The eight of them were completely stunned. The second awakening stage is the stage which was nothing but a dream for them. They all came to the War Realm around twenty years ago. At that time, their cultivation stages were still at the initial stages of the first awakening stage.
For the next twenty years, they all have been training very hardly. But the only strength they improved is still the mid stages of the first awakening stage. And among them, the Pavilion Lord of the Groundbreaker Pavilion was still the strongest.
They knew that they took twenty years to reach from the initial stages of the first awakening stages to the mid stages of the first awakening stage.They knew that, the time period was too long for their improvement. And they psycologically accepted that, they are not fated to be the geniuses that their respective pavilions needed.
So they accepted their fate. But today their minds shook when tey found out that Bill, who was same as them actually reached the second awakening stage? Just like them, he took around twenty years to reach from theinitial stages of the first awakening stage to mid stage of the first awakening stage. But he took just six months to reach from the mid stage of the first awakening stage to the initial stages of the second awakening stage?
One has to know that, the distance between the peak of the first awakening stage to the initial stage of the second awakening stage is akin to the gap between heaven and earth. They are actually two complete realm. And yet, Bill reached the second awakening stage in just six months?
Is that Jimmy's classes are that impressive? If that is the case, then they actually missed the same opportunity as well?
The eight pavilion lords have nothing but regrets at the moment. If they were a little brave and persisted in defending the city, then today they might be enjoying the same benefits as well. They would have been the part of the higher echelon of the committee. They would have the opportunity to let their Lifestyle Masters learn from such an awesome genius. They themselves might have advanced to the second awakening stage as well.
”Wh-What about the cultivation bases of Daniel and others?” ,Guy asked.
”They all have advanced to the second awakening stage as well!” ,Bill replied with a smile.
He smiled inwardly. When they were forced to go to the War Realm, they all were in a hope;ess situation. After travelling distances from one city to another, they were finally helped by the City Lord Ferlin. Bill didn't know about others, but he felt grateful for the help from the City Lord Ferlin!
To be honest, they didn't have any hopes for the City,s future. They never had the confidence in defending the city. But they still did it. It's not because they were arrogant. It's the sense of gratefulness they had for the city lord.
Yes. They knew that they might die in the process. But they still decided to defend the city out of the respect and payment they still had to pay for the goodwill from the city lord.