56 Mass Effect all those new experiences (1/2)
It was the middle of the night when the alert went off in my Omni-Tool. I got up and went to the table and started to look at the data. The artificial cells had finally started stabilizing with the rest of the body.
”Sucess. If this keeps going, they will at least have a few children before the body stops.” I spoke mostly for my voice recorder to make sure I had something to help reference later. ”Do I tell Chari, Miranda, and Mia about this? Or do I wait for my results to match with the over projection?”
”I say tell them.” I heard Sophia say as she came out of the attached room. Just the top half of her clothes and a pair of socks. I didnt see the remaining half because the way she moved around the table.
”You need to put on some clothes. Like pronto.” I had to at least act civil. But man I did not want to.
”This is more comfortable. Besides I will have to change when we make planetfall.” Sophia said not paying me the least bit of attention. A biotic strand came off of her. She wanted me to take her over the table.
Then I felt it. The next wave and all the ones in the room that settled. The biotic strands were strong. She hated that I never took her. She wanted me in a very carnal way. Her power called to my own. Then I remembered I am Overlord technically. They draw people of power to them. But then they are not like regular demons so what is it now?
”Sophia.. have you enjoyed our time togethor? Out of everyone, you have spent the most time with my second strongest self.” Myself in Mass effect did have the first control for me to operate at the same time. Now me in Warhammer was third and Final Fantasy was fourth. The fifth was Tactics and six was Super Robot Taisen where Chari and I went. Speaking of that place, it was to hard to connect with that one still.
”Of course,” Sophia said still not looking back towards me. ”I occupy a lot of your time as we work on something we both are interested in. That is something I wouldn't trade for anything else. Now if we were to go into the field and kill some things that's a bonus.”
”I see,” I said as I watched her hips move. Replaying the memories between the two of us the attraction was there. A type of slow burn. Both of us wanted each other but we didnt act on it. I didnt because of my emotional restraints. she didnt because well.. she felt my hesitation. She was way more intuned with me than I thought. I then thought about it. Focusing on her I watched as the display popped up. 'How can that be?'
Observe: (Sophia Sunstrider)
Professor: Level 21 Second class Adept:Level 16
Status: Happy, Content, ????
Relations: Has given her self to the Overlord in every way besides physically. Moderate approval of crew. Respects Galtea, Maldova, Agria, Mileuda, Chari, Agron
Disapproves: Alma, Tietra, Jaina
It was time I obliged her. I unzipped my pants and walked right behind her. I looked at the little thin material that would keep a regular man at bay. Placing my hands on her shoulders I said ”Sophia...your Overlord wants you.” I whispered into her ear and bit down on it.
”Mhm.. this better not be a joke.” Sophia moaned to me. ”I ... will not tolerate this I swear.”
”Does this feel like a joke?” I didn't wait for an answer I pushed into her. I kept her stable as the fabric tore against my cock. I didnt even feel the pain. Just the pleasure of being inside her. ”I have waited centuries for this!” Moving my hands to her hips I pushed even harder bottoming out. She was hot as a furnace.
”Oh, hells. Finally! I was beginning to think you were celibate.” Sophia looked back and pulled me into a kiss. It was raw and just passion. A hungry need feed into me as we kissed. I couldn't keep still as I started rocking my hips driving her against the table. ”Ah fuck your servant master!”
”Umm, not my servant.” I pulled out halfway and rammed back in. I would have done it again but she clamped down hard. So hard I couldn't budge. ”You are my Vassal. There is a difference. My first Vassal at that. Along with..” I couldn't finish that sentence. Her walls clamped harder on me. ”Uggh.”
”Yes.. my Overlord..” Sophia's eyes became soft as she bucked back into me. ”Your Vassal has a request. Fuck her! And dont stop till your satisfied or I am out cold.”
”Damn!” I pulled her back into me. She relaxed and allowed me to do what I wanted with her. I would have been bothered but her biotic strands told me to do more. So I did. I leaned back and took her with as I moved to the wall for a brace. Flipping her over I grabbed a tit with one hand and activated my Misty Fist to create a water brace for her. It wrapped giving her something to lean against. I had the wall she had it.
”Ohh, feels warm,” Sophia said. Her mouth opened slightly as she moved a finger to suck on it. Her eyes never leaving mine. I increased my strength in my thrusting. More power. I felt this is what I wanted and she wanted.
Around the room, magic started to build around us. It gathered around me, then her. Back and forth it went as we fucked. Once I felt she was getting close it pulled into us. I held her tight to me before I started a slow pump. It didnt take long for me to finally want to let go.
