks filledelisle 36860K 2022-07-19

”Heeey, we've been looking for you,” Emily sweetly sang when she saw Olivia and the assistant manager descend from the flight of stairs. ”Can I take a look?” she asked when she saw the assistant manager holding on tightly to a velvet box, as if she was guarding it with her life.

Olivia gave the assistant manager a nod to which the latter complied, opening the velvet box for the rest to see.

”I don't think you should buy that, Livi. That's too much for… a gift? Is that a gift?” Ava commented, ill at ease upon seeing an expensive looking pair of octagon diamond cufflinks with a clear emerald adorned in the center.

Ava knew Olivia had a history of going overboard with showing her emotions through gifts. Lance and was a testament to how she could splurge without batting an eyelid just to feel good about herself for making other people 'happy'. Another example was when Finn was born, Olivia opened a million dollar brokerage account that she tanks up every year on his birthday.

At that moment, Ava was stuck at a crossroad - whether or not to inform her husband of Olivia's extravagant purchase. She didn't want to meddle in Olivia's business, especially not after how she got in trouble with helping Selena and after accepting Fiona's 'help'.

”Ava! What are you spouting? Our Livi darling here is going to shackle that naughty colonel! Can't you just show some support to our gal pal? And what century are you living in? It's Olivia's money so she can do whatever she wants with it,” Emily snorted.


”Stop giving Ava a heart attack, Emily,” Olivia playfully tapped Emily's arm. This new friend of hers could get a bit blunt sometimes that it was no wonder her circle of friends were mostly boys. She looked at Ava and tried to dispel the uneasiness that could be seen in the latter's eyes with her excuse and said, ”He's my date so we have to be coordinated somehow.”

Convinced with Olivia's pretext, Ava decided it's best to let it go. Olivia's an a.d.u.l.t and what's a pair of cufflinks that costs six-digit anyway?


While the three ladies were busy scouring the jewelry boutique, news about the royal kitchen staff's service in a high-end restaurant that afternoon made rounds among those in the high society.

According to the gr.a.p.evine, Prince Maxen's girlfriend dined in the french restaurant owned by a Michelin-star chef yet the country's prince still sent a battalion of staff to cater her meal. The restaurant's owner was so dumbstrucked that he agreed to the unnecessary intervention even though it was a huge blow to his ego. He watched in silence and took notes in the sidelines as the royal kitchen staff did their meal service without a blip.

But just who was the prince's apple of the eye to cause such trouble of mobilizing the royal kitchen staff?

Tea trolleys rolled out as ladies in high society feasted on the the gossip and narrowed the names that made rounds in the whispering campaign.

First on the list, Ava Lin. Nope. Cross her out.

Next, Emily? They didn't think so. She's currently dating Wyatt and even moved into his villa.

What about Fiona Chung? Could be. Some of them have seen the two ”go out” a few times a year.

And who is the other girl? They said there were four? Nevermind, she must be some foreign friend or perhaps Fiona's assistant. So the unheard-of name was swept under the rug as women of all ages chirped all afternoon. However, before the teapots were emptied, a social media post from Fiona Chung circulated. It was a shot of the Peking duck plate with a caption:

[Thanks for the heavenly meal, O <3!]

Just like that, with Fiona's denial, another round of tea trolleys rolled out, talking about the mysterious 'O'.

Inside a studio, Fiona scoffed upon seeing her notification page blew up with likes and comments ranging from fawning over her food and questions about the identity of 'O'. She rolled her eyes while a hairdresser blow-dried her hair.

”Ouch!” she screeched, slapping the hairdresser's hand.

Sitting on the couch on the other side of the room, Fiona's manager smirked at his talent's display of attitude. Now that's the Fiona he knew. He continued to scroll on his phone screen and tried to trace Fiona's whereabouts that lunch. He also snooped in Emily's and Ava's social media accounts looking for a lady with an O initial yet found nobody.

Not even a trace.