37 Lets have some fun (1/2)
Theodore Pov
After rejoining my family/group we decided to split up. I agreed as I wanted to spend some personal time with my daughters. So it was now me and my daughters walking around admiring all that the event had to offer.
”Heheheh, Chloe and I are like super famous” Said Rose while holding my hand
”Yeah, yeah, So many pictures,” Said Chloe happily
I smile and say ”Of course you guys are so beautiful everyone wants to take pictures”
”But dad we want to take pictures with you,” Said Rose
”Dad should play dress up as well” Said, Chloe
I tilt my head their request, giving myself a moment to think 'Why not? I could make this be a regular thing. I could have Daisy (A.I) create a costume right now and it would be done in like one minute. I should go as a superhero to match Rose and Chloe. Which one?. . . . I'll go as Batman of the future. Although I haven't introduced him yet, It would be seen as just a reimagined one, like a lot of cosplayers'
I quickly pull out my phone and with the little stylus pen being to sketch 'Batman of the future' out. After doing so I tell Daisy ”I need this to be made to fit me in the quickest time possible. Make the gadgets into props, no high tech, keep it simple”
”Understood, would you like me to use some leftover vibranium,” Said Daisy with a flat robotic voice
”No! No, Daisy keeps everything simple. Could you also add concealed front zipper” I said
”Understood it will be ready in a few seconds,” Said, Daisy
”Thanks, Daisy,” I said before putting my phone away
'I need to do an update on Daisy' I thought tiredly
”Dad, who's Daisy is she another mommy” Said Chloe
”Another Mommy yay, hey dad can I meet her,” Said, Rose
I quickly try to clear up misunderstanding ”Daisy is daddy's little friend, she helps me with some things”
”Oh that's too bad” Said Chloe sadly
”It's okay Chloe, there's still, Auntie Nat, Auntie Susan and Auntie Jennifer,” Said Rose while consoling her sister
Hearing their words caused me to panic inside 'What the hell is my daughters planning for me. When did this start? Are they trying to turn me into a bastard with multiple wives? These two are trying to kill their old man'
I scoop up my two trouble makers and take them to a more private area and ask ”Okay girls, tell me what's going on”
They whip their heads away avoiding my eyes. Eventually, they give in and turn back to me with watery eyes, and a quivering pout.
”Stop that, you know it doesn't work on me anymore,” I said flicking their foreheads
”Owie,” They said
”Daddy bad, Chloe am I still cute” Said Rose showing her face
”Yep, what about me,” Said, Chloe
”You two are still cute, so who gonna explain,” I said
”We want lots of Mommy's!! It's okay daddy Chloe and I are super smart and have a super, super good plan, Right Chloe,” Said Rose confidently
”Yeah, we are super smart,” Said Chloe with equal amounts of confidence
Out of curiosity I ask ”Okay, tell me your plan”
”We play with the aunties and tell them how amazing you are and. ” Said, Rose
”And then we call them Mommy, See super good plan,” Said Chloe from the side with a bright smile
I mentally facepalm at their so-called ingenious plan ”You can't force them to be your mommy's”
”We are not bullies dad, I asked if they like you and they said no” Said Chloe
”If they said no then you're forcing them,” I said strictly
”No daddy they lied, so No means Yes,” Said Rose while squinting
'Man, I wish she never found out about her ability. For real though, what the hell did I get myself into? So be it, I'll deal with it when the time comes' I thought
”The costume you have ordered is ready, Theo,” said Daisy through a small earpiece
”Alright, Girls dad also got a costume,” I said
”Yay!!” Said The girls happily
I quickly go to a more isolated corner and teleport back home to grab my outfit. I put it on and feel the black flexible and breathable spandex that covered my body completely.
The black is not normal as it uses Vantablack a material developed by Surrey NanoSystems in the United Kingdom and is one of the darkest substances known, absorbing up to 99.96% of visible light. This means that there is no light to perceive whether an object is 3D. This means that I am seen as a 2D object basically I am literally a Shadow.
The Vantablack was something Sonya had been working on during her A.I time. She managed to find the right method of covering clothes in it. Thankfully, the other accessories save me from being a shadow.
The only thing that distinguishes me from a shadow is the red Bat symbol that sits on my chest. On my forearms are two protruding curved spikes. My utility belt is a shiny silver alloy with a red dot on the buckle. Although the cartoon didn't show it to be metallic, I still add a metal outer layer that follows the muscles of my body.