Even though, Arjun managed to gather all the Luminous Energy, he knew that he can't hold it for long. He didn't waste time.

He slowly walked towards the door. He couldn't walk at his leisure pace. It was impossible for him as he can't take away his concentration away from all the gathered Luminous Energy.

So his determination was on his walk. While his concentration was on the Luminous Energy. He had confidence on his determination. He even activated his Unique Dao of Intuition.

Since he can't distract his concentration from the gathering of the Luminous Energy, he had no other choice but to leave everything to his Unique Dao of Intuition. Arjun simply walked with no destination. He trusted his Unique Dao of Intuition. He believed that his Unique Dao of Intuition would not take him to a wrong destination.

His Unique Dao of Intuition didn't betray his trust in it. Under it's activation, it guided Arjun to the right direction. Arjun was concentrating on the Luminous Energy. If he took out his concentration away from the Luminous Energy, then it would ruin his hard work. He couldn't even see anything properly as everything was being visualised as a blurry image.

Arjun walked forward. Since the Unique Dao of Intuition was activated, he felt as if his Intuition was telling him to walk fifteen steps forward. Then he had to take a step left, and then he had to walk seven steps further. He didn't see anything. He didn't hear it from anyone. This directions just came to his mind as if this was the natural way. His Intuition was working as a navigation for him to reach his destination.

And just as his Intuition told him, when he walked according to the steps, he indeed reached the door for his Mind Palace. He didn't know that he reached the right destination. He didn't see it . He didn't hear it from anyone either. Since he depended on his Intuition, it was his Intuition which told him that he reached the destination. And all he needed to do is to hit the door with the Luminous Energy that Arjun worked very hard to gather.

He didn't see where exactly he needed to land his smash on the door. But he still did it. On should not underestimate the power of Intuition. When you are in helpless situation, it would be your Intuition which would help you from your crisis. Even though, the help it provide is rare, it is still very much effective.

And under the guidance of his Unique Dao of Intuition, the blow landed perfectly on the keyhole! Arjun fell on the ground. The burden which was on his head was finally gone. He felt as if he was transfered from hell to heaven in just a moment. He took a series of deep breath to calm his exhaution down.

After five minutes of rest Arjun was yet to recover. But he still recovered his exhaution sensation. It's not that he didn't want to rest, but he wanted to see the result of his hard work very badly. If that damn door didn't open, then he would curse it for the rest of his life.

His heart was beating violently from tense. But he was prepared for the worst. After mentally preparing, he opened his eyes. But to his pleasant surprise, the door actually opened!

\”I did it!!!\”

Arjun shouted loudly. No one knew where exactly he gathered all his strength from, but he still managed to shout loudly. He suddenly forgot that he was taking a series of deep breath from exhaution not long ago.

He smiled with the heart which was filled with the sense of achievement. He tried to make guesses. If the pain is high, then the reward would be marvelous! Arjun believed it firmly! But since he didn't know a damn about the Mental Energy concept, he had no choice but to give up his assumption and dashed into the Palace which he worked very hard to open!