”Shit I am cumming,” I said next to her ear. She clamped down tightly and started to cum as well. Her walls taking everything out of me. I felt her body change as it accept me. I felt it.. she gained power from me. Not just mana put my Soul Power awakened her.
Holding each other for a few minutes we just kissed. Once our breathing relaxed I knew I wanted more. So did she.
”I am ready for the next few rounds. How about yourself?” To show her I was not joking I flexed inside her. Eliciting a moan from both of us.
”Mmmh let's continue.” Sophia just started to lift herself up when the door opened. In response I tensed up expanding my tip inside her. ”Oh yes!” Sophia dropped back down on me.
”Well you two are spending your time wisely.” Miranda said. ”Did you at least complete your work?”
”Of course we did. We even started on the next part already.” After telling her that, I focused back on Sophia. Picking her up properly this time, I walked over to the table and sat her down on it. ”I dont want to stop.” I told her. She just nodded her head. Looking over she pointed to a file for Miranda.
”This is the solution.” Sophia said. She then turned back to me and grabbed my face. She started kissing me again with the same hunger as before. As if I would leave at any moment. ”Hold on a moment.” She said to me. Looking to Miranda her voice became professional. ”This section right here will cause the cells to adapt better. Hopefully...” I thrust into her slowly causing her to lose her train of thought. ..It will do what needs to be done and.. ahh” I pulled back out and waited.
”When it adapts, it should create a stronger bond. That is what we are hoping for.” I then slid back in and angled up some. ”Mhhp. As long as the bonding goes well, the rest should go as we wanted.” Turning to look at her, I noticed Miranda's breathing had changed only slightly. Her control was amazing as to be expected. ”If it doesnt, we will have to try harder!” I choose that time to push deeper in Sophia and hard. I saw the air get knocked out of her. Seizing her breast with both hands I knead them softly. Each nipple pinched between my fingers.
”I...see.” Miranda flushed only a little before looking back to the data. ”This will help out a lot. I cant think you enough for doing this for me. I.. had given up on this avenue and sent my focus elesewhere... ” Miranda stopped once she stared at the two of us. I could feel the desire boiling in her. She was a very sexually charged woman. But always in control and would never settle for less.
”I felt it only best.” I said as I turned and smiled at her. Sending a little energy her way, I want her to feel a little bit of what we had going on. ”Here is a little something for always helping us Miranda.”
”Master I am close.” Sophia said as she started to speed up on me. Her heels right at the base of my back. ”Come on and get me there! Stop slowing down.”
”I want you to cum for me, Sophia. Hard and fast.” I started to really plow into her. My desire to see her orgasm broke everything else from my thoughts. I felt a biotic strand enter from my side. I paid it little attention.
”Screech,” the table moved from its position. Picking her up I start to slam her back down onto me. If I couldn't use my strength for personal enjoyment what good was it.
”Ahhh, so good!” Sophia clutched tightly as her fingernails broke skin from the power she used. I could see the increase in her biotic abilities and something else strengthen. Something deeper. ”I am cumming.” Her fingers tightened on me. She brought me the over edge this time. I guess she was returning the favor.
”Another round yes?” I asked Sophia as her pussy still milked me. The grip was softer this time. She was tender and wanted to savor our coupling. ”I dont mind waiting.”
”I dont want to wait. But we have work to do.” Sophia sounded slightly annoyed. ”Took to long to get this point.”
”I am sorry about that. Honestly.” I didn't know what else to say.
”She is right Commander,” Miranda said with her self fully under control again. The slight flush leaving her body. She had an amazing smile on her face still. Feeling that Sophia wanted to stop I reluctantly pulled out. Not without having a little fun of course. ”Such a waste.” Giving her a little peck on the cheek I flared my head at her entrance. I pulled a suit over for her to get dressed. I grabbed my clothes off the floor and moved away.
”Fine..” Going to the hydro scrubber for a clean up I stopped. ”Just so you know.. I will be thinking about you the entire shuttle ride down. Thinking about the next time we get togethor.. alone.. or with Miranda nearby.” I felt good. Really good.
'You are a brute. You know that?' Zelda asked me. 'Glad you dont do that to me.'
'To each there own. Just say the word when and I will.' I thought she sounded a little sad but tucked it away. 'Do take it easy as well. While you are in there with my statues try to use your best judgment on what needs to be freed immediately.'
'I will let you know on all accounts.' Zelda told me happily. 'It is safe here. Thanks for not considering me the enemy.'
