54 Meeting and System works weirdly? (1/2)
”Captain…no Maldova do I know you?” I asked as it was bugging me. Her favor in my screen last time I looked still showed ???. I wanted to know why. I also wanted to know why my I couldn't look at my status anymore.
”Possibly.” She said. It was a sort of deflect. With my strength having increased, I could feel more coming off of her now. ”I have travelled far and wide Azul. As you were an Alliance officer, we may have met on a battlefield or two.”
”Yeah, whatever. What's our next move?” Kasumi asked. She wanted to know in a hurry. She kept staring at me waiting for something. Alita kept me shielded from her for some oddball reason.
Everyone was now looking at me. Galtea just sipped her coffee. ”Ugh, fine. Ok, we are taking some R and R time. We are going to the Citadel to pick up supplies. Extra medical supplies I do not want the same thing happening again that I just experienced. So shore leave for everyone. Just two days. No, better yet three.”
I felt the ship vibrate for an instance from the cheers. ”Settle down!” Maldova said reeling everyone in. ”Continue Azul.”
”After we do that, and check on some work, the next place we are going is Final Fantasy Tactics for a bit. Then to Final Fantasy 10. Then back here again. That is what I would like to do. I doubt that will happen.” I said in all seriousness as I scanned the room. Too many different strands to decipher. ”With that said, we have to make a second division of sorts. A second ship is in the works. The first ship, which is this one will focus on exploration and support between worlds. The second ship will be the war ship. There sole focus is increasing our military might.”
”Wait!” Tietra voiced. ”I thought it was all ok.”
”No, just postponed. The Council will keep its eyes out for any problems. A new wave of Users have come about. Nowhere near as powerful as the previous generations. The Council has to keep moving with its design.” Galtea paused and sighed. ”There hope is that whoever is causing trouble messed up. With all the new worlds opening up it is only a matter of time.”
”Well, that's just Prime,” I said not liking this at all. A slighting mental pocking alerting me to something. I sent a message to Galtea and sent just blinked at me.
”You have to step up. Since Zelda released your desires and pride, I know your psycho power is kicking into high gear. Your level is keeping you currently limited. I have a place set up that will help you.”Galtea voice came out weirdly gleeful. ”You will love it.”
”Oh, will he?” Miranda asked. ”How do I earn points so I can go to one of these worlds?” She had joined us now. The other me had done a lot of talking with her. She took little convincing after she received the notes way back. Now with the System having explained to her some additional perks, she was very happy to lend her aid. Provided we kept our end of the deal. Helping save this place from the Reapers and keeping humanity from getting wiped out.
”Traveling with him and by doing missions that are sent to you.”
”Yeah, I have done tones of those. I am ready to head to a place right now!” Kasumi said excitedly.
”Alright now. Kasumi, Agria, and Tietra. There is a place you are going to with Azul later.” Galtea said watching their expressions. ”It is the same place he will love so maybe you will too.”
”What about Mileuda?” Tietra asked.
”I am going to a place with him already,” Mileuda said smiling at me.
”Oi dont look at me. I dont know about any of these places.” I grinned as a defense. ”I find out when I go there I take it.” Staring at Galtea who refused to tell me.
”Everyone else, until things have changed are going with him to Magic the Gathering.” I actually cringed at that.
”Oi, I am not dealing with Nicol bolas douche bagery ass.” I hate that dragon with a passion. I heard Kasumi snicker.
”Why is that? He is a big old puddy cat.” Kasumi said to me. ”Totally not me that said that. Was Alita.”
”Uh-huh, hold on a moment,” I told the two. Focusing I sent what I knew of he blasted dragon had done. I felt Alita's pain right after I finish.
”He was such a good hatchling. What changed?” Alita said before letting go, I assume to go and think.
”You also have to make time for the crew Azul,” Galtea said with a smirk. Seeing my expression she continued. ”You forget, Mass Effect is technically your Home World now. The mechanics and the way it works affect you. In other words..”
”I have to visit the crew between missions and talk with them. But the me that has been here has been doing that. What else should I be doing?” I asked at a little bit of a loss. ”Wait .. wait are you saying that is how I will unlock more companion missions?”
