42 Final Fantasy 10 Part 4 Not Edited (1/2)

”Listen here chuckles, I dont have the patience to deal with you. So do your self a favor and back off!” I said to the Al Bhed summoner. I was quite fed up with the man already.

”You are just afraid you are going to lose to me is all.” He looked over to Riku. ”I told you he was a coward. He is undeserving of your affections. You waited so long for a wimp.”

”I have told you time and time again. I am not interested in anyone else.” Riku pointed at the man. I felt she was generally angry at him. ”Do yourself a favor and drop it. I am serious Raiza he will kill you. I may not like you much but I dont want you to die.” Riku stopped talking when she noticed the man was not listening. She turned and look at me shrugging her shoulders.

”Come on fight wimpy man,” Raiza said again taunting me.

”Pass.” I kept sitting down and went back to talking with Speedy. I felt Mileena and Hotshot getting angry. Mileena wanted to rip the guy apart. Hotshot wanted me to punch him on the spot.

”I wouldn't fight if I had such a weak pathetic summons,” Raiza said looking at Speedy.

”Ok now you are really pissing me off.” I looked at Speedy next. 'Head back bud we will talk later.'

'No problem. Kick him in the teeth for me Senor.' With that Speedy disappeared.

I stood up and walked to the Raiza. ”Ok now. If we are doing this.. we do it for keeps. Death Match. I dont want to waste my time any other way. ” I drew my Eldar sword and pointed directly at him.

A few oohh and ahhs went out in the crowd that gathered. A few of the Al Bhed tried to convince him. From what I could tell it was not going to work. Wakka walked up to me.

”Eh, are you really going to fight him?” He looked a little concerned. ”I dont think you can win yah?”

”Oh, didnt think you cared.” I looked at him then dismissed his concerns. ”It will be easy.”

”It is a deal.” Raiza stepped forward shrugging the hands of his friends. He stretched his hands out amd then summoned his partner.

The ground in front of him broke open. Outstretched an Ifrit summons. The weird thing about it was the eyes and that it looked very slender compared to ones I remember. The Ifrit stared at me. It eyes looked apologetic but it was not condescending. It didnt want to die. It feared me and my sword.

”Sorry about that.” Raising my hands up above a small fissure formed. Then a tearing sound rang out as teeth ripped into reality. A wolf head popped out. Opening its eyes it gazed at everyone present. ”Arooo,” it howled. Next two more heads ripped through reality as well. These wolf heads eyes were close.

Technically it was me. I felt everything it did and vice versa. It was very easy to control since it was an extension of myself. Stepping out I moved myself down toward the ground and hovered over well myself.

”Let us begin shall we.” Jumping forward I opened my mouth to bite at the Ifrits head. I had to give it to Raiza, he reacted fast and had his summon jump in the air. While sailing up it already started to use the signature move of its species.

A fireball of pressure started to form. In the center, it had traces of rock. Once it formed, the Ifrit looked back at me before bringing its fist down. Spiking it down towards me, I stood there. Right before it hit, I threw up my biotic shield incased in water.

”Boom!” I slid back only a few feet. I licked my fangs and stared at the Ifrit. It still had fear in its eyes. It stared down towards its summoner as if pleading to stop.

”Go we have him on the ropes!” Raiza yelled. He sent more magic out to the Ifrit. With the additional power, it charged at me in a large swipe.

I ducked the blow and brought my head low to the ground. Activating Adrenaline Rush I pushed up on my front paws and went directly for its neck. Biting down hard I pushed down on its chest and ripped out its throat.

”Aggh,' the Ifrit groaned in pain. Looking at its eyes I jumped on it again and bit down once more. This time going for the side of the neck ripping it out more. Seeing it twitch I backed away and watched. Feeling the pain it felt I stepped forward as myself. Pulling it towards me, I blasted it with my magic engulfing its entire body. I found the link between the two and severed it. I took his summons from him. He wouldn't need it anymore.

”What did you do?” Raiza said panicked. He then fell on his butt scared. I walked up to him with my sword raised.

”What are you doing?! Screamed Tidus.

” It is a Death Match. I am holding up my end.” I said to him like he lost his marbles. ”Did you not pay attention class?”

”But you already won.” Said Yuna.

”No, I haven't,” I said to her with a grin. ”You have not one a Death Match till someone is dead.”

”But he cant fight anymore.” Said Tidus.

I turned away from him and saw that my opponent had scampered away. ”Where do you think you are going?” I walked forward trying to finish the job. Swinging my sword down I was surprised to see it was intercepted. The Sword Brotherhood that Tidus wield blocked me. I gave him a side glance and said what zi thought was polite enough,” you are in my way?”

”I cant just watch as you kill someone.”

”Then close your eyes or turn away,” I said to him still smiling. ”I am serious. I am going to kill him. If you get in my way I will hurt you.”

”I am not gonna move!” Tidus stood there defiant.

”So be it.” Stepping forward I pushed against his sword knocking him off balance. Before he could fix his footing I shot pure magic at his feet making him step back foolishly. Seeing the Al Bhed running away passed his friends I poured my magic into my sword and pointed it at him. ”Concussive Shot!”

The charged-up spell sailed through the air and caught him in the back. He went tumbling to the ground and skid to a stop. Tidus came back at me and struck at my back in anger. I sidestepped and watched as the blade passed in front of my face.

He left himself open so I cold-cocked him in the face.

”Whack,” his head rocked as he stepped back.