”But captain! What can I do? It's not like it has anything to do with me!” ,That poor guard tried to defend himself.

”Shut up!” ,The captain of the guard shouted. He then looked at his customers and said politely, ”Respected customers! Please forgive us for whatever happened here. We formally apologise to everyone. But I have no choice but to ask everyone to leave. We have a situation here.”

The spectators sighed. They were sure that the restaurant is in unnecessary trouble. As for Arjun, in their eyes, they were already dead meat. There is no saving them.

The People from the Silverwing Clan and the Trott Clan were ecstatic. They were brimming with joy. They knew that the deal with the Raven sect had went wrong. Even though they were informed that the assassins were hired to take Arjun down. How could they be at ease until their enemy died.

But today their enemies found trouble for themselves. The mighty Raven sect will do whatever it takes to kill Arjun and others. They will definitely not hold back whatsoever.

Since Young Master Ivan and Young Master Kenneth were with them, the Raven sect will definitely kill them as well. Young Master Ivan might be some big shot in the Solar City. But here in front of the Raven sect, he was nothing but a small fry. His death is certain.

As for Young Master Kenneth. Even if he survived, he will not escape from their hands. His Keth Clan will be devastated by them. As for Farah, it's regrettable that she might be dead in the hands of the Raven Sect. But Young Master Luke was still happy. After all, this world has too many beautiful girls. So he can find many such girls in the future.


”Brother Arjun! You found a huge trouble for yourself.” ,Young Master Kenneth said with worry.

”Leave it. Whatever happens will happen. But I will never let a shadow to form in my heart. Or else my future will be as good as over!” ,Arjun said, ”If you are scared of the trouble, then forget about your cultivation.”

Young Master Ivan and Young Master Kenneth suddenly jolted. This was the first lesson Arjun taught them before teaching them the Dao! And they were still following their old vendetta.

”Sorry! We forgot the teachings. We will be more daring in the future.” ,Young Master Ivan said with embarrassment.

Arjun sighed. He knew that if these people don't change their old habits, then they will have no future. But he didn't say anything after all, changing the old habits is not easy. So he didn't take it to his heart.


Raven Sect——\u003e

”You bastard Dorian! Do you have any idea what you have done? You brought a huge trouble for us!” ,That person said with twisted expression. You actually involved Black Devil Guild in this!”

The person named Dorian said, ”But isn't this a chance for us? You have to be more daring Sect Leader. This plan will bring us endless glory.”

Dorian was the name of the Vice Sect leader of the Raven Sect. The person with anger filled face was actually none other than the branch sect leader of the Raven Sect.