Chapter 21 (1/2)

They sped through the entire way Zhao Ying could not help but look back

She had the urge to go back and check to see if the twenty sacks were still there, if anyone had found them yet But she saw Chu Li, who re anything Nothing was going to change his mind

She shook her head Brother Chu Li was such a relaxed person, the least she could do was be reassured of it Otherwise, she just would not feel stable, she would feel that so

During the afternoon, the sun was scorching hot Chu Li went into the forest and fed the horses so a break in the process The weather was not suitable for any extended travelling

Positioned under a pine's shade, Chu Li shook his head, ”Sister, you're unsuitable as a Protector”

”Why so?” Zhao Ying was seated directly opposite of Chu Li, gently waving a branch

”Are my martial arts skills inadequate?”

Chu Li shook his head, ”You're too curious! Protectors need to shut theerous otherwise!”

Zhao Ying furrowed her brows, ”Should we not learn of the whole story of so in order to prevent it?”

”Being a Protector in naer or not!” Chu Li shook his head again, ”You, and your strong curiosity is going to affect your judgement and distract yourself from concentration!”

”I was just trying to see if anyone went and took the Fairy's Beard…”

”What's the point of having that information?” Chu Li smiled, ”The Fairy's Beard is for the horses! Who do you think will go and take them?”

”The people from the Public House,” Chu Li smiled

Zhao Ying rolled her eyes and said ”A?”

”Do you honestly believe Lady Siao would go and do these unsubstantial and flashy things?”

”Then who is it?”

”Where do you think the Fairy's Beard would benefit the most people?”

Zhao Ying tilted her head and began thinking, ”The nobility that gaer their horse, the better it is!”

Chu Li helplessly looked at her, ”The army, the riders!”

”Ah!” Zhao Ying was surprised She had never thought about the army!

”Only in the army's calvaries will the Fairy's Beard display its power at its fullest!” Chu Li said

”You mean that the Fairy's Beards will be sent to the ared She turned and whispered, ”Will we be killed?”


Zhao Ying's expression stiffened

”If it involves the army, then that's a confidential issue! We're not allowed to have any connection with the arer if we know about all this?” She lowered her voice and said nervously

The Public House was not allowed to have any connection with the army It was a decree from the Imperial Court itself It is the sa allowed to be associated with the chancellor, or they would risk facing severe consequences

”It's not that serious” Chu Li smiled, ”Just don't tell anyone about it”

Zhao Ying sighed, and slightly blushed right after

Now she finally understood why Chu Li wanted to leave as soon as possible, she was so foolish!+ If she had actually went back to check and was accidentally caught, then she would have actually been in danger, forcing the army to kill her!

Co to this conclusion, she stood up and practised her S Reversal

Chu Li sat under the shade and lazily guided her About two hours later when the sun was less scorching, the two of them hopped onto their horses and continued their journey

Late afternoon set in, the sun was beginning to set and all the birds flew back into the woods

Chu Li gazed at the sunset He suddenly reined in his horse and Zhao Ying stopped with hi the environment She held onto her sword, ”Chu Li?”

Chu Li furrowed his brows and sighed ”There's an ambush ahead,”

”More robbers?” Zhao Ying frustratingly ain!”

They had stepped into their territory again She was already worried that they ain, but it see away from this troupe