45 Warhammer 30k-40k Part 2 (1/2)
”A light War jack from Warmachine for Jaina. Maybe another for the Archon. Eh why not.” Galtea nodded at me agreeing.
I wanted to buy a Gundam... like really badly. But Galtea pleaded me not to. ”Just saying Heavy Arms would be perfect in this scenario.”
”No for the last time. Dont do it. It will make this place become even harder.” Galtea watched everything I was purchasing. She was worried beyond belief. With good reason. She rechecked everything against any possible chances of an increase in difficulty.
”Fine!'' I said. She had a point. ”Galtea when I am finished, remindme that I am supposed to do something to you.” I looked back at the shop list.
”Very well.” She shrugged her shoulders and looked at me. ”Do you think using the summons is a good idea? They would become demons then. They will not become like Celestine either. So get that out of your head.”
”Yeah.. bad idea. But the one I dont like.. I think we can allow it to happen to her.” I shrugged. ”I really want to use the Sisterhood.”
”It is too early for them to appear. Several centuries I might add at that.” Galtea moved about thinking. ”No, we should keep them recruiting and uplifting the lost worlds in the sector they are in. So far with the points spent already, they have done a great job securing several sectors that were lost between the transition of 30k and 40k. They are a sound investment. With them coming after the Primarchs had mostly all died or turned to Chaos, it will be fine once they emerge. If things go south they will work wonders. You cannot have the Sisters of Silence either. You would grow dangerously powerful.”
”Yeah, yeah. I want to mess up the timeline so badly. So many changes that can be made. Like Horus and the Lion. Oh, shit Magnus.. that one-eyed fucker. I wanted to talk with that guy. He knew some weird things. I like weird things.” I was a little too excited. Better than thinking about how dangerous it was here.
”That is cruel and you know it. I rather you didnt subject that soul to that.” Galtea was becoming more... conversive. open... maybe. ”As for the timeline.. once this is over, the change will happen slowly. We will head somewhere else then come back. The Heresy will take to much to change. That I can assure you.”
”Ok then,” I said scratching that off my list. 'But I can change the fate of some of the Primarchs. Well, humanize them a little maybe that will help.'
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”Ok?” Galtea asked. Her face was puzzled.
”Yeah, ok.” Do you want me to change my mind back?”
”No!” She got up and got right in my face. ”Why though?”
”Simple. You asked me to.” I shrugged and went back searching the store. ”I dont mind doing something like that for the people in my group. If I really had to do that, there would have been no asking.” I nodded my head agreeing with myself. ”I am wishy-washy at times. So sue me, but dont sue me.”
”I see.” Galtea looked away from me. ”Thank you anyway.”
”No problem. Stop feeling guilty already. ”I did not like that feeling coming through the link we shared. You have nothing to be sorry for.”
”I know you say that. But still..” Galtea started to apologize again. I didnt want to hear it. So I pushed my emotions directly at her. Any anger from what happened, any relief that I had from having to know longer worry about making it back home, as well as what I hope to achieve. Enjoying the quiet as she went through it all I stopped when I saw a Morpher.Right before I clicked she stopped me.
”No, you cannot become a Power Ranger!” Her gaze was sharp and commanding. ”Sit down for me please.” She asked me nicely so I did.
As soon as I did so, I was surprised. She didnt sit next to me, but on my lap instead. ”Hey what gives?”
”This, I know you do this with several of the others. With Chari, it is just to help her. But you get a thrill from it all the same. Right now you need this intimacy. Considering where you are headed back to. Even more so. Now let's see what we can get you, that will give you a fighting chance.”
I tightened my grip around her and looked at the screen. I had some snuggles to make up for. I dont care if people judged me about it. I like that and no complaints yet.
”The Haemastemen and Biscopea is a must. In this world, those upgrades will flourish faster and react better.'' Galtea looked back at me before quickly turning back. She was just checking that I was paying attention. Which I was. ”Let's do the Preomor as well.”
”I agree. We need something for the troops. Like seriously. They are mostly meleeing fighters. Only thing I know is that this swarm does not have the large bio-weapons. The claws and talons will make short work of everyone's flesh.”
”And done. Your body has accepted the upgrades. Most improvements to your Constitution.” Galtea smiled back at me. ”Oh, the other stuff you were saying... Let us see..”
”Take your time,” I said to her. It was nice seeing her smile. I received a quick flash of everyone else smiling. I need to protect those smiles. 'That was weird to think about.'
”We can purchase reinforcement magic.. or some physic guards that you can cast. But it won't last long. You would have to keep casting over and over.” Galtea opened a window with a language I could not even possibly understand. I did recognize the person it was showing, Jaina. I assumed it was her specs. Looking at it for a few seconds I turned back to the store screen. ”Jaina can use some spells that will work. The problem is that she is more offensive in nature. What do you think?”
”Do it. One or two defensive ones will turn the tide. Maybe anyway. Pick one for me that will work best.” I scrolled over and looked at a screen with armor. I stopped at a Guyver unit. If I had the chance I would have loved to play the game all over again. But no time to now. ”What about these Guyver units? It is a bio-armor. They may look aesthetically different but there are some like this in this world. In fact, the Elder wraith bone is really close to it right?”
”Get them. They won't cause a problem. Ahh, there is only three of them.” Galtea checked them out, then went back to what she was doing. ”One for you, Jaina, and a Gladiator. You cant give one to Angron.”
”Why not?” I thought about it for a second before I remembered. ”Right, I cant give him my Halo Armor can I either.” This was a pain to maintain. But then again I rather have it this way then everyone getting wiped out.
”No, but you can give it to one of the Gladiators with you. They are your support by the way.” Galtea voice was normal, but I could hear a little cheery tone in it. I didnt know if this was from the close contact we had currently or if she was beginning to open up to me more.
”Oh yeah forgot about that,” I said remembering what she told me earlier. No matter what world I go to, I would always have some kind of support. Whether it was good or bad. Which explained the squadmates from Final Fantasy Tactics and Maldova and company. It was only for a little while unless I could raise my reputation higher with them. That reminded me of something. ”Why can't I see Maldova's rating with me?” Galtea shuddered. She was anxious and this did not help her position on my lap.
”I dont want to say. If you order me to... I will. Dont make me do it.” Galtea poured her strands out. She was serious. She really did not want to say it.
I bounced her on my lap. ”I won't ok,” I said as gently as possible. ”Go to bed you have worked hard enough as it is.” I went back to finding something to help. She leaned back into me. Her lips right against my neck.
”Your a bad man.” She mumbled before going to sleep. ”A really bad man. But our man.”
'Our, our who?' I felt that this was a landmine waiting for me when this battle was over. 'Why did it have to be Tyrannids?!'