67 Path of Radiance Part 3 (1/2)
The others had secured the princess with Ike and company. During the few days, I trained with Kasumi. As well as spent time with Alita. Agria had snuck away from me the first night. We didnt have that talk. It was frustrating but I left it alone. A few of the others had arrived and we left the Sanctuary.
Standing in the Compound I stood in front of Gawain. We were going to fight. Which something I seriously needed. He wanted proof that I was capable of doing what I said. I just looked at the quest that was visible to me.
System: Quest: Defeat Gawain. Earn your name.
Reward: Recognize as the heir of Daein. Gawain's loyalty.
Failure: Loss of personel, loss of respect.
'Of course, that would happen.' I thought as I waited. I then felt Zelda tug at me. So I entered my Nether World for a bit. ”What's going on?”
”The forest that bonded with you has given you some things,” Galtea said appearing as well. ”You received a title that is locked. A power that is locked as well. It is doing something to protect you though. Helping to clear your minds or at least contain it for you. It is unusual to say the least. No records of any User or Operator reporting this.”
”It will dispate in a while but it is odd,” Zelda said looking at a tree that had appeared in my Nether World. ”It has also given me some knowledge. Some kind of Galdr and a way for you to absorb Lehran's medallion. I have no idea what that is. It knew you were going to do it.”
”A medal that has been absorbing the madness and some other thing's of this world,” I said looking at the tree. ”If it is a purple-haired woman it is Ike's mother's spirit. If it is a blond woman, then most likely a Heron. If either causes trouble. let me know and we will kill them and be done with it.”
”That is understandable,” Galtea said. ”But you are ok as long as they dont cause trouble right?”
”Yup. I dont care if they are doing god knows what. As long as they are not causing trouble for me.” I shook my head and returned. The two just talked over somethings as I did.
”A small drop of the world's power,” Galtea said looking at it. ”But why Azul? he doesn't match the ideals of the race of herons or the forest spirit anyway.”
”I think it is biding it's time for something,” Zelda said pulling her hand from the statue. ”We will find out eventually.” She started to sing to the statue. It echoed throughout my Nether World. It felt calming to me on the outside. Iput my entire focus ahead of me.
”Your people have proven to be fine warriors. Honorable if not brutal at times.” Gawain said. ”Can the same be said for you?”
”Heh, the people make the man. And the ruler makes the people.” I said placing Ostia on my shoulders. ”Come Gawain, show me the reason why you were called the Divine Knight!”
”Cocky!” Gawain said as he swung his axe at me. I turned Ostia to match against him.
”Ching,” the weapons hit making a beautiful sound. I had the upper hand in strength. My wolf was happy. This was someone it wanted to fight against. Gawain flicked his axe downward breaking free of the clash.
”Swish,” it cut through the air right above the ground before coming up. I stepped to the right and back sideways as he moved. I watched as the axe passed right by my face. He turned it in the air and spun on the ball of his feet. ”Hah!” Gawain yelled as the axe came across with blinding to a normal person.
”Heh, slow.” I looked at him directly in the eyes. ”Tut,” I used my foot that I stepped back with and kicked off it. Coming up to his side with my left fist. ”Bam,” I punched him hard enough that I broke a few ribs.
”Kuk,” Gawain coughed up some blood. He buckled a little and came down to a knee. That's what it look like anyway.
'A feint?' I thought. I was right as the axe came down next. 'So skilled and tough.' I grinned as I stepped away. ”Tut, tut, tut, tut,” falling back I watched the axe bury into the ground.
”Boom,” dirt went flying everywhere. ”Swish,” I heard the axe swing. It cut into the dirt chunks, bathing the area in dust.
'That is some fast movement. Is from his special skill that let's him chain movements like that?' I fell into thought with my second mind as my primary kept track of the fighting. It took only two seconds before he came barreling through. Like a rampaging bull that would scare a regular man. I felt my scar throb. He reminded me of the chaos demon.
”Thump, thump,” my hearts thumped and activate my adrenaline rush. His axe came down faster than my eyes could track. But not faster than my senses. I dropped Ostia. Reaching out, I grabbed his weapon.
System: Fortitude Check 31 Pass
Health -51
”Powerful. Very powerful and skilled.” I said as I staredat him. He tried to move the axe from my grip. I was not gonna let him. ”Misty Fist.” The water wrapped around both my hands. Denser than I ever had it before. ”You left yourself open.”
”What?!” Gawain said slightly shocked as his eyes left the area where his axe met my hand.
”Crack,” I broke the axe. ”Wham!” I punched him in the gut lifting him off the ground. I held him up in the air for a bit. My wolf took a better liking to him even more. 'Maybe I should go all out on him. No, that wouldn't be right, he is a Swordsman, not an Axeman. I need to heal him first.' Looking around right quick, I caught everyone's attention and smiled. ”I could kill you right now. For treason, for desertion, for abandoning the country to that monster Ashnard.”
”Ha ha ha.. why don't you then?” Gawain looked at me defiantly. A bit of fire in his eyes. ”Tell me, prince!”
