He said, ”Don't worry boss! I will look after this unwelcome guest.”

”Go ahead.” ,Arjun replied, ”I want no disturbances. This is the crucial moment for me.”

”Shall I play with him? Or shall I deal it in an instant?” ,Rick asked.

”Don't bother with this tiny problem.” ,Arjun replied, ”We have a time limit. So use the formation array to kill him.”

”Yes. I understand.” ,Rick replied, ”I will use the Formation to kill him.”

When they were talking about the Forna, they were referring to the \u003c\u003cAstral Offence Defence Formation\u003e\u003e. It was the formation they have created using the \u003c\u003cChaos Offence Defence Formation\u003e\u003e as the reference.


A man in black dress was within the vicinity of the house in which Arjun and others were residing. It was the night time. And the entire city was sleeping. And the teams who were eligible for the participation in the competition which will be held in the Eagle Province were busy with training.

And yet no one knew when exactly this person has entered the city. It was as if he was completely traceless. Even the highly attentive city guards couldn't notice him. One could imagine from these details just how strong this person is who could even conceal his presence from the experienced city guards.

”Heh, how naive? I walked past them, and yet they couldn't find me. So much for the city guards. They are pathetic.” ,That man thought.

”Well, we can't expect much from them. A country bumpkin will always be the country bumpkin. It is miracle that they managed to attain the cultivation level of the second awakening stage. We can't expect much from them.” ,That man in black further said to himself.

It was the night time. So that person used the darkness to his use perfectly and didn't let anyone see him. He was an assassin to begin with. He mostly execute his plans in the mid night time. And no one can use the darkness of the night better than the people like himself perfectly to his advantage.

And on top of that, this person's cultivation level is no joke. He was someone who was hired by the vice sect leader of the Raven sect. Well, to be honest, he was just a tiny and lowly member in the organisation he works in. He can even use the Dao!

Since Arjun is a Dao Master, there is no way his organisation will send some ordinary person. They will definitely send a Dao Master as well. Since there are three people in the Star Moon Team who can use the Dao Energy, there is no way that their organisation will send some ordinary Assassin. Even among the Dao Masters, they will send high ranking ones to finish their business.

One cannot fathom how strong this organisation might be. If you when someone like the vice leader of the Raven sect has personally gone and hired them, then one could imagine the degree of terrifying power the people from this organisation is.