”It's been five years since we last met. So I was wondering how were you.” ,Sovereign of Deception said while smiling, ”By the way. How was your training?”

”It was good.” ,Jimmy replied, ”I was able to make some progress in the Dao.”

”A friendly suggestion.” ,Sovereign of Deception said, ”Don't try to entangle in the Greater Dao! You are a talented person. There is no doubt about it. But there is a reason why the geniuses from the ancient days decided to abandon the Greater Dao. And there is a reason why the geniuses from the ancient days had to create the concept of the Grand Dao. It's true that the Greater Dao is mire powerful than the Grand Dao. My serious suggestion is that you follow the modern method. Trying to master the Greater Dao is equal to forcefully stopping your future cultivation growth forever.”

Arjun was surprised slightly. But just slightly. Because he always had an hunch that the ancient peoples like the Sovereigns of Laws must have definitely knew about the existence of the Greater Dao. It was just that, they didn't have proof to prove his theory. But when he heard about the Greater Dao from the Sovereign of Deception, he was sure that his hypothesis is right. The Sovereign of Laws definitely know about the ancient technique like the Greater Dao.

”I still prefer the hard way.” ,Arjun didn't tell much. He continued, ”Cultivation is itself a tough journey. Since when did the cultivation became the easy journey? I don't know what kind of difficulty you faced when you were learning the concept of Dao. I don't even know whether you even trained in the Dao before your ascension to the Sovereignty. But training in the Greater Dao is my decision. And I don't go back from my decision just because it is tough. So I am sorry. I have to neglect your offer.”

Sovereign of Deception couldn't help but sigh. In his long experience, he knew that trying to convince a genius is very tiring work. Because these geniuses never listen to anyone. And in the opinion of Sovereign of Deception, Jimmy was no different.

As Sovereign of Deception was lost in his thoughts, Jimmy asked, ”So what brings you here, Sovereign of Deception?”

Sovereign of Deception came back to his senses. He looked at Jimmy and said, ”Since we released the Spatial Rings , things became very difficult for us. The appearance of the Spatial Rings was not any easy issue. It brought too many devotees for our Church. But there are other influential Churches, Clans and organizations who are much stronger than our Church. These Organizations provoked and tried to fill doubts in the minds of people against you and our Church! Even though the devotees are increasing at a rapid pace, because of what these bastards from other Churches or organizations have done, it became difficult for us to stop the people who started to have the negative opinion on our Church.”

Sovereign of Deception shook his head and said, ”Things are not that simple. In order to hide your identity, we had to devise a plot.”

”Plot? What kind of plot?” ,Jimmy was curious as he asked, ”Please tell me everything that happened in detail. Then I will give you my views with this.”

Sovereign of Deception nodded his head. He then started to narrate what happened in the Celestial Central Market. Later he told the response from the public. But what annoyed Sovereign of Deception the most is the actions of the Church of Knowledge.