14 The Lightning Cat That Wasn’ (1/2)
“Popinjays!” Ji Ling spat and walked away with her head raised high.
Young Master Ma exhaled in relief and looked towards Yun Yang, his expression filled with amazement. “Brother Yun, I must say… our tastes are... ahem, vastly different.”
Young Master Qin’s was a face of regret. “What a pity, such a waste...”
Pity? Looking carefully at Young Master’s Qin’s salacious eyes, Yun Yang concluded that he regretted letting that alluring body walk away from him, homely face notwithstanding.
Yun Yang tried not to laugh out loud and instead, waved a negligent hand at the baby beast in Young Master Ma’s arms, “Brother Ma, what is this is?”
Young Master Ma chortled, “This? It's just a Lightning Cat. I bought it since it looks like lots of fun. Initially, I was attracted to its snowy fur; it’s pretty and obedient. Ordinary Lightning Cats are worth about 1,500 silver taels each, but I had to part with 2,000 silver taels for this one, it’s so expensive! I had to see what was so special about it.”
Yun Yang nodded distractedly. The self-indulgent fellow had actually bought the cat just because it was more expensive than usual. He probably had no idea what to do with his money. It looks like I asked for too little the last time. Furthermore, he said that this was...
A Lightning Cat?
Yun Yang’s thoughts came careening back to the grinning fool in front of him.
How could this be a Lightning Cat? A Lightning Cat would normally attain its third level upon reaching adulthood, but this one had already achieved the third level while still in its infancy!
“This is not a bad cat at all.” Yun Yang managed to keep the excitement from his voice.
“Does Brother Yun like it?” Young Master Ma asked in delight. “Please accept it then, with my compliments.” He handed the tiny bundle of fur over to Yun Yang.
Yun Yang was at a loss for words as he accepted the creature. Scratching his head, there was one thing he knew for sure; this wasn’t a Lightning Cat. It had to be an unidentified mystical creature… and it would definitely not plateau at the fifth level. For it to reach the third level before even a month of age, it was highly probable that the cat could reach the eighth or ninth level upon complete maturity!
To have bought it for 2,000 silver taels was such a stroke of luck, even the ancestor’s grave would smoke1!
Meanwhile, this philanderer Ma was willing to give it away, just like that.
“No, I couldn’t possibly accept this.” Yun Yang was torn. “It is, after all, Brother Ma’s most prized gem.”
Young Master Ma laughed, “This is nothing! It’s just a cat! With you, it’ll probably live a few days longer; if I were to bring it home, it would end up with a golden scaled snake in a pot of Long Hu Dou2…”
Long Hu Dou…
“If a small dragon was given to you, are you going to braise it too? What else do you know other than to eat?” Yun Yang was tempted to ask.
“If you so insist, then I shall accept it.” Yun Yang was graciousness personified. “Should I pay you 2,000 silver taels?”
Young Master Ma waved his hands in exaggerated protest, “Young Master Yun, please say no more! It would be an insult if I were to accept payment for such a petty thing. Are we not brothers? Even if you wanted my wife… of course, you’d never want my wife. But even if you did…”
Yun Yang promptly cut him off, “I get the point, let’s not wander off too far. Young Master Ma, I am in your debt.”
Young Master Ma positively beamed with delight.
Young Master Yun’s favor! That would mean...
Upon hearing this, Young Master Qin, wide-eyed with amazement, pushed himself over. “Young Master Yun, I have one here too!” he proclaimed loudly.
Yun Yang saw a small black bear in the arms of a guard standing behind Young Master Qin. It was struggling in his embrace as it cried pitifully.
“Ah, a third level mystical beast…”
Yun Yang shook his head, “No more, please. I have already accepted the cat. I’m embarrassed enough as it is.”
“No worries there.” Young Master Qin had already plucked the black cub from the guard’s hands and thrust it at Yun Yang. “Don’t be shy, we’re brothers! You absolutely must agree to take this as well!”
Yun Yang felt out of sorts hugging the black cub.
I wanted the cat because of its potential; what use is this cub?