46 SORRY (1/2)
(Did the title scare you ;)
Theodore had just finished cooking Bûche de Noël, stuffed turkey for Hulk and a modest tuna salad for Betty. Theodore knew that this wasn't enough to fill Hulk so he did something he had never tried before.
He teleported a silver gun from his lab that had a screen display on the side with a number keypad under neither it. This gun is essentially a Pym gun. The only thing that makes it unique is its ability to accurately scale an object to one's heart.
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He was about to shoot Hulks meal when a less messy and convent method came to mind. Putting everything on a tray he made his way to the living where he found Hulk sat on the ground with kids on his shoulders combing his wild hair.
Hulk was now rocking a bowl cut, that perfectly went around his head. The girls pulled out a mirror and showed Hulk. Hulk put on an awkward smile while nodding he said ”Like”
The girls happily cheered and showed it to Betty and Jennifer. They giggled slightly before giving an exaggerated reply ”Oh wow”
'Hmm, Hulk seems to be aware that if he was honest then their feelings would be hurt. He has a high emotional intelligence is what I gather. It's been a year and a bit since the Hulk came out meaning his growth is quite quick. Hmm, I wonder if being around people his age will increase his growth or maybe make him more stable' Theodore thought as he made his way to over.
”Hey Hulk come here and eat” Said Theodore
Theodore put it on the dining table as Betty and Jennifer join him. Hulk walks up to to the table with the kids hanging on his fingers. Hulk looked at the dining table and then looked down at his feet. He was immediately angry for his the inconvenience his size brings to his life ”HULK SMASH!!!”
Theodore shouted angrily back ”If you smash a single thing in here then I'll force-feed you another P.A.N dish”
Hulk's clenched fist that hung in the air halted as he began to shake from the pure fear he had for the ever so frightening concoction that is the P.A.N. He stepped back and stumbled on to the couch. Neither the couch or the floor could hold his weight.
Hulk got up hastily to look at the damage he had caused. He looked back at Theodore and bellowed his apology ”Sorry!! No P.A.N, Sorry”
”Dad is super cruel” Said Rose as she climbed onto Hulks shoulders and patted his head to comfort him
”P.A.N is a too bad dad,” Said Chloe while also comforting Hulk
Betty, Jennifer and Theodore were startled at Hulks quick reaction and ability to understand his words. Jennifer and Betty were also questioning just how bad was the P.A.N dish hulk tasted. They shuddered unconsciously at the thought before shaking it off.
”Geez it's fine, that time it was an accident” Said Theodore with a tired sigh
”Come here I have something that might help,” said Theodore as beloved Hulk over
Hulk cautiously approached Theodore. He watched Theodore pull out the silver gun and shoot the coffee table. It then shrunk down to the size of a kids table set. Hulk and the kids looked at it with wide eyes before looking back at Theodore.
They tilted their heads to the side with confused look plastered on their face they said ”Huh??”
Betty and Jennifer were lost for words at this new tech. Betty's knowledge in biochemistry had found a new door as she began to question how something like this could even come to existence.
Theodore chuckled slightly and explained ”I'll make you small so that you can actually be full from the food and you could even sit on the table”
Hulk took a second to understand his word before shouting excitedly ”Little, little”
Theodore tapped some numbers on the side of the gun before he pointed at Hulk and shot. Hulk shrunk to the size of 3ft 9.5in (115.5 cm). The kids are 3ft 6.5in (107.9 cm) so Hulk is still taller than them.
”Hulk before you sit down could you punch my hand,” Said Theodore while crouching down and putting his hand out
Hulk threw his punch but instead of it stopping in its tracks like befor, it pushed Theodore's whole arm back. Theodore put some strength into his arm and stopped it.
'Holy shit, Kid Hulk is no joke' Theodore thought as Hulk pulled his arm back.
Theodore quickly got daisy to make an extremely durable chair with some utensils that can survive his grip strength. Yes, Theodore had just vibranium for a chair and utensil.
Hulk sat down in between Chloe and Rose. Chloe and Rose patiently taught him table manners and how to use a knife and fork. Seeing Hulk struggle caused Theodore to sigh.
He got up and shredded the turkey and then separated all the bone and meat for the Bûche de Noël dish. Jennifer and Betty watched this and smiled.