65 Path of Radiance Part 1 (1/2)

Fire Emblem Path of Radiance. My set up here was crazy. An ancient Daen Prince. Half Beorc (Human) and Laguz(Wolf) I and a few others left Daen and moved to Serene's forest and rested there. For blasted centuries at that. Mother and Father died no siblings. I was directly related to Ashnard. He was just a young cousin of mine. A crest on my hand that marked me as Daen royalty. The funny thing it was just a Sword, Lance, and an Axe.

Traveling out of Serene's forest was easy. I basically just followed a path through it. I was trying my best to not run into someone. But that was just not gonna happen. My blasted Soul power was messing with my direction sense. My partner was not helping in the least.

”Over there Azul.” Said Agria pointing. I should have known she would be the one to find it. Pulling in her Heron wings she stared back at me expectantly.

”Ok.. ok. Iam coming.” Just my luck Kasumi decided to go with the other group. Walking up we came across the Heron Leanne, sticking my hand out I communicated with the forest letting it know I was not gonna hurt the child. I was gonna leave her right there.

After a bit of time, it agreed. I also asked if it had the corpse of a male and female of the species. If it was able to give them up, I could place them in the Nether World and possibly create more Herons in the future. It agreed. Then I received the mission.

System: Repopulate the Herons. Protect princess Leanne Rewards: those Herons will follow you as loyal retainers. Racial ability will boost the growth rate of Soul abilities.

”I accept. Of course there would be a catch.” I watched as the trees part and Leanne was free. I looked to Agria. ”She is your responsibility. Be careful though, normal Herons dont fight. See if you can cast something on her to hide her wings.” Looking around I watched as a few corpses of the race appeared. Encircling them in my biotics I cleansed them and watched the remnants of their souls flow towards me. Absorbing them all, I sent them all to my NetherWorld to strengthen.

I didnt know Agria was watching everything I did. Hearing a noise I heard a spell get cast. Turning sharply I was surprised that she casted it on Leanne, not a spell to hid her wings but something else instead. Agria approached me slowly and very focused.

”What is it?” It better not be anymore of that crap she pulled before.

”Are you not attracted to her?” She said pointing behind her.

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”Her. Hell no. She is a child who do you take me for?” I looked at her like she lost it. 'What all happened while I was training. Did something happen In Warhammer?'

”Age is nothing to men in power.” Agria said this a little accusingly. I would have been offended but her biotic strands were so hectic. In a dash I grabbed and hugged her. ”You could take on so many others. Why not do it?”

”I have done you a grave disservice. I have forgotten you were from a monastery before everything happened. You were one of the first to come with me and change your whole world. I need to remedy that. Tell me how I can help you?”

Agria waited for a while then leaned back at me. She stared deep into my eyes and I could see and feel her insecureties. ”Treat me like a woman. Not like a nun. Not like a battle nun or as a daughter of the emperor. Look at me the way you do the others.”

”Huh I do. I was just trying to be respectful. I do fail at that a lot usually. Considering your vows I tried to be at least mindful of that.” I then remember that kiss. ”Considering the way you kised me, I have no idea what the hell you are thinking most times.”

”My vows? Haa haa haha. That is hilarious.” Agria started to control her laughter when she saw my face. ”You havent read my charter for my sisterhood have you?”

”No. You are in charge of that. Is there something I am missing?” She completely disregard the kiss statement.

”We are allowed pleasures of the flesh. Back in my home world we were allowed husbands as well.”

”Well ok.”

”You are not understanding.” Agria shook her head. ”On paper we are daughters of the Emperor. But we are technically married to you. That is how Galtea set it up. You not knowing is funny but good.”

”How is that good?”

”It means you have seen us as a means for your job to get done. That is very rewarding in its own right. Not as sexual chattel to went your frustrations.” Agria smiled happily and shook her head coming to an answer about something I didnt know about. ”You are a powerful man. You will get stronger as time goes by.” Wrapping her arms around my ass she pulled me close. ”I want you as a man. Am I desirable enough for you? Or am I to ugly?”

”I am surrounded by beautiful women all day. You are defintely one of them.” Seeing her unblinking gaze I rembered how silly I was acting. I lean in and kissed her. Seeing her unperturbed face I pulled back and did again this time using my Soul Power to help convey my feelings and thoughts to her directly. I felt it then. She had two souls inside her. Her eyes were two different colors as well. A beautiful blue and a light red.

Her eyes dilated and she held me tighter. Her wings came out in full glory and lit up Serenes forest. It felt familiar holding her. Like I had done it several times before.

”That was good. I am content now. Knowing you actually feel for me is good enough. Let us take care of this world my lord. No my Primarch.” Agria smiled brightly as she pulled her wings back in. ”Hmm I won the bet.”

”What bet?” I was a little confused to say the least.

”The bet to make you realize how you have been acting with us all.” Agria smiled. ”Also with myself. If we spent a 100 years togethor would you be ok with that?”

”Well if .. no you are right.” Pulling her closer I gave her a deeper kiss. I felt my Laguz blood getting restless. Letting her go I realized my tail had wrapped around her. ”Agria.. just rember you opened this door between us. For better or worse I wont stop. Unless you tell me to.” I thought about her last question and answered truthfully. ”A 100 years would be to short with you. I would want more than that. Why did you specifically designate a 100 years?”