”Hahahahaha ! That's my boy! Well said! Be fearless and achieve your goal. There is no need to hesitate for anything. As long as you like something, then go for it.”,Arjun said.
”I got it.” ,Ben replied.
Arjun took a huge breath of relief. His main object you for participating in this preliminaries is to make Ben have some faith within his own abilities. Ben never had confidence within himself. He had immense talent. But he always lacked in confidence.
Today Arjun made him do all the work alone. Even though it took them 10 days of time, it was still worthwhile. Because Ben finally started to walk in the right direction. And this is exactly what he wanted.
Since he finally achieved his initial goal, he now started to concentrate on his secondary goal. He said, ”Alright everyone! We have successfully captured this domain. Now let's go kill the monsters without any rest.”
”Kill!!!” ,All the members of the Star Moon Team and the Clansmen of the Keth Clan gave a huge victory roar.
Arjun said, ”Alright! We will split into two teams here. The first team will rest and look after the place and protect it from other team. In the meanwhile, the second team will go for the Monster hunting. And at the same time, the second team will protect the turf from other team in the night time. While the first team will go to hunt the monsters. In short, the first team will hunt during the day time. While the second team will hunt during the night time. Am I clear?”
”Yes!” ,Everyone replied.
Arjun then continued, ”I will take charge for the first team. While Rick will command the second team. Ben will be in my team. Alwyn will join Rick's team. As for who will be under my command and who will be under Rick's command, I will leave it to you people. Since I am going to command the first team, that means, we will be fighting during the night time. During day time, we could at least see something due to very thin and minor leakage of sun rays. But during night time we can't even see that. So let me give you a warning. I want only those people who have a very good vision in my team. Or else, there is a chance where you might die! So split yourself wisely.”
”Yes!” ,All the clansmen of the Keth Clan replied in unison.
”But make sure to work very hard.” ,Arjun said loudly, ”I have given you the opportunity. As for how high you can climb, it's all up to you guys. In the 12 hours of hunt, how many monsters you could kill is all up to you. So make the most out of the opportunity you have now.”
”Yes sir! We got it!” ,The clansmen of Keth Clan had nothing but respect for Arjun. He might be a Barbarian, but he has done so many things for them. He defeated an unfathomable existence like the Trott Clan with just two people. He defeated another unfathomable existence like the Silverwing Clan. He opened a path for them to rise in the rankings.