775 GATHERING (1/1)

”We all know why we are here, right?” ,Young Master Wayne said, ”The Star Moon Team is strong. We will accept this. But you all should know that they have only ten people within their team. And yet they are killing high ranked monsters without any problem.”

”That's right!” ,Young Master Kale added, ”Apparently, they have found a place where one could find too many high ranking monsters. We accidentally bumped into their location and found the bunch of high ranking monsters. We truly tried our best to take our share. But those arrogant people started to say that they were the one who found that place first. So they are the one who has the highest rights to kill all the monsters in that area. No other team has any rights to take that spit away from them.”

Young Master Wayne sighed and said, ”If we, the two Tier-1 Clans are not in his eyes, then what they think about you people? They might consider you people as nothing but mere dust. Are you people truly dust?”

”No!” ,Everyone replied emotionally.

”Then what should we do now to teach a lesson to those arrogant people?” ,Young Master Wayne asked.

”We should stay united and kill the monsters which they are feeling their own!” ,People replied in unison.

At the time, a person in the crowd asked, ”But Young Masters! Where exactly did they receive such a courage from? I mean, what is the source of their arrogance?”

”It appears that Sabretoorh Clan, a Tier-1 clan and a Tier-3 Clan known as Keth Clan were backing them.” ,Young Master Kale pretended to be sad and said, ”If it wasn't for their involvement in all this, then we would have taken out those arrogant bastards. At the beginning we thought that the team consist of only 10 people. We thought it is very easy to take them down. But we were wrong. We were careless. And when we were overpowering them, the Sabretooth Clan and the Keth Clan came out of nowhere and started to attack us. Later it was revealed that, the Star Moon Team was under their protection. And that is how we had to test the defeat. We don't know that, they were having such a powerful back up.”

Both the young Masters smiled inwardly. This was the question they were waiting for all this time. To be more honest, the person who asked this question was actually there set up. They wanted to get even with even the Sabretooth Clan and the Keth Clan.

Young Master Kale said, ”It is clear. We have faced them. So we know how strong they are. Just because they have ten people in their team, it doesn't mean that they are easy to handle. Those 10 people are very ridiculously strong. We have to be absolutely careful. And we would like to make one thing clear for you. We tell them and found that they have entered a place where they have found the orange ranked monsters!”

”If we all form an alliance and go to that location, then we could not only take care of those arrogant people, but we will also get the chance to kill the orange ranked monsters. I guess there is no need for me to tell you how many points you will get for killing an orange Ranked monster right? 500 points! You will get 500 points for killing one orange Ranked monster! And the location they have found, there exist more than 500 of them! We have seen it with our own eyes.” ,Young Master Wayne smiled and said with a friendly attitude, ”We will take you to that location. You can raise your ranking how much it is possible for you. And don't forget one thing. The time is of essence. We have only 29 days left for the end of the preliminaries. So I would like to ask you a question. Are you people with me or not?”

”We are with you!!!” ,Everyone stopped thinking as soon as they received news about the Orange Ranked Monsters, ”We will take care of those arrogant people. We will help the Young Masters in order to take their revenge!”

Everyone started to cheer loudly. Both the young masters were happy to receive this response from the crowd. They knew that this would happen. After all the temptation of the orange Ranked monsters is not something one could imagine. Especially when it has become difficult for them to find any low ranking monsters. When they suddenly revealed about the high ranking monsters, their hopes suddenly rise into its peak. Nobody wants to miss the chance to haunt the orange Ranked monsters.

Both the young master sighed. When they were captured, their ability to use any power was sealed away by Arjun and others. And they had to stay in the state for one month. And by the last day, the one month period has come to an end. And right now, they have received their ability to use their power back.

In this one month they had to leave in order. They had to live in fear as they were worried that if any monster will come across them, then they will have no power to handle them. Luckily they had found a perfect place to hide. For the past 30 days, they have been hiding there. And using the communication crystal tell, they have contacted each other once the one month time period came to an end.

Young Master Kale from the Silverwing Clan and the Young Master Wayne from the Trott Clan gathered at one place. It was just a matter of time before they find out who are the people involved with Arjun's team. It was Keth Clan. They knew it. But there was one more team who were involved and running the things from the shadow.

Sabretoorh Clan!

They had seen clearly how the Star Moon Team were deliberately bringing the monsters from their turf to their turf. And once the monsters were within the turf of the Sabretoorh Clan, they would kill it!

This scene stunned them. With this method, they didn't break the rule of the three hegemonies of the city. And at the same time, they have killed the monsters from their turf. They had seen their bracelets. Their ranking has fallen and it is not even in the top 20.