8 First Customer (1/2)

Narrator Pov

Hearing his daughter call him, Theodore responds ”Just give me a second its nearly, done”

Rose pouted and sat her self back down with her belly angrily rumbling. Chloe and Charlotte were also faced with the same problem. And just as Theodore promised he came out of the kitchen a second later with a huge silver circular tray filled with everyone's order.

Chloe moved to sit next to her mom and Theodore placed the large tray allowing his daughter and a guest get a look at the food. Everything on the tray was giving off an enchanting golden hue.

On the tray were three burgers that were made of a grilled beef patty, Velveeta cheese slice melting ever so lovingly on top it, lush green lettuce with sliced tomatoes, two lightly toasted buns and thick golden fries.

Charlotte dish was served in a clean bowl with shining white pearly white rice and the red lustre of tomato sauce with chunks of tempting chicken thighs and chorizo. Rose, Chloe and Charlotte we're close to drooling as they stared at the tray.

Theodore continued to give each of them the dishes they ordered and sat down next to Rose.

”Come on, eat up,” Said Theodore

”I feel like I'm not worthy of such luxury,” Said Charlotte with her head down.

”Uncle really is cool,” Said Chloe quietly

Rose showed a proud smile to Theodore before picking up her burger and taking a big bite. Chloe followed in her footsteps and also took a bite. Charlotte picked up her silver spoon and scooped up a spoon full before dropping it in her mouth.

As soon as their teeth sink in and their tongue tastes it, they give a satisfied shriek while their eyes widened in delight.

”Sooo good!” Said, Chloe

”Daddy, I love it!” Said Rose with excitement

”Oh My God! I feel like my taste buds were christened” Charlotte said with a shocked expression.

After saying their compliments they quickly and viciously chomped on every single thing on their plate/bowl. Charlotte was the first to finish but she wasn't at all full.

So she looked down to her right and saw that Chloe was halfway through her burger and asked ”Umm Chloe, can mommy take a piece”

Chloe's little nose scrunched up before giving a happy smile and ripping off a small piece of lettuce and passing it to Charlotte. Charlotte took the lettuce with a sad look 'Why did you have to be so smart'

Theodore, on the other hand, was eating at a slow methodical pace. While eating he made some small talk. He learnt that Charlotte was actually working as a writer, this was to have time to spend with Chloe while still being able to make money. She was also 26 this year.

Theodore didn't ask about the dad as he saw that it was a sensitive subject that they are still trying to get over. From Theodore's point of view and the very small interaction, he has had with Charlotte, he could still tell that she was a loving and caring mother who deserved a better living.

Theodore began to talk about how he met Rose, to which Rose chimed in and told her point of view enthusiastically. Rose loved bragging about Theodore as if he was her knight in shining armour.

”Daddy is the best,” Rose said hugging his right arm.

After that Charlotte and Chloe left to go home. Theodore waited patiently for any customers but still nothing. Three hours passed and Theodore decides to close for the night.