25 Interlude before the Battle (1/2)

I was now in my inner space. Galtea started to explain my upgrades and what happened. I was also here to wait on my magical teacher.

My upgrades ran into some problems with my bodies current abilities. The first was the Ossmodula.

A small tubular organ was attached to my brain stem and traveled down my spinal cord. My body also had branching tubes spread out into my nervous system that transported psychic energy as well now, thanks to my overuse of the Eldar Sword earlier.

I would like to think it was meant to happen but Galtea told straight out it is a result of mutation. She said I can make a joke and blame Alistair since he was also the reason I use the sword earlier. I now had a nervous system more like an Eldar and less like an Aspirant Human. My pyscho power now became much stronger and easier to control once my nervous system control became more refined.

The ossmodula secretes hormones that both affect the ossification of the skeleton and encourages the forming bone growths to absorb ceramic-based chemicals that are laced into my stomach lining. This was to drastically alter the way my bones would develop. With my increase constitution and soul power, my body healed and developed right then and there.

My freshly healed bones from earlier broke apart and reformed longer and stronger. My rib cage fused into a solid mass of bulletproof, interlocking plates. When that finished my soul power went through them carried by my new branch nerves. My soul power redid my bones layout into an effective way without compromising my movement since I was not an Eldar. The actual flesh of the nerves disappeared and turned into a biotic/psychic nerve system. Galtea said it was like having nerves there but not having any to the naked eye or a microscope but they were there she assured me.

The Occulobe implant sat at the base of my brain and provides hormonal and genetic stimuli which enable my eyes to respond to optic-therapy. My Lin Kuei knowledge poured in thanks to my sub-mind redirecting my brain patterns to change with the Occulobe. The Lin Kuei methods overrode the slow process, add sped up the adjustments to the growth patterns of the eye and the light-receptive retinal cells - the result being that I have far superior vision to normal humans, and can see in low-light conditions almost as well as in daylight. With the biotic strands ability, I can now notice when a sword or axe or something is trying to kill me or harm me. So anti assassination strikes I guess.

Galtea attached the magic rune to the Cerebus mark on my chest. They superimpose on each other. The mark now had a dark outline to it. She said it was my second magical source. My first being Makai Kingdom Chronicles of the Sacred Tome. Her hand continued to move around above me.

”What about Alita what is she up to?” Haven't heard from yet this can't be good.

Galtea looked at me, ”she is still resting. She has enough strength to wake up for a while, would you like to wake her?”

”No that won't be necessary, allow her some sleep she will need it. She will answer questions later.” My pyscho power isn't' fighting against me at all. It is actually blending well with my other powers. It hasn't fought against my soul power and has actually allowed it to match it in power. Apparently, my pyscho power went around killing my soul power selves to gain more power. But they are not fighting against me now why is that?

Galtea looked down at me, ”what is troubling you, my User. Besides the upcoming battle that is and the training.”

I told Galtea about the situation. Her response was something I did not like. An actual biotic strand left from her, it contained unease and dread.

”I have no current information on what is going on but I will look into it. That reward comes from The Trickster and the Emperor of Mankind. I can promise you that I will see to it.” Galtea looked actually paled in the face. What could she be worried about?

”Hey, are you ok? The body is new, is it not? Do you need to rest as well?” Even higher being creatures need rest, makes sense I suppose we are the same on some level.

Galtea shook her head. ”No, let's continue. You are getting closer to accessing your power from this. In due time though, the power of a Netherworld should not be trifled with. The runes have been purchased from Suikoden Tactics: The runes have been fused into one. The rune abilities are Water Force, Flowing Force, Kindness Drops, Breath of Water, Kindness Rain, and Silent Lake.”

”Will the mental upgrade work or not? In case things go south with the power?” I asked before standing up.”Considering I am gonna fight against some Archmage teacher before fighting against that guy and his cronies can't afford the mess up.” the mental upgrade used all the pulls I had left as well some items Galtea had. It was a small purchase from X-Men Legends she said.

”Everything should flow well togethor. Your teacher is here.” Galtea said as she stood up as well.”Hmm, she seems not ok anymore something is up. From the conversation we had she was ready to go I wonder what happened.”

I walked off the porch and thought about the conversation on the staircase when Galtea did the pull.

Galtea: The abilities you currently have are not true magic/magik. Using your high-level pull along with the high-level bonus that I withheld from your training, my User. World of Warcraft Universe selected.... teacher found to match User. Conflict found switching from Horde to Alliance..... Particular interest found accessing....conversing with the individual. Archmage has agreed to help for it is their duty. They have been given a rift portal to come when they are ready.User has a soul shard in Universe already that is alive. Spending 10,000 points to patch Soul.. created dual existence. Memories extracted and combining.. hostile action detected. Disconnecting patch. Brace for mental backlash my User.

System: Willpower Check 13

'Holyshit balls that hurt, what the hell is the backlash from?' Brain felt like it was in a blender. Could feel hands clawing at my skull. Was my brain trying to break out at all costs? The backlash almost brought me to tears.

Galtea: When pulling from World of Warcraft there was a sealed trace of you that touch from the Warcraft portion. Apparently, you are a sealed Blood Elf or highborn whichever you wanna call it. If you head to that Universe you will turn into a highborn, unless you wanna kill that version of you. I do not recommend that option.

'I dont' feel the memories what happened? I can feel magic that's it, but only a few vision there isn't any dialogue i can hear.

The people in the room were three humans and some elves. Two males and a female human. The elves were myself and someone else important I just don't know who.

Galtea: I will remedy the backlash now. When there is a time we will converse. Your teacher is preparing. She will meet you later due to the incident.

Back to the present. I still didn't know who was the teacher for me. Those memories still weren't here yet but I will make do. The teacher formed in front of me not too far away. I took a few steps back. Something in me told me to get my shield ready. I could feel my hackles rise whoever it was I have met them before. Well one of me has anyway. I braced for impact, adrenaline rush primed and shield ready to pop.

From what I could see she was a woman, well the curves said as much. Light blond hair could be seen. Burning magic eyes bore into me. I haven't felt eyes like that since Shepard glimpsed at me. Her strands almost killed me on there own. She stood relatively tall but the heels threw me off a little. She might be six foot. It was weird she started to change shape. She started to become more like an Elf in front of my eyes.

Such unbridled hatred, a feeling of betrayal that would put my own to shame. My heart clenched I was scared till my pyscho power flared and I relaxed a little. Then my soul power calmed me letting me know I was safe.

Galtea looked over to me. ”The transfer had some problems she was given a new race change along with a full healthy body. You are not the only User that has operated there so be forewarned a lot of lore may have changed as well as the people. She is a lot stronger than you think she is.”

Next thing I knew Galtea disappeared.

”I can feel that but who is she?” I am not an Alliance player so I can't really tell. I threw my shields up to deflect a blast of raw magic that came towards me. I focused it into a single point to protect my front half.