30 The Goddess Athene (1/2)

”When the Goddess blesses the land...”

”Thank you for coming back, Your Holiness... You are the most needed in this midst of darkness, Goddess Athene.”

Baba Lucia murmurs. She is watching the ominous clouds in the distance. Now beautiful lights descend to the land.

”Baba Lucia?”

Harrahinah appeared behind the healer, in which Senya was floating in the air beside her.

”I'm sorry. Senya's life put in danger and—”

”If you weren't in this town when that storm appeared, we would be similar to the other villages that it destroyed, and suffered a great loss.”

”Baba Lucia...”

”I won't ask who you are. But allow me to greet you, milady.” Baba Lucia kneels on the ground and bows down.

”Please, you need not do that, Baba Lucia,” Harrahinah encouraged the old woman to get up from kneeling.

”Um…” Senya groans. ”What happens?”

Finally, Senya wakes up and it seems nothing she remembers.

”Senya! How are you feeling?” she's leaning at Senya, worried if she's feeling fine.

”Oh, sister Harrah! What happens? Whaaaa! Snow!”

Senya suddenly jumps and runs around the yard. She was mesmerizing seeing crystals falling from the sky, and Harrah feels relieved seeing she was fine now. She waves her hand behind her back and wind twirls around Senya along with the crystal lights.

”You have nothing to worry about, my granddaughter, milady. She was strong and had a strong head,” says Baba Lucia, pointing her head.

She giggles. ”I could see that… but you can drop calling me, milady, Baba Lucia.”

”It is just my honor to meet you before my life's journey ends in this world.”

”Ah…” she smiled. ”Baba Lucia, I need to leave soon. I must go to Asana City sooner.”

”I understood.”

”But before that, I need to reach my companion. The Grand Shaman must know where I headed.”

”Grand Shaman Iore?” There's a surprise in the old woman's face. But she has no doubts about that.

Harrah nodded. ”I need to meditate. I will try to search for him using a different dimension. Can I ask a favor, Baba Lucia?”

”Of course, milady.”

That day, Baba Lucia sent Senya to the town to buy spices and bread for lunch. They pretend that Harrah needs a rest. When Senya left, Harrah went to the temple where she saw a statue on the altar.

”The Goddess Athene after she blesses the land. Or shall I say, it was you, milady.”

”But it feels hard to believe she was me. I'm just a girl from another world. I never know I have this power and strength.”

”You may just be a girl in another world, but you are our Great Athene. I have no doubts, you are her reincarnation.”

Harrahinah contemplates what Baba Lucia ascertained to her. ”Could it be that my father hasn't figured it out?”

”The Great King Lionel?”

She nodded.

”I believe he must figure it out already. The moment you were born, he must know he is different.”

”I see. Now I understand. My father has been strict to me, not because he doesn't want me to go out. He was protecting me from the people to not learn what I can do as I am not an ordinary human in that world.”

Harrah sat in the middle of the temple. Outside the door is Baba Lucia watching for someone to approach.

Harrah opens a dimension inside her consciousness. Her vision opens to the entire land. The ocean, the desert, the mountains, the land above the sky, and Asana City. But she cannot find Iore's presence.

'Where is he? Iore, where are you?'

Harrah widens her visual to the entire Great Land. She gasped and opened her eyes. Harrah closes her eyes once again and observes a certain place.

”20,000 soldiers.”

She got up and walked toward the door. ”Baba Lucia.”

”Milady? Have you done searching for them?”

”A war is about to break in Northern-eastern lands. I have to go, Baba Lucia.”