Checking in my Digital World everything was fine. Switching to Lunabella I saw she was asleep with my Aguman wrapped around her. They both slept peacefully. Her tail held onto me extra tight.
Walking out after getting cleaned up I went into the main room. I was surprised that Mileuda was there first. I thought she returned home.
”I have to talk to you Azul,” Mileuda said extremely serious. Her face was hard and stern like she actually rather not do this but had to.
”Sure. Walk and talk or private?” I didnt know what was going on with her. Not enough time spent. Then I thought about it. Pulling on my self in Final Fantasy tactics as we a=walked, I felt an increase in intimacy from her. She had joined my squad as we moved around picking up the corpse brigade. Recruiting them turning them into an actual squad. Her and Agria were never to far away from me. As well as the squire Tia.
Alastair stood close to Alma making sure she was safe. Something weird was going in the background. Galtea did say I had something major going there that needed me to actually go there. Guess she was not exaggerating.
”Alright. I have just the thing.” Finally using some of my Nether World abilities for my personal use, I made a small little island with a house on it. ”Come this way.” We both stepped into the Rift.
”No outside interference and no looking in from Galtea. How nice.” Mileuda used all sorts of spells and biotics as she scanned the place. I would have been offended but I remember the training she was subject to in Warhammer. ”It is safe. Thank you.”
”No problem. I think. What has you so worried?”
”Everyone else.” Seeing the pained look on my face she waved her hand. ”I heard what happened when you returned. Let's just say a lot of us are not happy. The thing with Jaina.”
”Huh, yeah I figured as much. But I won't apologize.”
”We dont want you to. I am here for answers. Final stance you have on some things.”
”Go ahead and ask.”
”Do you want to be a ruler?” No was my response to her question.
”Why not?” Mileuda fidgeted a little in front of me.
”Because I would do what I feel is best and kill those who oppose me. Those make for great Tyrants. Not rulers so history says anyway.” I didnt know really but that were my surface thoughts. I leaned against the wall instead of sitting in the chair. My wolf was getting restless. It wanted to take Mileuda.
”My brother... will you help me save him?” Her face softened.
”Of course. You are stronger than him already at this time. So you can do it without me you know.” I didnt want her to think she needed me. Which she didnt.
”Won't work. My brother was ignorant just like I used to be. I want you to do it.” Mileuda biotic strands felt sad. She was scared she wouldn't be able to help her brother despite all the new power she wielded.
System: Companion Mission Save Mileudas Brother. Rewards: Mileuda soul bound. Failure: Lost Faith from the party.
”Did you just receive a quest for me?” Her eyes beamed.
”Yeah, I did. I accepted since rejecting it would be something horrible. How did you know?”
”Thank You. The Auxiliary System notified me.” Mileuda stood up and walked over to me. ”Azul I may not be the prettiest..but if you want me.. you.. can have me.”
”No.” I felt the immediate recoil from her biotic strands. ”Easy there. I did not mean it that way. Dont you think you can find someone better? Not just the guy who agreed to get your brother back for you?”
”Hahaha hash on yourself, you are an idiot. Do you not realize what you have done for some of us yet?”
”Rude much?” I said then thought about her words. ”Ok, you are right. But figured you would just want better. There are the Elves that are on board.”
”Pft, fat chance.” Mileuda had a little distaste in her voice but only at the elf part. ”There body build is not my preference. Also, they are not human. I dont mean the racial difference, I mean they just dont act like people. Yours on the other hand..” She touched my side and ran it along my stomach. ”Defintely my type. Would have gone for Alistair but he is in love with that Alma girl. You have not settled on anyone yet have you?”
”No. Galtea has suggested heavily for me not to. So I have kept myself open to that type of relationship. Does not help my powers are in agreement with that.”
”How so?”
”My Psycho power does not want me staying dormant I guess. I dont know, I need to dig deeper into that. My SoulPower likes to connect. Sex is definitely a way to do that. Getting intimate. Not just sex mind you. Just holding onto people can cause it to skyrocket and also just makes me feel better I get a strong understanding of the person during that time. The longer I do it for, the stronger the lingering effect in my thoughts. My Laguz blood wants a large pack for me to lead. A few other things inside me are telling me to go after what I want.
”So like this,” Mileuda said hugging me. Instantly her biotic strands were opened to me. She was a very powerful Psyker. ”This.. this is nice. You are warm. And not in a heat type way. Does this bother you?” She looked up at me and I felt myself melt a little. The girl next door vibe she had clearing away several doubts I had.