It is a common fact that training and improving one's Willpower and Soul Power is more difficult than anything else. All the cultivators in the Astral World find it hard to train in Willpower more than training in Soul Power. While the cultivators in the Chaos World find it hard to train in Soul Power more than training in Willpower.

There were only those monstrous geniuses who could be found only in the Royal Academy who possessed high degree of Willpower and Soul Power. And what's more, these people are very rare to find even in the Royal Academy!

And yet they found that Arjun could come out from the trap of the monster unscathed. The trap consist of attacks on a person's Willpower and the Soul Power. And yet Arjun managed to come out of the silver and grey colour gas without receiving any damage. This is possible only if Arjun had high degree of Willpower and Soul Power.

A barbarian like Arjun has immense Willpower and Soul Power. How could the geniuses from the noble clans even comparable to him? The elders of the giant clans sighed. All this time, they raised an impression in the minds of everyone that the descendants of the noble clan always received professional training from a highly qualified masters. And this is the reason why they are far better than anyone within the city. Needless to say, they were even better than barbarians as well.

But today the things have changed. Arjun who was a Barbarian, actually defeated the monster's willpower and Soul Power attacks. How could they take it? This is like he is giving a tight slap on their faces and saying, 'Look at me! I am far better than the geniuses from your noble clan in every aspect. What would you like to say now?'.

They couldn't digest this bitter truth. But other than trying their best to endure, there is nothing they could do. They sighed in regret and disappointment. After all, who doesn't want to have a descendant like Arjun?

While others were having their own emotions, Arjun was smiling. He immediately understood why the monsters had three heads. Each head has it's unique attack. The left head will leave the Soul related attack. While the right head will release the attack on the Willpower. While the middle head will release poison on a person. And this middle head was the one who attacked and almost killed his grandfather. One should not neglect the sharp claws of this monster. If one look down on it, then they had to pay an heavy price for it.

Arjun understood it's attack powers. He knew that the Orange Ranked Monsters are far stronger than any other monsters except for the Red colour monster. The 500 points which it gives to the one who slay it is the best proof for it's strength.

Bur what Arjun didn't understand about This Orange Ranked Monster is that how could he kill it effectively? There should be a way to kill it very quickly right?

Arjun normally wouldn't have depended on the Yin-Yan eyes. He would rather try to locate it's weak point with his own intelligence. This was the form of training which he use to train himself. But today it was different. They don't have time to waste on one Orange Ranked Monster here. They had to become the champions of the preliminaries.

But before that they had to enter the top 5000 and get the license to participate in the competition which will happen in the Eagle Province. So he had to kill the monsters very quickly.

”Damn it!” ,At that time he heard Rick's anger filled voice, ”These monsters are not only strong. But they are quick as well. I don't have any idea how to deal with them.”