Arjun met Young Master Ivan. Later Young Master Ivan showed him the map which his elders gave him before the start of the preliminaries. Arjun studied the map very deeply and tried to understand it as much as possible. Others also studied the map.

Later Arjun said, ”This map is not anything difficult to decipher. In fact, it is very easy to understand. There is nothing we need to do. All we need to do is go much deeper into the forest. Then we will find the altar where the Red Ranked Monster is located.”

”That's right!” ,Young Master Ivan said, ”It is very easy to go there. But the pressure which the Red Ranked Monster releases is much more terrifying. This is what my elders said. Even he couldn't defeat the Red Ranked Monster. And we are necessarily not its match.”

”Don't worry. Don't forget what I said. Killing the Red Ranked Monster is impossible for one person. But killing it through that team effort is a possible option.” ,Arjun said.

”You are right.” ,Young Master Ivan replied as he agreed with Arjun.

”Well, what are we waiting for?” ,Arjun said, ”Let us go and kill the Red Ranked Monster.”

”Kill!!!” ,Everyone gave a loud roar filled with bravery and immediately started to rush deeper into the forest.

They didn't stop anywhere. Even though the other contestants tried to stop them, there is a divided them. They didn't even touch the Orange Ranked monsters which they had met. This surprised everyone. But nobody cared. All of their ranking is very low at the moment. And with the limited amount of time until the end of the preliminaries, they had no choice but to stay back and kill as many masters they can.

But some powerful teams, who were in the safe zone and has very good ranking didn't stay back. They couldn't hold their curiosity. They wanted to know what exactly made this people to leave the Orange Ranked Monsters behind? They wanted to know where exactly they were going? So they followed Arjun's team.

”Some people are following us!” ,After some movement, Rick couldn't hold back and said.

”Let them come.” ,Arjun replied, ”We need some people in order to understand the true strength of the Red Ranked Monsters. And who else could be the perfect bait other than these ignorant fools? So let them come. They will understand that no matter how much manpower they had, if we use the situation according to our advantage, then nothing is impossible.”

Arjun is a kind hearted man to begin with. But if some people try to mess around with his business, then he won't show any mercy. When these people came, are you and wouldn't mind if they killed the Orange Ranked Monsters after fighting it with all their strength.

But they waited until Ben make some mistake and when the monster was in vulnerable state, they simply killed it. They didn't kill any monsters. But they stole the monster which solely belonged to Ben.

But these people waited until others made the monster vulnerable and killed it when it was the right time. They all followed the same path and didn't allow any other member of the Star Moon Team to slay the Orange Ranked Monsters. Even Young Master Ivan was in the same precarious situation.