”Yes, so far out everyone the only companion mission you have completed is Alistair. That is really not good. If I didnt know any better I think you didnt care about your people.” Galtea taunted me a little. ”But I know that is not true considering how points were spent before that battle. Make time for those you believe would like to spend time with you. Understand Commander?” The last part was said with a few chuckles.
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”Right.” I understood then I felt a slight headache. I knew what was coming next. Maldova spoke first.
”We need to address the incident.” Looking around a few people piques there interest. ”It is time everyone knows what happens when a User releases a companion. A pull.”
”When a pull is set free, there are several options. This also applies to the people who decide to come with him. People like Tietra and Mileuda for example.
0. They are confused and dont know what to do with regards to you.
1. They can have the entire thing wiped from there mind. Or they just part ways as they are.
2. They can keep there memories but lose any power the user gave them.
3. This one is rare, they are allowed to start a new life somewhere.
4. They can be wiped from existence. This is the harshest one that can be done at Azul's current level.
5. Cant see themselves with out you. The user refuses to set them free.
6. You are free and the User sends points to try to fix what they have screwed up. They are forever bared from your world. Or from contacting you.
Any questions?”
”Yeah,” Riku spoke up for the first time. ”What does Azul currently have set for each pull. From my understanding, it is based off what he thinks of everyone.”
”It is up to you to show them. I dont have the option.” Galtea said looking at me.
I shrugged my shoulders and thought whatever it was that would allow them to see. There were a few gasps around the room as well as the conference video.
”Damn you!” Riku said gritting her teeth at me. She got up and left the room.
”Well, that was interesting!” Ruma said smacking her fingers on the table. ”I am defintely ok with this.” She stared at me. ”When things are done here, I and my clan want to permanently reside in Warhammer 30k-40k. That place will be the best for us.” I gave her a nod agreeing.
Agria eyes were wide. She stared at me intently. I notice the same look from Mileuda and Mileena.
”What? Dont look at me like that. I have not checked. Nor do I currently want to right now.” After I said that they focused on the screen.
”Galtea what are you set at?” Kasumi asked smirking. ”I think I already know.” Galtea then flipped the screen over with out even looking at it. ”Called it!”
After 10 minutes of this, we moved on to the next order of things.
”Ok, Azul you let them spend their points as they want. Which isn't too bad... but we need to talk about there options. If you want to, you can give them pull orbs to use on there selves. The Auxiliary System will help them with what they can get.”
”Alight. But I cant see what I have currently have so..”
”No problem.” Galtea smiled evilly at me. I did not like that look.
I felt myself rip apart and get put back togethor faster than I could think. ”What the heck was that?!” It happened again near my fingers this time.
”Your body is rebuilding. Also, all the Space Marine upgrades are getting installed. Cant have you as the weakest Primarch. That will not do. Also, you are getting the Primaris ones as well. Considering the difficulty of the place it will no longer matter this slight upgrade differences.”
”I would think there would be more screaming,” Malakor said. ”That looks painful.”
”Usually there would be,” Alita said from Kasumi. ”But he is focused on something.”
”He is focused on shielding Zelda, Lunabella and his Digimon self. He shouldn't have to but I will not tell him that. It is a good mental exercise.”
”Yah know. If you keep this up..” Riku paused to say..” he will start to despise you. Even with the power-up, he receives from it. If he was power-hungry this would work really well for him though.”
”I hate it too. But it will make him stronger specifically his psycho power. I am hoping his relationship with you all will boost his soul power.” She looked to Agria and squinted. ”You have to tell him soon. When this is over he will notice some things more. Especially with his Pather power receiving a boost.” Agria just nodded and looked down. There voices were muffled to me but not completely.
In the next instant, everything was over. I stood up and felt well a little more complete. Closing my eyes I connected with the other me right quick. The connection was way stronger now. Except for the one with Chari and myself. Super Robot Taisen was so far away.
”Whew, that was actually good at the end. Felt like I just did a Triathlon. Considering I never finished one that is saying something.” Flexing my hands I stared at Riku. ”Put your guard up!” I saw her understand and turned into water and rushed her.