13 Chapter 13 (1/2)

The Assassin CookieBarkel 83650K 2022-07-21

I am laying on my back, staring at the ceiling. I had just gotten out of the mirror room two days ago. No one told me how long I had been in there for, and I didn't ask. I couldn't sleep. I hadn't been able to sleep for a few days now. I could feel myself getting stronger. With each day that I stayed here, I learned more. I learned about their citizens, their guards, I learned everything I could about them.

The most important thing I learned, was their security. They had a weapons room in the same hall as the mirror room. That is where they kept my suite. They also had trained dogs. I had never seen or heard them, but I saw a guard walking down to the medical area with a gash in his arm from a dog bite, muttering about how that dog would be killed.

Everything had been settling down now. The guards watched me but weren't at my sides at all times. I worked on a regular schedule like the other girls. Every day I got up, ate, and went to wherever we were posted for the day. My back had gotten use to the constant bent over position, so it no longer hurt after a day in the reception room. I had been getting closer to the girls, but only on the outside. I didn't let any of them have any real important information about me. They called my Jay instead of Jaycie, and they had pretty much become my new name around here.

Several guards learned the hard way, to not lay a hand on me. I had only gotten in an hour in the mirror room for beating the carp out of them. Sairyia had been getting worse. I constantly found myself dodging attacks from her or having to do useless tasks for her. Xalem refused to stop calling me his beautiful girl, and I never heard him refer to his wife as anything other than honey, wife, Sairyia, or dear. I could see jealousy in her eyes.

I could feel that I had changed. My snarky remarks came further apart. I almost never back talked now. Even when my old self would have slapped a guard silly, I just walked by, ignoring them. I put all my energy, all my focus on rebuilding myself internally first.

When I saw the sun peeking over the horizon, I got dressed. Then I walked out, and while a guard followed, I went to the dining room. After eating a simple meal, I waited for the other girls. I could feel my eyes wanting to close, but they wouldn't. I couldn't make myself fall asleep, and I no longer made myself pass out. I just waited for myself to get so tired that I fell asleep. When the girls walked in, all their eyes went to me. ”Hey Jay.” Lilith said cheerfully. I gave her a small smile. ”Hey Lil. Janel. How are you?” The smiled and sat on either side of me. I got to hear what they dreamed about why they ate.

When we all finished, we were told that we had a free day. Lilith and I walked into the garden. The guards followed but kept about thirty feet between us. The old me would have ran, but this me just stayed by Lilith's side. When we got to the middle, we sat on a bench and I decided it was time. ”Lil, would you help me with something?” She looks concerned. ”What is wrong? Are you okay? You do seem to be quieter than usual.” I laugh slightly. ”I have never been called quiet in my life.” She smiled. ”What is it?” I take a deep breath.

”I need you to make a distraction in the dining hall today. I am leaving. I am finally going to run. If you say no, I am will understand, but I need you to not tell them. Or I will have to run now, I there are a few more things I have to take care of before I leave.” She looks at me carefully. ”You want me to help you escape. Finally. I have been waiting for you to ask. I know you don't belong here, and I am glad you are finally running.” I smile at her relived. I thought it would take a lot more convincing than that to get her to agree.

”I can help you escape to if you want.” I offer. She smiles sweetly at me. ”Jay, I am here on my own decision. I am not forced to stay here. I decided to take this job.” I look at her like she is crazy. ”Why?” She smiled. ”I used to live in the big cities. After my parents died, I was on my own. One-night Xalem happened to be passing by as this guy tried to drag me out of a bar. He saved me. He realized I had no home and took me in. He let me pick my job. I picked everything. I have gone from green to red. I decided to stay a pink. I decided to stay. But you, you need to go. You need to be free. So, I will help.”

I smile at her. ”You will always have a friend here.” She says. She hugs me and whispers in my ear. ”Plus, the Queen of Hell doesn't belong here.” I laugh. ”Not another nickname. I am going to forget about them all.” I smile at her. ”I think you could use another.” I smile at her. We are quiet for a while, and I see feel my eyes getting heavier, but they refused to shut.

