48 Warhammer 30k-40k Part 5 Not Edited (1/2)
”Why are your emotions so separated? With your psychic and magic potential, they should not be like this.' Zelda sounded horrified about this.
”I do not know what you are talking about?”
”Can you not enter you mindscape?”
”Mindscape?” I had to think for a moment. ”Yes, hold a second.” I entered my Lin Kuei mediation. I then appeared in front of Zelda. ”So what were you saying?”
”This!” Zelda pointed around. All before us, were statues of me. Various poses of expressions. Words written on the base of each of them. The only thing weird I found about them, they were incased in chains. Purple pink chains and whitish blue ones.Some more than others. ”Why are you so repressed and restrained?”
”I dont know what this is? I think I should ask Galtea?” Before I could ask, Zelda stop me.
”Wai! Let me help you. I wish to earn my keep. This is an area of my expertise.” Zelda looked at me quite happy. The strands allowed me to know she was desperate. Desperate to prove herself.
”I forgot about your previous incident just that quickly. Sorry about that, was kind of busy. Glad the fire didnt hurt you. Wait it didn't hurt you did it?” I need to pay attention to my companions more.
”Not at all. I actually became stronger. Also had my mind cleared a little. Also this statue appeared afterward.” Zelda pointed at a statue furthur in. It was one of me but well in a mediation pose of sorts. The base read Insight. ”This should not have been knew for a magic user. Your teacher must have taught a different way. A natural understanding most likely.”
”That is correct. So is this something that needs to be corrected.” I said as I waved around my hands. ”I have control already.”
”Yes and no.” Zelda just stared at me. ”It will give you better control of yourself. Emotional strength that powers magic way more than what you previously were taught. That is guaranteed. Control equals power. Which you desperately need.”
”Great how do we start?”
”We find the easiest one to release. Usually things we enjoy expressing. For me it was serenity. I dont think that will work for you.” Zelda smiled. Closing her eyes she sent out a wave of energy. ”Found the perfect ones. Follow me.”
Following along we came across some giant statues. They were glowing visibly by the eye. Walking around Zelda who stopped, I saw the look in her eyes. She was scared.
”Well that cant be good. Ok spill.”
”Right.” Zelda walked over and stopped at the first one. ”This is your anger and wrath. It is one statue. It should be two considering.”
”Considering what?”
”Your Psycho power and Soul power.” Looking around she notice alot of the statues were fusion of two. ”Your emotional state is really abnormal.”
Placing her hand on my statue I watched as her hand went inside. I immediately rembered a memory. A recent one at that. It was the fight against that blasted sea creature in Final Fantasy 10. Placing her hand deeper inside I felt a shift. The next was the fight against Kintaro. Another shift brought us to Feros. The firefight in the mines. As if she felt ill Zelda pulled her hand out. Steeling herself she pushed it back inside. The fighting I did in the tutorial popped up next.
”Ugh,” She moaned falling back a little. With a stretch of mental energy I held her up. ”Thank you.” As she caught her bearings we watched as the chains broke away. A rush of energy entered me I felt strangely calm. Stronger somehow but not really. Slaneesh grew in strength.
”That should have not happened. How old are you Master?”
”Physically I dont keep up really. Since the bodies tend to have different ages. However my primary soul is about a few millinea old. This soul in front of you. I didnt send that to you earlier?”
”I have not gone through it all yet. I went after what I thought was important. The type of person you were. But this will help as well.” Zelda said to me as she stood up straight. ”I can work on freeing these. It will help your emotion and your mind link up more… correctly.”
”Alright.” I said looking around. Then back to her. ”Get to it at your convenience.”
”Thank you.” Zelda nodded her head and then walked to the next biggest statue. The strangest thing was that there was acrack in the middle of it. Placing her hand onto it, there was a strong glow. With a strong push of her hands they went inside. I saw images of myself but this was me back in Street Fighter. I never actually went but the various me's that were there. Engaged in various acts of sex and violence. I swear they fucked all day it felt like. And fought all night in underground matches. I had a strong urge to go and fight Sagat for some reason.
Pulling her hands out, Zelda looked at me red faced with an actual bloody nose. The chains broke off and I felt horny immediately after. Looking down at the base I saw the words. Lust and desire. Then I thought about it, the last time I had engaged in sexual activity personally was with Mileena. That was before Zanarkand. I hadn't done anything sexual for close to a 1000 years. I felt Slannesh react to that. He/she power grew expontially crazy. Also felt a bond with it, stronger then before.
Exiting back I watched in foyer I guess you could call it. I didnt really carw right now. We were leaving post haste. The Eldar wanted to work on leaving. They did not want to fight against the Tyrannids. I didnt argue as I told them good luck and left. I took some armor and weapons and all the tanks they had was already in my inventory.
”AH fresh air” I said. The gladiators around me laughed. We headed to our vehicle to leave. Bit stopped when the gate opened.
”Bwoom, bwoom, bwoom'” several Eldar came out. Not even 1/100 of the forces but some nonetheless.