Arjun's army was cheering loudly. Their morale was at peak. They were thinking that with Jimmy around capturing the city is just a matter of time.

”Concentrate!” ,Jimmy shouted, ”We are in the middle of the war. Don't lose your focus at any cost.”

The army came back to their senses. They calmed down and listened to Jimmy's orders obediently. They once again started to focus on the situation of the war.

”Archers! Don't stop your attack!” ,Jimmy shouted, ”Destroying their defensive barrier is very important. It is the key point for our initial success. Concentrate on its vital points. Try to destroy it as soon as possible.”

Even though the archers team don't know why Jimmy was so persistent with destroying that defensive barrier they still obeyed his orders. There despite for Jimmy has not become absolute. Jim's strength made them even more respectful towards him.

This is the world where strength speaks, while weak listens. Jimmy's strength was already seen by everyone. Was he strong? He is obviously strong. If Jimmy's strength is not called strong then they should call themselves peasants.

At that time the city was started to buzz around once again. Six tiny doors opened on six different points on the city wall. If one looked at the entire scene from afar, then they would come to a conclusion that the six doors which were now open forms an hexagonal pattern.

”Archers retreat!” ,Jimmy immediately started to give command, ”Formation team one advance. Make preparations to defend the attack.”

As soon as they heard Jimmy's command they immediately understood that the enemy has use their ace card. And now it is time for them to use their own ace card.

Formation team one immediately advanced forward. The controller of the formation immediately prepared to defend any attack coming from enemy's hexagonal formation.

As per the archers team, they retreated as soon as they heard Jimmy's command. So they were no longer in the frontline attacking the defensive barrier of the enemy's formation.

A light started to come out from the Hexagonal formation. This light was red in colour. Even though the light was thin, all the cultivators felt an unknown pressure coming out of it. They all became serious. No one dared to speak even a single word. Their entire concentration was on that hexagonal formation. To be more specific, they were watching that red light which was releasing tremendous pressure.

As they all were watching the red light, the light intensified and along with that, the pressure also became more intense.

”What an overbearing pressure!” ,Someone said in astonishment.

As they were watching, the entire hexagonal formation lit up. Especially the doors. In terms of formation, those doors are the edges. They should be the support for the entire formation.

The formation team one immediately followed their orders. The controller of the formation immediately started to form a defensive barrier. And as soon as he formed the defensive barrier, a silver light which gave even more pressure than the pressure from the red light if that Hexagonal formation appeared.

The crowd were stunned when they felt the intensity of the Silver light. This intensity was truly strong and overbearing.