”Jay, I think you should try and get some sleep.” I shake my head. ”I can't. I will sleep when I am gone.” She smiles. ”I am going to the dragon.” I follow her. When we get there, she kneels down, and I follow suite. She makes a small prayer, and I laugh all the sudden. She looks at me. ”What?” ”Remember when I made my dance up here.” She laughs with me. ”I am going to miss the action. You made the past while fun.” I nod at her. ”You will see me again. Trust me.” She raises an eyebrow, but I shake my head. That is all I am saying.

We walk around the grounds, the guards following behind at a distance. When it starts to get darker, she splits away from me and heads inside. I head to my favorite spot on the whole property. It is behind the garden. There is a huge tree that has branches that spread out wide. I climb up and stare over the land. I stay here until the guards tell me I have to get down and go to dinner.

I climb down instantly. I can't help but let a shiver down me. The old me would have told them they had to come and get me. I had built myself up, but I still hadn't started acting like my normal self. I walked quietly. I was about to make my run for it. I just needed to wait for Lilith to make her distraction. I sit close to the door. Dinner starts off pretty boring. There is a lot of small talk. Halfway through, I meet eyes with Lilith. She nods and gets up. She is walking to the food table, and right into the path of a guard. When He hits into her, she falls back. I see her eyes well up with tears as he stares at her.

”Get up and go sit down.” He said. She burst into tears. All the guards head over to check it out. ”Y...y... you hurt me. Th...th...that hurt. You mo...mo...monster.” She says loudly. All the sudden all the other girls stand up, I hear Janel say to me, ”Be free Queen of Hell.” Then all the girls walk towards the girls, squishing closer to Lilith, and making it impossible for any of them to get me.

I run out the door. I get several halls away before I hear a guard say. ”Jaycie is gone. Where did she go?” I quickly take off my heels and keep running to the armory. I hear a guard yell, ”Get out of our way, we need to get her.” Their voices are traveling down the halls. I hear Janel shriek. ”You hurt my friend and you dare talk to me like that? Walk around me.” I grab me suite and run back out. I get to the door, and to the edge of the city before I hear a guard yell, ”Watch the perimeter.” I run out into the sand, in the direction of my home. I saw a map, and this led to my city. It was miles and miles, but I make it eventually.

I get about five hundred yards away when I hear the guard yell. ”Over there. Get the carriages, and dogs. I keep running. The sand is scorching hot from the day, but I force myself to run over it. I have my suite over my shoulder and my heels in my hands. Eventually rock crops surround me. I keep running until I can't anymore. I look back and there is a line of yellow. They are bringing out about twenty carriages. The yellow lanterns light is making the yellow line. I hear dogs baying in the distance.

I am breathing hard, but I force myself to keep going. I can feel myself stumbling. Eventually I fall to the ground. I stand up and lean against a huge rock. My body is begging for sleep. I force my eyes shut, but not even rest will come to me. When I open the eyes, I see the carriages are even with me, but they are about fifty yards to my left. They let the dogs out and yell a command in a foreign language. I immediately understand the language. It is one I know. They yell the word find. The dogs start sniffing. It takes two minutes for one to catch my scent.

It bolts to me, and the others follow. They circle me, and bark. The guards start walking towards me. I instantly know what I have to do. I look at each dog in the eye. Then I yell an order in the language that they are trained in. ”Heel.” They all growl at me. But I know all I have to do is be more intimidating then the guards. All I have to do is show I am more of a leader. I yell the order again. ”Heel!” One cocks it head, then goes back to growling. I take a deep breath and yell one last time. My voice in pure command. ”I said HEEL!” They stop growling. One walks up to me, then another. Then they are all at my side. The guards look shocked.

I smirk at them. Then I yell another command. ”Attack.” I point at the guards. One whines. It doesn't want to attack the ones that raised it. I get down on their level and yell again. ”Attack!” They run towards the guards and start attacking. I smile. Then I grab my stuff and run again. I run as far as I can. Then I jump on a huge rock. I can feel myself sway. It takes me a minute to realize that behind me is a carriage. ”How did they get one behind me?” It is several hundred feet off. I look back at the guards and they are stalking towards me.