665 Dearly Beloved Brothers! (1/2)

Countless gales of laughter interweaved in the air once more!

The man howled with laughter, but he had actually taken a direct hit as he charged out like a tornado. Spitting out blood, he hastily leaped out of the window.

He was possessed of quick reflexes and an excellent cultivation base. After all, he was facing the combined forces of twenty people from the four noble young masters among others. It was quite an impressive feat to have escaped with only a spittle of blood.

Unexpectedly, the snatcher had just leaped out of the inn when he saw the sudden glint of a blade that appeared alongside a sinister voice, ”Did you think we would just give it to you? Like you deserved it?”

The moment he witnessed the unexpected glimmer of the blade, the head of the fleeing man was lopped off before he could emit any sound. The ghost-like silhouette winked in and out and was already hundreds of feet away the next time it appeared. It was a rare sight to see something move at such a speed that was uncannily fast.

In the wake of decapitation, a few men leaped into the air, their wielded blades and sabers exchanging glimmers of light. ”Put down the treasure!”

In the blink of an eye, those present at that location vanished abruptly, having decided that it was a better idea to be far away from here.

A whistled sound of humming came from afar, originating from all four directions – various signals and flaming rockets ignited the night sky.

Boom, boom, boom.

Dong Tianleng held his hands together in a daze, staring absently ahead with glazed eyes, his face as white as a sheet. After a while, he burst into tears. ”What should I do... I-I...think I've created a huge amount of trouble...”

Everyone let out a huge sigh at the same time.

To think that this chap was holding the world's only treasure map that was made from divine mystical beast hide and was flailing it in the air, lighting it on fire and slicing it with a blade…

Although they knew that was the best course of action, most people still could not help but berate the fellow deep down in their hearts, 'What the hell, you did not just do this, did you? The treasure was already in your arms, but you still took it out to show off...'

'Your father has never seen such idiocy in my entire life!'

On the journey back, the four young masters felt extremely dispirited, while the sixteen escorts trailed behind them like a bunch of lifeless corpses.

However, no matter what else transpired, the existence of the two pieces of divine mystical beast hide treasure map in Tiantang City quickly spread, as though it had wings. Soon, the whole martial world knew about it.

Yun Yang knew about it that very night.

Yun Xiaoyao then dispatched a set of orders.

Seal off Tiantang City!

From now, one could only exit and not enter.

This decision was the right call.

You can take the treasure map out of here – just don't stay in Tiantang City to create chaos and destruction.

Another order was dispatched at the same time – fortify the defenses!

The military troops are to be on guard!

Streams of orders rained down as quickly as lightning.

Everybody already knew in their hearts that this was yet another catastrophe that was looming on the horizon. The target was none other than Tiantang City, the national capital of Yutang!

”Boss, it's done!” Dong Tianleng was no longer his panicky self at the inn earlier; his entire being was absolutely enraptured. ”You need not worry about the way we handle things, it's perfect!”

Yun Yang rolled his eyes. 'Done? Do you still need to say that?'

'The whole empire already knows about it!'

'Even I already knew about it!'

'Furthermore, this was literally just reading out your lines - you just had to act accordingly to the script! I even designed the lines for you! If there are further mishaps, it's definitely your problem; what is there to feel accomplished about?'

”Now that the first step has been completed, commence the second step immediately. Stick to the plan, as we have discussed before.”


On the second day, Dong Tianleng invited the guests to a different tavern. This restaurant might not be considered one of the classier ones in Tiantang City, but it was the restaurant that had the biggest floor area in the world; The House of Spring Flowers and Autumn Moon.