73 Final Fantasy End Part 2 Revelations but who is the Enemy (1/2)

'Galtea tell me about that User already.' She didnt give me an answer about what I needed.

Galtea: It is not a problem for you to worry about. Just focus on the tasks at hand. I am sorry. Really I am.

She sounded somewhat sympathetic. She was hiding something. The more time was screwed up on me, the more scared she became. ”Uhh, what now.” I had control again. However, the time had shifted on me again. We were now fighting Yunalesca and.. Bahamut. ”Why the hell?!” This World has become so twisted I dont know what to do anymore.

”This woman looks pretty. I like her clothes.” Mileena said next to me. ”Welcome back.” She pulled on my hand and hugged me. ”I wont to kill the person doing this to you. Keeping you from us. So does Riku. She wants to end this already. I know she does. She is just confused about her feelings. The name of this place is so weird. Dome - Chamber of the Fayth. Somewhat pretentious.”

”To defeat Sin the Final Aeon must be used,” Yunalesca said. ”That is the only way to end this for a time.” I already knew this but watched as the other's listened. Riku and myself, looked to the side at a creature that was back there. Every now and then I saw the name above its head.

Observe: Yu Yevon/Jecht

'Riku what the hell is that thing back there?' I stopped listening to Yunalesca and focused on it. 'Galtea does that thing belong here?'

Galtea: It does not. It is a byproduct of when you waited in Zanarkand all those years. The times you helped the survivors create it from the people's feeling towards you. Yu Yevon most likely absorbed it as Sin. With Jecht as the current Sin that may be why the name keeps changing.

'That thing is weird. It looks gross though. You want to capture it?' Riku eyeballed it and stopped by walking in front of me. 'It was not here previously for me.'

'I guess we can try.' I sent my emotions towards it. It was a bad move as I linked with it and found myself back in old Zanarkand. ”Oh, crap.” Below me was the destruction of the place unfolding again. Overlooking it was worse than when I was down below running.

A boy in purple to my left and the old man I saw the first time I walked around Zanarkand. The boy was important to Tidus I rembered that much. The man I have no idea really. I wanted to say he was Yu Yevon but it felt wrong in a way.

”Welcome.” The old man said. ”They are coming for you. It looks like my World won't be saved this time.” He sighed at me in disappointment. ”To bad. Hopefully, we return to the System to try again.”

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”Who is coming for me?” I moved forward trying to figure out what he knew. ”Just tell me and I will fight them.”

”You cant.” The boy said abruptly. ”You cant beat Time. But we can make it for there is a better chance next time.” He offered his hand out to me. ”Whether you have a hand in it or not, is a different story.” I reached out and took it. The boy disappeared into pyreflies and was gone. 'User's are so extraordinary and fragile all at the same time.'

”Ahh, that boy and his tests.” The old man said. Do me a favor and try to not destroy the souls of the summoner's you are holding inside you. As well as the Aeons you hold. So far you havent used them to do anything horrible.” The old man turned away from me. ”As for the regular guado people.. well kill them for I care. The affront to my homeland can not so easily be forgiven.”

”Hold on old man! Give me straight answers. I dont do the whole vague response hinting at things things.” I felt a little tongue-tied. That was a horrible sentence. ”Just tell me straight.”

”Very well.” He then turned to face me. I did not like the look in his eyes. It was the same as when I saw young Shepard. Powerful and otherworldly. ”Ho ho ho. You have met another like me. One the System does not restart completely. Not many Users meet fully awakened Pillars of my level.”

”What does it allow you to do?” I was shocked to say the least. All I thought Pillars did was keep the World itself on course. But then again that is what my companions did for me. As well as my followers. ”Are you the same as.. no that can wait for later.”

”A few things here and there. Allowing us to influence our World's as best we can. That is excellent. If I knew that before I would have helped you more. Next time I think I will.”

”Next time? If I die there won't be a next time.” I had all my focus on this.

”There are other ways. But now for your answers. You are dealing with a User who can mess with Time. A very twisted man. He placed some things in our world during the time you first visited. It slowly moved about twisting the nature of the people of Guado. Despite the girl Riku's best efforts. If it was not for him. She would have succeeded in her endeavors.” He shook his head. ”I wish to make a deal with you.”