27 Alistair Companion Mission End part 4 1/2. (1/2)

System: Rewards calculated. 5 Auxiliary patches. 5 soul patches. 5 Mind patches. 5x Common pull.

User nonresponsive following previous set up. Auto assigning points.

The User has met level requirements. Second primary class unlocked. The User is unresponsive, shutting down to re-establish a full connection.

I awakened in a stone house. No one around me. So at least I was safe, right?

”Dammit, why does everything hurt so much?” I asked out loud hoping for an answer. I directed my soul/pyscho power to heal and numb my senses. My bones were broken and muscles are torn. My skin had tears all along the surface area. My eyes and teeth survive the blast just fine. I couldn't move anything before my neck. I continued to wiggle my toes in the hope of feeling them to no avail.

I gave up trying to move them and accessed my inventory. I used the medigel all at once. It dropped out of nowhere and landed on my chest. The gel started to work wonders patching my tissue. Forcing my power the rest of the way to heal my nerves and back.

Jaina: How are you feeling? I suggest you place your gear in your inventory. They couldn't get it off to treat you. Luckily Alistair let them know it was helping keep you alive. So they stopped persisting.

'I have been better. How is it for you? Bet it is just peachy there.' I couldn't help just answering quickly. Thinking actually hurt if you could believe it.

Jaina: Actually it is horrible here. Are you gonna survive? Looking at the state of this place you are on the brink of death. Try using magic. Also, I am coming out since you are alone. You can explain to them how I got here.

'Is that actual worry in your voice? I don't know? How am I gonna explain to them? I am giving everything I can right now to heal myself.' Using what little magic I knew. I focus on just stitching myself back together. After my head stopped ringing, I focused on meditating to remember what I know as a geneticist to help with key areas. My brain and nervous system was definitely a priority. My heart and lungs were ok.

Jaina: You are doing a good job. You should be done in a few days or so. You sure? You don't have a knack for magic?


I heard a popping noise. Then a soft but stern voice. It broke my mediation as I looked at the woman who appeared. It was a young Jaina Proudmore. She was human again. Man the ears totally suited her.

”Holyshit your hot!” Couldn't help but feel my blood rise and flow faster. Causing me to start to pass out again. I quickly reentered into meditation. Definitely dumb move on my part.

”Heh, You are really an idiot. Is that the first thing that comes to your mind? But not bad decisions there. Don't worry I will watch over you while you recover. The magic here is so loose and free. What is this information I am receiving? This auxiliary System is so helpful.” Jaina said as she cast an invisible spell on herself.

She received the job class change from the auxiliary system. She went about fooling with it, as Azul started to gather more and more magic around himself till it enveloped him in a cocoon.

After months of mediation, it seemed like it anyway. My mind was clear again. Gather my thoughts and a quick check over my body and it felt like I was done.

I opened my eyes. I was shocked, to say the least. I was in some weird cocoon type thing. Clawing my way out I stowed it away into my inventory. Looking over my body, a lot of scars faded away.

My Cerberus symbol had had a strong magical force around it. Much greater than before. Few traces of biotic strands kept flowing into it. I tried using observe it didn't work. Reaching outward the biotic strands in the air were in flux. But what I could tell, I was surrounded in despair and anger.

”Ah well, it still looks cool, to say the least. I should get my gear back on.” At that, I pulled my gear back out of my inventory and started to put my clothes on. At least this still works.

”I don't care what is going on. They need to leave now.” A female voice said outside the room I was in.


The door opened to reveal a female knight and a few others with her. Alistair was in the back trying to explain he could pay more if I was allowed to rest more.

I looked at them while I continue to put my clothes on. I never stopped or became flustered from there gazes. I pulled my pants up and fastened my belt and looked at them while I put on my shirt.

”Umm, so. How are you?” The female knight asked blushing a little.

”I am fine maybe, still a bit sore. But I will be ok. Well, at least I think so anyway.” I answered calmly. 'Hmm, they don't look familiar. Well, that knight does a little, but oh well.' ”Thanks for the stay we will leave immediately. Alistair where are we?”

Alistair stepped up and out the way from the group. He looked flusterd but other than that completely healthy.

”Boss.. well you are not gonna believe this but… we are at the Corpse brigade forward base.” Alistair said with hesitation.

”Well fuck me. We need to go. These people are in danger near us.” I looked around for my sword it was nowhere to be found. Turns out it was destroyed. Wait I bought an axe maybe it's in my inventory. To no avail, it was not there. No actual weapons great... just great.

”We were hoping you would join us. Ample fighters like yourselves could definitely help.” A female thief stepped forward asking.

”Sorry but I need to get back to my squad. They went on ahead and.. Wait, Alistair, where is Codis Beoulve tell me you killed him.”

”Boss he was not the man I thought he was. He is actually the same as me. He left with the twins. He has a lot to think about he said.” Alistair said while averting my eyes.

”No .no no.. no. no. You said he... argh, God dammit man. Let's head back to the castle. This is ridiculous.” I reach my mind out to Jaina but no response. Where the heck is she?

”Shink” The sound of several swords and knives having been drawn fills the room.

”Yeah, people really bad idea. You are definitely in over your heads.” I said towards the group. ”I do not want to kill innocent people unless I have to. Stand down now!” My psycho power flared out forcing them all to take a knee. All but the one female knight. Her legs just bent. She looked at me defiantly.

”Please.. help us.” She asked while she struggled to stay up.

”That is enough Azul. These people are not your enemies. And from what I gather from your memories you will never forgive yourself if you killed them. This is Mileuda and her group.” A soft voice came out of the corner.

Jaina came out of invisibility. She walked towards me completely ignoring my suppression placing a consoling hand on my shoulder.

The strands that came from here immediately pacified me. I looked at her shocked. Was should gonna cause me trouble's in the future.

”What did you mean my memories? Explain.” If she the info I knew of this place things should go a lot smoother.

”Let's just say I know you want to help her and her brother Wiegarf before things get too dangerous,” Jaina said as she pats my shoulder.

”Fine. What do you need help with?” I asked hoping it wouldn't be too difficult. The lack of not being able to use my System or communicate bothered me.

”Help us stop the Pursuit Sky members.” The thief in the group said. They are breathing down our necks. They are trying to carrol us all up with threats from the crown. The church is putting pressure as well, saying all members of the corpse brigade are sinners. We are running out of options.

”Oh, you have got to be kidding me. So something not to hard just great. Where do you want to start? I can provide food and water that's about it. With the magic, I have anyway and maybe with this woman's help.” I pointed at Jaina. ”Get the people you want and we can leave.”

At that, a slight discussion begins about the options to take. Only took 30 minutes to come to a decision. Some wanted to just go. Others wanted to gather as many as they can to join for a final push.

”Follow me. We have a prisoner ready to do an exchange. Commander Gustav came up with the plan for a kidnapping.” Milleuda along with the others explained the plan.”We will use as an exchange for my brother and some other fighters of ours... She is a young Beoulve girl. Will that be a problem for you?”

I shake my head. ”It shouldn't be a problem.”

Come this way.” Mileuda beckoned us to follow.