”Because you were the people's hero. More then anything, the Daein citizens need that. Not Ashnard or a man like me. Someone like you with heart. You left for all the right reasons. I cannot fault you for that. However, I can fault you for the way you did it.” I shook my head slowly. ”Better minds at work is the reason as well.”
He dropped to the ground as I stepped back. His hand went down to grip the dirt. His other hand holding the axe still.
”You and I both know you have done a poor job on Ike. A fine warrior template but... lacking in other areas.” I said smiling at the man. ”He needs more training from you. Not this half-ass shit you are teaching him with crippling yourself. How stupid is that? You limited yourself to atone for what you did. Yet you forgot about all the different enemies you have in waiting. You forgot about the stupid medallion you took with you.” I snarled as I towered over him.
”I thought... I thought it would be enough. I still. I still felt..” Gawain said a little depressed. ”Running was the best option!”
”Not in the least. Running eventually comes to an end. More dangerous then anything.” I outstretched my hands toward him. ”Mental Cleasning.”
”Thank you.” Gawain said with a little more strength in his voice. ”My obligation..”
”You felt obligated to your people. To the Daein citizenry by running.” I started smiling. ”Hah! Then why not help take back Daein. Help me punish the corrupt nobles of Begnion. Cut off there overreaching hand. Lend me your sword to restore peace and prosperity to Tellius. when the bloodshed is over, you and the other Four riders can elect a leader to rule.”
System: The world is revolting against your plan.. Serenes forest has intervened. processing..
Cerebus Node: Mission: Restore Daein to a standard kingdom. Rewards based on the population at the end of the war.
Gawain looked shocked. ”You do not wish to rule?”
”No. That is defintely not my place. At least the way I currently am. I will come back to defend it or kill whatever monster threatens it.” I let out a small sigh of regret. I remembered Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. 'I am defintely just going to kill Macaih or whatever her blasted name is. She is not need for the Daein I am going to build. That and I dont like her. Valid reasons.' I looked to Gawain. ”You will be electing a ruling Monarch. I will be King still. Or I will take a Wife to help govern. She will not be a puppet, do you understand?” He nodded. ”Stuff for down the line, nothing for right now anyway. I looked at Agria and Mileena. Either of you want to be my Queen?”
”I.I...I. no!” Agria said flustered. Her biotic strands said otherwise.
Mileena looked puzzled for a moment. She thought about it, then shrugged. ”No need. I am already bonded to you. That is a useless title, my Khan.”
”Sigh.. gonna need a blasted queen. Ughh more things for down the line.” Not much I could do with all my relastionship just odd to say the least. ”Maybe Tietra wants to be queen?”
”I.. agree. But It will be my axe arm. Not my sword arm.” Gawain said with a wain smile.
”No, it will be your sword arm.” With that, I grabbed his wrist and sent a burst of rune magic into it.
”Aaah!” Gawain screamed in pain. Ike started to charge over before he was lifted in the air from a shoulder throw from Mileena.
As soon as he landed, she had her foot on top him. ”Stay! Do not make me get serious child.” Mileena said chillingly. ”He is healing him.”
Gawain started to calm himself down. In a few minutes, he rotated his wrist and felt relief. ”It is healed.. how did you. No, it was magic that is good enough, for me.”
”That is good.” Seeing him kneel in front of me, I know what he was doing. I channeled some magic into my Growlanser ring. A pitch-black axe with a wolf head appeared on the pommel. Along the spine of the shaft was a dragon. Had no idea why that was there. Drawing my Eldar sword, I pointed it at him. I was able to have Slannesh slumber to help regain his/her strength. While this was going on, the sword lost its psyker abilities but was still a very powerful weapon. ”Look up Gawain.”
He obeyed and stared at me resolutely.”Will you return me my title for I can ride at your side?” A powerful steel in his voice.
”Of course, but first you need to know. There will be killing. A lot of it. In my right hand is the peaceful path. In my left.. the path of bloodshed. Choose which you think is best.”
Gawain knelt for awhile his hand looked to the axe then towards the sword.
”You cant make father decide this!” Mist said speaking with tears welling in her eyes. ”Please stop.”
”Mist.. step back,” Gawain said with fatherly steel in his voice. ”You are not a baby anymore. You have to grow up now. I am sorry I was not a better father for you. I broke my oath in the past. This is a chance for me to do the right thing now.” Turning to the side he cut his cheek on the axe.
I felt happy about his decision, so I spoke with as much regality I could muster. ”The blood you spill in my name. Each body that drops.. each .. person you take from a loved one, it weighs on me. I trust your judgment. Now rise Gawain, First Rider of Daein.” With that, I activated the Heaven Seal and channeled it through the weapon. Even though it didn't exist in this Fire Emblem, I hoped it would work as me and Galtea believed it would.
Gawain was adorned in light. Standing up his cape and armor was mended. A healthy look on his face and his eyes very clear. No longer plagued by doubt and uncertainty. The stress lifted from him.
”Thank you, your majesty. I promise to not fail again.”
Observe: Gawain ???? Class: Hero Lvl 20 Second Class: Divine Knight Lv1
Specialty: Bodyguard, Mercenary