Chapter 816 - Wedding (II) (1/2)

”I don't usually agree with you but I think you are right on this one,” Ming frowned and added, ”Pregnancy is a very difficult phase and since Zixin's parents don't stay with him, it's going to very difficult for the kids to handle everything all by themselves.”

”I know honey and if Qiang married Guang in the future then it will be easier. I mean, Guang is like our boy and he always listens to me.”

Crossing her arms in the front, she frowned, ”Why do I feel like you will always bully Guang?”

”Bully? Why would I bully him? He is like my son and there is also a high possibility of him being my son-in-law in the future,” he explained.

Knocking his forehead, she sighed, ”You are unbelievable but now I don't have time for your insecurities, I need to go.”

”Where are you going?”

”Singtan, it's our daughters wedding, you need to go too,” Ming sighed.

Placing his hand on her shoulder, he chuckled, ”Honey it's our son's wedding too, how can you forget that? Why are you being so biased?”

Slapping his hand away, she glared at him, ”You are irritating and I dont wanna talk to you.”

Hooking his arms around her neck, he smiled, ”I was just joking but let's face it honey, Zian is not going anywhere, in fact he is bringing a new beautiful family member but Yumi is leaving and maybe she will change her surname too.”

”Why would she change her surname? I never changed mine so maybe even she won't.”

Shrugging his shoulders, he answered, ”Maybe she won't but she is leaving home so we are more sad about that.”

”Hmm that is true.” Helplessly shaking her head, she sighed, ”Let's not talk about it for now, we need to go and attend the guests.”

”Alright, lets leave.”


Wedding dressing room.

”Linyang, are you crying?” Yumi chuckled.

Fanning her eyes, Linyang looked up and shook her head, ”No I am not, the air in the room is so itchy.”

Giving her a hug, Mian smiled, ”Aww you are crying but you can't cry, we don't want our bridesmaid to have puffy eyes.”

”Ah you girls look so beautiful, I cannot believe that you both are getting married.”

”I know right? Even I cannot believe that we are. Doesn't it feel like yesterday we all were in school?” Yumi sighed.

”It does.” Looking at the mirror, Mian smiled and caressed her wedding dress, ”And now I am getting married to Zian.”

”And I am marrying Zixin,” Yumi chuckled.

Dabbing the corner of her eyes with a tissue paper, Linyang sighed, ”You girls are making me more emotional.”

Just then, Huiling entered the room. ”Sister Linyang, brother Andrew is looking for—” Stopping midway, she gasped. Placing her hand on her chest, she sighed in satisfaction, ”You both look so beautiful, I am so happy for you guys.”

Giving both of them a hug, she added, ”Sister Mian you have to go to the other room, it's almost time.”

”Alright, I'll see you guys at the altar.” After Mian left, Linyang also excused herself out.

”I'll go look for Andrew first, maybe he wants something.”

”Where is Qiang?” Yumi inquired.

”Hmm, maybe she is with Guang.”


Qiang's room.